Band Booster Information

Band Boosters/Shaw-Mi-No Parent Organization

The Band Booster organization is made up of parents who provide vital support for the band students at Shawnee Mission North. We are looking forward to a busy and exciting year! If you would like to be more involved, please notify a board member to volunteer!

  • 2024-2025 Band Booster Board Members
    Directors: Galen Whisman ([email protected]) Ed Tovar ([email protected])
    President: Michele Keller
    Vice President: Ben Marselus
    Treasurer: Wenonah Carmody
  • Secretary: Andrew Robison
    Fundraising Coordinator: Open
    Uniforms: Stephanie Nielsen
    At Large: William Hannah (Invitational)
    At Large: Jennifer Buckbee & Kristin Wear

All meetings take place in the band room at 5:45 PM

September 7

October 5

November 2

January 10

February 1

April 5

May–Band Booster Board vote at Spring Concert

Parents, please take a moment to look over our list of volunteer opportunities.  We need help with everything from water patrols for the games to truck drivers for marching festivals!  Look for emails containing Sign-up Genius links to get involved, or contact your Booster Board members.

Marching Band Student Fees

The Shaw-Mi-No Band Parent Organization has determined that a contribution of $125 per Varsity Marching Band student and $ 75 per JV Marching Band student is necessary to maintain our current level of activities. This money reflects the cost per student to run the Marching Band program for first semester Marching Band students.  Any money that a student raises by fundraising goes directly into their individual account and can be used to help cover program costs and/or pay for travel in years when there is a trip. Each student must start the year off with the appropriate balance paid in his or her account or with a signed Payment Agreement on file before a uniform will be issued.
A lot of hard work and dedication by students, staff and parents will go into all of the activities this year. The board welcomes and encourages the participation of every parent to help ensure that all of the activities run smoothly. We look forward to working with everyone this year.

Booster By-Laws


By-Laws P2

Booster Board Minutes