final March 4th Kauffman details




Students need to arrive to school with their instruments, black shirt/dress uniform, concert black shoes (no sneakers), music and instrument.



Students are then dismissed from block 7, to change into uniform and prepare for the bus.


Our bus situation has challenges because of conflicting school bus routes. The plan is as follows:

Bus 1 will leave at 2:15pm- Bus 1 is ALL BAND students- drop off at Grace and Holy Trinity

Bus 2 will leave at 3:15pm- Bus 2 is ALL ORCHESTRA VIOLINS- drop off at Grace and Holy Trinity. Ms. Beasley is chaperoning this bus.

Bus 3 will leave at 3:45pm- Bus 2 is ALL ORCHESTRA CELLOS/VIOLAS/BASSES- drop off at Kauffman. Cook is on this bus.


Please see bus rosters.



The issue we had is that Kauffman won’t allow students to enter before 4:30pm.

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral downtown has graciously allowed our bus 1 and 2 students to be dropped off there where they will be able to eat, use restrooms and rest before reporting to the Kauffman. Bus 3 will report directly to the Kauffman.


These are one-way buses. All students are expected to depart the Kaufman center with a parent or another mode of transportation, we will not have a bus to take students back to North. For safety reasons, construction on Broadway, and liability of instruments, administration has made it clear that ALL students need to ride the bus to the Kaufman center and not provide their own transportation there.  Cellos/basses, please make a plan for transporting your instrument.




Students will be provided a sack meal via SMN cafeteria. Bus 1 and 2 will eat their meal at Grace and Holy Trinity. Bus 3 will need to eat before departure from SMN or on the bus to the Kauffman. The “sack dinner” is being provided by the school (free of charge), which includes PBJ sandwich, carrots, cheese stick and milk. You’re more than welcome to bring something else.


At 4:30pm, Bus 1 and 2 will walk down with Mr. Reed and Ms. Beasley (SMN Band directors) to the Kauffman, where we will meet up with Bus 3. We will enter Kauffman all together, as there is a check in process that starts at 5pm sharp.


Students will get checked in with their instrument/school group, go to their warmup space and drop off instruments before finding their seat in the Kauffman before the concert begins at 6pm.



I have received many emails of people still needing more tickets. After speaking with the organization, they have released the following statement:


The ticket links may start showing “sold out.” This is beyond our control as KCPA dictates which sections they make available when the concert is GA. That said, no concert will be truly sold out, as many people reserve more tickets than they need. Please encourage parents of your students and anyone else to show up for the concert even if they don’t have a ticket reserved. KCPA will release any unclaimed seats with plenty of time before the concert starts, so don’t worry – everyone will get a seat.


The concert begins with Youth Symphony of Kansas City Repertory Orchestra, followed by Staley High School band. SMN band is expected to take the stage by 7:20pm, and SMN orchestra by 8:10pm.


This is a concert festival where students will receive written and audio feedback from clinicians who are in the audience. This is also a huge opportunity for our students to make wonderful memories performing in one of the premiere concert halls in the world. THANK YOU for being so supportive of your student in music. Please let me know if you have any questions!


band announcements Feb. 5th-March 4th

Upcoming events:
Monday, Feb. 5th– band booster meeting at 5:45PM in the band room.  Everyone is invited to attend!  We always keep the meetings to one hour.
The next item is a copy/paste from last week, but it’s regarding this Tuesday’s concert:
Tuesday, Feb. 6th Pancake Dinner/Concert itinerary:
5:45PM- everyone meet in the cafeteria to start eating pancakes.  The cost is $8 a person.  I know it’s a little more than in the past, but all of our costs have gone up.  Although it’s optional to eat, PLEASE make plans to eat with us…it’s a really fun night to share dinner together!
6:00- both jazz bands will play in the cafeteria as everyone is eating
6:45ish- everyone walks over to the auditorium for the concert.  All bands will play two songs, in the following order: 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, symphonic band.  The concert will conclude around 7:30PM.  Students, this is a graded event.
Students, concert attire is business/Sunday best.  Slacks, button down shirt or sweater, dress, etc.  No specific color coordination.
The following copy/paste was also from last week’s email, pertaining to this Friday basketball game:
Feb. 9th– pep-band basketball game.  Report time of 6:00PM.  We’re starting a little earlier because it’s band feeder night.  This is an “all hands-on deck” game since we’ve invited all 6th-8th graders.  Please email me if you have a scheduling conflict.
New Items:
Symphonic band, we are good to go for our 3 Monday night rehearsals, Feb. 12th, 19th (Presidents Day) and 26th.  We will start at 6:30PM and go to 8:30PM.
One final note regarding the Feb. 19th rehearsal…the Jazz Ensemble will play their KMEA state concert set in the auditorium from 6:30-6:55PM.  Everyone is invited to attend, parents/students/family members, everyone!  Their KMEA state performance will be Friday, Feb. 23rd at 4:25PM at the Wichita Hyatt Regency Hotel, ballrooms D-G.
Finally, I will have more detailed information regarding symphonic band’s March 4th Kauffman center performance at a later time.  I’m waiting to get the link so you can get your free tickets.  Having said that, the concert is from 6-8PM.  Everyone is invited to attend- stay tuned regarding obtaining free tickets.
Some big events coming up, continue to get some rest!
Mr. Reed

band announcements, Dec. 11-18

2024 Symphonic band members, please sign up by the band office for a time slot for your uniform fittings.  If possible, we would like to get everyone fitted Mon/Tues (Dec. 11/12) from 2:45-5:00PM, all fittings in the band room.
Parents, we’re looking for volunteers who could help a little bit, planning for upcoming band events. This is a low to moderate time commitment, but help is needed.  If you are able to help, please contact Michele Keller at Thanks in advance for your help…here are the events:
March 1st– Spring Swing
May 5th– Pizza Jazz
May 9th– band banquet
Fall fundraising product pickup will be this Wednesday, Dec. 13th, starting after school, until 4:30PM.  Much of this is cookie dough, so it needs to be picked up Wednesday afternoon.
Upcoming events:
Tuesday, Dec. 12th– b-ball pep-band.  Report time of 5:30PM (not 5:45 as previously announced) in the band room.
Monday, Dec. 18th– b-ball pep-band.  Report time of 4:45PM.  This is a single game, not a double header.
Wrapping up the fall semester, what an incredible journey over the past 6 months!
Mr. Reed

updated itinerary for Warrensburg Fri/Sat

New updated itinerary for UCM/Warrensburg plans:


Friday, Oct. 27th, 2:40PM- all percussion and anyone wanting to earn lettering points, please help load the equipment trucks after school.  ALL wind instruments should have their instruments lined up by Friday after school…or you will need to take it with you on the bus!  Flutes/clarinets can bring their instruments on the bus, but I would prefer all other instruments are on the equipment trucks.


9:00AM- band room opens, begin loading uniform trailer.

9:30- full band at school, getting ready for visual rehearsal on field.

9:45- visual/marching rehearsal on field without instruments but wearing uniform hats.

10:30- load hats and depart SM North for Warrensburg

12:00PM- arrive at UCM parking lot (location TBD), unload truck, eat lunch in parking lot (provided by boosters), get into uniform.

2:00- musical and visual WARMUP

2:45- leave parking lot

3:00- stage for performance

3:15PM- performance

3:30- everyone stays in the stadium to watch the last 3 bands.

4:30- UCM Marching Mules performance & prelim awards ceremony


If we do NOT make finals, we head towards the busses, load truck and uniform trailer & eat dinner (provided by boosters), then head back to school.  Expected ETA to North would be around 7:15PM.


If we DO make finals, we will head back to busses, eat dinner (provided by boosters) warm up and perform, but not necessarily in that order, as it depends on when we play.  Finals performances run 6:00PM-8:15PM. Finals awards ceremony is at 8:45PM.  We will then load truck and uniform trailer and head back to North.  Depending on our performance time, we will arrive back to North somewhere between 11:00PM-12:30AM.

band announcements Feb. 26-March 4

Hello everyone-


This Friday (3/1) both jazz bands and Hocker Grove jazz band will host our annual Spring Swing!  We’ll play 2 hours of dance music.  This isn’t so much a concert as it is a party.  We will also have appetizers and other food items.  The event is in the North cafeteria from 6:30-8:30PM.  Adults are $15/ea and students are $8/ea and everyone should pay at the door.  This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the jazz program.  Again, you will have a great time, we hope to see you there!


Here’s the link to donate food items for this Friday’s (3/1) Spring Swing:


Here’s the link to help volunteer for this Friday’s (3/1) Spring Swing:


This is a really fun event, thanks in advance for everyone’s help!



Symphonic bands, our final Monday night rehearsal is today/tomorrow (2/26) on the stage, from 6:30-8:30PM.  Our Kauffman performance is next Monday, March 4th.  Here’s the link. To get your free tickets, we’re performing during the 6PM performance:


band announcements Jan. 30th-Feb. 9th

We are in need of some volunteers for next week’s Pancake dinner/concert (see below).  It’s a fun evening, but we’re needing a few more helping hands.  Please sign up using this link, thanks in advance:
A special shout out to the following students who made the KMEA all-state band!  We’ve never had this many kids make it…way to go!  Also, a special congrats to Anahi Silva, as she is the 1at 4 year all-state band student in the history of SM North!  They will rehearse/perform at the state convention in Wichita, Feb. 22nd-24th.
Anahi Silva- 2nd chair flute
Christian Adams- 11th chair trumpet
Eva Taylor- 6th chair trombone
Henry Duff- percussion/mallets
Gregor White- 1st alternate tenor sax
                                                            UPCOMING EVENTS
Feb. 2nd (this Friday)- pep-band basketball game.  Report time of 6:15PM in the band room.  This is the Hall of Fame night, so it’s a bigger deal to have everyone at this game.  Please email me if you have a scheduling conflict.
Monday, Feb. 5th– band booster meeting at 5:45PM in the band room.  Everyone is invited to attend, and we always keep the meetings to under an hour.
Tuesday, Feb. 6th Pancake Dinner/Concert itinerary:
5:45PM- everyone meet in the cafeteria to start eating pancakes.  The cost is $8 a person.  I know it’s a little more than in the past, but all of our costs have gone up.  Although it’s optional to eat, PLEASE make plans to eat with us…it’s a really fun night to share dinner together!
6:00- both jazz bands will play in the cafeteria as everyone is eating
6:45ish- everyone walks over to the auditorium for the concert.  All bands will play two songs, in the following order: 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, symphonic band.  The concert will conclude around 7:30PM.  Students, this is a graded event.
Students, concert attire is business/Sunday best.  Slacks, button down shirt or sweater, dress, etc.  No specific color coordination.
Feb. 9th– pep-band basketball game.  Report time of 6:00PM.  We’re starting a little earlier because it’s band feeder night.  This is an “all hands-on deck” game since we’ve invited all 6th-8th graders.  Please email me if you have a scheduling conflict.
That’s it for now.  Let’s hope the snow days are over!
Mr. Reed

fund raising/sym. band/calendar info. Nov. 2023


Wednesday, Nov. 15th– cookie dough/candle fundraiser ends.  Please open attachment for a reminder regarding some of the details.
Monday, Nov. 20th–  Hy-Vee sacking fundraiser, from 3-7PM at the Hy-Vee on Martway.  Please use this signup to sack some groceries!
Thursday, Nov.- 30th- Tidal Wave car wash sale ends.  Use this link for further details on how to order:
Students, we’re wrapping up symphonic band auditions this week (Nov. 13th-16th).  Please sign up for an audition timeslot by the band room office.
Please see the attachments which include the SPRING 2024 band calendar, as well as the basketball pep-band calendar.
Happy November everyone!
Mr. Reed

March 4th Kauffman free tickets link below

Hi everyone-

Although many of us are headed off to Wichita tomorrow for the state music convention, including a Jazz Ensemble performance this Friday, at 4:25PM in in the Wichita Hyatt Regency ballrooms, I wanted to get ticking information out for the March 4th Kauffman performance.


The SM North Symphonic Band will perform at the Kauffman on Monday, March 4th at 6:00PM.  Tickets are free!  However, you need to use the link below to receive your tickets.


Again, please reserve your tickets and spread the news to EVERYONE you know, this is going to be a very special night!  Here’s the link:


We are performing at the 6PM concert.


Between Pancake dinner, KMEA convention, Kauffman, spring swing, all within 4 weeks of each other…wow!


Mr. Reed

NAB fest. & IMPORTANT fundraising info

Tuesday, Jan. 23rd North Area Band Festival items:
Symphonic band and jazz ensemble, regarding Tuesday’s North Area band festival, we are planning to move forward, even if there’s no school Monday (Jan. 22nd). Even though Tuesday is an “EVEN” day, symphonic band members are excused from block 2 and should report to the field house with instrument and music.  As a reminder, this is an early day for ALL symphonic band members.  Percussion (and anyone wanting to earn lettering points) please arrive by 7AM in the field house.  In addition to setting up 300+ chairs, we also need EVERY music stand in the building, plus percussion, plus our sound system for the jazz ensemble.  All symphonic band members should report NO LATER THAN 7:15AM.  Please be early Tuesday, as there are so many moving parts as elementary students arrive during block 2.
-To clarify, concert band, freshman band and block 3 jazz band do NOT play at this event.  Block 2 concert band, we WILL rehearse during 2nd half of block 2 this Tuesday, please bring instrument and music to the field house.
-Report time for all symphonic band members is 6:30PM in the band room, in full uniform, ready to warm up.
-Report time for block 4 jazz ensemble is 6:10PM in the learning commons, with instruments in full uniform.  We are shooting the official KMEA program photo for our state convention performance.  After taking that photo, we will meet the rest of the symphonic band in the band room at 6:30PM.  I realize there is a possibility of a scheduling problem with swimmers and the fact it’s senior night.  If jazz band swimmers cannot make the 6:10PM learning commons time, we’ll have to take the photo AFTER the NAB fest- we’ll do what we have to do to get that photo!
                                    NEW FUNDRAISER FOR BAND:
Band fundraiser, Jan. 26th– Feb. 16th
I normally try not to overdo fundraising opportunities, but this one has a bigger scope than most fundraisers.  We are doing this to continue building on our success of last season’s marching band.  Bottom line, with props, drill design, music arranging, the marching season is expensive!  We’ve always depended on our SMN Marching Invitational to fund most of our needs, but if it ever rains that day or we don’t get enough bands, that resource could potentially not be there.
Kids/students, the only thing we need for you to do is create an account using the schoolfundr participation document, input 20 emails of people you know, and that’s it!  Parents, it would be great if you could help your child with this, as I’ve found teenagers don’t use email as much as adults/family!  Also, we’ve confirmed emails are not sold or used by 3rd parties, as soon as our fundraising window closes, they won’t be used again for anything.  Emails will be sent via to your family/friends to donate.  Your family/friends will receive an email every 2-3 days within our 21-day window.  Once someone donates, they will stop receiving emails during this 21-day window.
The beauty of this is that 100% of the donations go to our band!  There’s a suggested “tip” for the company that sets all this up for us, but it’s not required.  This is a really amazing opportunity.
To clarify, this is for the overall band needs, donations are not earmarked for a specific student’s band account.  This will also help us not raise the $75JV/$125 varsity band fee for next year.
To finish up, I’m super excited about next year’s marching season, and these funds will help us stay relevant and competitive!  Write back with any questions.
That’s it for now, looking forward to seeing all of you more often in class!
Mr. Reed


wrapping up marching & band announcements Oct. 30-Nov.7

Dear band family-
It’s hard to express everything I’m feeling. Last Saturday was definitely one for the books…in so many ways! It was amazing and satisfying to see the kids’ work and efforts over the last three months be rewarded at that level. What an amazing accomplishment.  To my knowledge, that’s the best ranking SM North has had in the 43-year history of the UCM marching festival!
I was so excited to be in the top five for prelims, but then to get second place in finals was beyond anything I could have imagined. It was not only the perseverance, grit and determination the kids demonstrated in rain and 30° weather, it was the grit and determination over three months.  Parents, I’m so proud of your kids, it’s humbling to work with these wonderful young men and women.
I’m also incredibly thankful for all of the parents that helped on Saturday.  At times, the only thing that kept me warm were the positive vibes and energy that the parents brought throughout the day. It was cold and raining on you too, but the kids couldn’t have done it without you.  There are too many parents to thank, but a huge shout out to Michele Keller for organizing everything.  A special shoutout to Corey and Jennifer Goering, for making the beautiful masterpiece, that beautiful rosebush…Thank you so much for the countless hours of making a bold idea into a beautiful, amazing reality.
Long story short, it was an intense marching season that ended perfectly… Thank you everyone, from the bottom of my heart.
Band announcements:
We’re kicking off our yearly fundraiser, those materials are being handed out tomorrow and Wednesday during class.  Parents, please look for these materials this week.
We are taking the varsity marching band yearbook photo this Friday, Nov. 3rd before school. The band room will be open at 6:45 AM, everyone should be in full uniform with instruments in the field house no later than 7:10 AM.  We need to take the picture before school so we can have winds/percussion/dance team together.
Saturday, Nov. 4th– District honor band auditions.  Students who are auditioning for the district band should be at Gardner Edgerton high school by 7:30am. See Mr. Reed with any other questions.
Next Monday, November 6th-
We’re going to have a band movie night! Beginning at 7:00PM, we will watch a movie either in the band room or little theater. Bring popcorn or candy, whatever you would normally have at the movies, and we can all enjoy each other for a couple of hours without any work attached!  Of course, this is 100% optional, just for fun.
Nov. 7th– Jazz band concert at 7PM in the auditorium.  Both North jazz bands will perform.  Everyone is invited to attend, and it will last around 45 minutes.  Jazz students should arrive no later than 6:40PM with jazz shirt and ready to warm up.
And off we go towards new adventures!  🙂
Mr. Reed