Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands

band announcements Jan. 31-Feb. 7 AND 2023 band camp dates

Tuesday, Jan 31- pep-band b-ball game.  Report time of 6:00PM.


Monday, Feb. 6- pancake dinner/concert!

6:00PM- everyone eats pancakes in the cafeteria as the two SM North jazz bands play.  Although students/families are not required to eat the pancakes dinner, we would really appreciate everyone eating as a group!  Dinner is $7.00 for all-you-can-eat, and Chris Cakes is our caterer.  In addition to pancakes, they’re also including sausage and orange juice.  We’re planning on at least 250 people eating with us.  In addition to a great meal, it’s lots of fun!

6:45PM- everyone transfers to the auditorium for the formal portion of the concert.  The order of performance is: 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, symphonic band.  Each group will perform two tunes, and the concert should wrap up around 7:45 or so.

To clarify, this is a graded/required performance for ALL SM North band students.  All students need to stay for the entire event.


Tuesday, Feb. 7- pep-band b-ball game.  Report time of 6:00PM.  There is also a booster meeting this same evening, which is 5:45-6:45PM in the choir room.


ALL band students, if you haven’t dropped by to pick up a pair of aviator sunglasses, please do so after school any day you wish.  ALL band students receive a free pair of sunglasses, regardless of whether you traveled to Florida!



Listed below are the 2023 Summer Band camp dates.  Students and parents, PLEASE do your best to make travel/vacation plans around theses dates, especially if you’re planning to be in varsity band.  As a parent of 3 children who all participated in varsity band here at North, I know this can be difficult…but so many varsity students are planning on a 100% participation rate, as we learn a significant portion of the competitive marching band show during this camp.    It’s the same basic schedule as last year, except a few days later on the calendar, as the school year is starting a few days later relative to this year.  Having said all that, please let me know if there’s going to be a scheduling issue.


Summer Band Camp Dates 2023:

July 24- section leader training- 9AM-4PM

July 25-28- Drumline camp (varsity bat/pit)- 4-8PM

July 27/28- JV and new varsity marchers 8-11:30AM

July 31-Aug 8- Band Camp (varsity/ no weekends)- 8AM-4PM

Aug. 8- Band Camp picnic (varsity & JV) 6-7:30PM


pep-band info. and sym. band uniforms

Hello everyone-
Remaining b-ball pep-band dates:
Jan. 31
Feb. 7
Feb. 17
Feb. 21
All report times are 6:00PM in the band room.  FYI- Feb. 17th is also feeder night, so please get here a little earlier for that one!  Lots of 6th and 8th graders in the band room.
Symphonic band:
Symphonic band uniform fittings are today and tomorrow (Jan. 17th & 18th) from 5:30-7:00PM.  The signup is still located by the band office.  Fitting slots are in 15 minutes increments.  We’re trying to get everyone in uniforms for the Jan. 24th  North Area Band Festival.  If we don’t have the band into uniforms, we obviously can’t wear them.  IF…there’s just no way to go to either fitting time, please tell me ASAP so we can make an alternate time with Ms. Hall.  FYI- 39 of the 49 symphonic band students have already signed up for a time, thank you!
We’re off to a great start in 2023!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements Dec. 4th-13th

A big congratulations to the following students who participated in the NE KMEA mini convention this Saturday:  James Barton, Henry Duff, Jack Eaton, Sofia McGhee and Anahi Silva.  They are now slated to audition on January 7th for the state band!


A reminder that our Winter Concert will be held Tues. Dec. 13th.  Note, this concert will start at 6:30PM, NOT 7:00PM as the calendar states.  The order of performances is: percussion ensemble, orchestras, bands. ALL band students should report to the band room by 6:10PM.


FLORIDA PARTICIPANTS: At the conclusion of this concert, we will have a required meeting.  All participants and at least one parent should attend.  We are required to take attendance.  We will cover legalities, precise itineraries and we will introduce all chaperones.  The meeting will last about 45 minutes.



Lettering opportunity for any band students: Hocker Grove has their Winter concert Monday, Dec. 5th at 7PM in the field house.  If anyone can either help set up at 5:45PM or help get equipment back to the band room at 8:00AM, we would be thrilled to meet you in the field house.  Lettering points awarded for this service.  Thank you!


Both jazz classes, we have our yearbook photo at 7:45AM this Tuesday, Dec. 6th, in the field house.  Please remember to bring your jazz shirt for this photo.



Now a note from our fund raising chairperson, Ms. Kronawitter-

Hello North Band Families,

Reminder for those that participated in the Fundraiser – Pickup is Tuesday, December 6, from 3:30pm-6:00pm, in the North Auditorium lobby. Please make arrangements to pick up your orders during this time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at joeandmoe@rocketmail.com, or 913-522-6163.

Also, please be advised that online sales are still open through the end of the year (Ship to Home option only), so if you missed the deadline, or want to raise some more funds, you can visit the website, www.clubschoicefundraising.com; School code – SHAW35. Please be advised that any funds raised at this point CAN NOT be used for the upcoming Florida trip, but can be used for future band fees and/or trips.

Maureen Kronawitter


That’s it for now.  I hope everyone is enjoying December!

Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

tentative (as of 11/14/22) schedule for Orlando, FL trip

Dec. 25-

10PM- depart North


Dec. 26-

8PM- arrive in Orlando


Dec. 27-

Morning clinic Univ. Orlando with Dr. Lubaroff

Afternoon/evening in Cocoa Beach


Dec. 28-

Morning rehearsal for Cheez-It Bowl
afternoon/evening at Universal Studios


Dec. 29-

Morning rehearsal for Cheez-It bowl

Afternoon/evening performance for Cheez-It Bowl


Dec. 30-

All day at Universal Studios/ Island of Adventure


Dec. 31-

All day at Disneyworld

6PM recording workshop @ Disneyworld


Jan. 1-

Morning departure back to KC. Jan. 2- early arrival back to SM North

band announcements Nov. 1-17

Hello everyone-
Two events this Tuesday, Nov. 1st:
-Band booster meeting at 5:45PM in the band room.  Everyone is invited to attend.  Parents, this is a great way to get plugged into the band booster organization!
-Jazz band concert at 7PM in the auditorium.  Blocks 3 and 4 jazz bands will be playing.  Free admission to all.
Now a note from our fund-raising chair, Ms. Kronawitter:
Hello North Band Families,
How are those sales going? We are one week in, with one week to go for our Fall Band Fundraiser. Remember, 40% of each participant’s sales will go directly to their individual account, and will be available for the final trip payment. Selling has never been easier – in addition to the traditional catalog ordering, let your friends and family know they can also order ONLINE and have those orders delivered directly to their home. Packets went home last week, and they contained all the information you need, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at joeandmoe@rocketmail.com,.
As of last Thursday, Oct. 26th Totals: 18
  • Retail: $839.00
  • Profit: $344.60
  • Units: 41
All orders are due next Monday, November 7, 2022, so don’t wait another minute – NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED –   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSuCX3Vhn2o
Maureen Kronawitter
Students, if interested, please sign up for:
-Symphonic band auditions, which occur Nov. 14th-17th after school.
-Basketball pep-band!  Please sign up by this Friday, Nov. 11th, so we can order pep-band shirts.
Finally, traveling participants final Florida trip installment is due Tuesday, Nov. 15th.  Thanks in advance for taking care of this.  Online payments can be made at www.smnorthbands.org or check made payable to Shaw-Mi-No can be brought to the school and given to Mr. Reed
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

wrapping up marching band 2022

Dear band family-
There are simply no words to describe last Saturday at UCM.  Parents, you are truly amazing, self-sacrificing people.  Volunteering all day, many of you missing the show to hold a prop.  So many memories were created that day…parents, you are truly amazing!
Kids, what a rollercoaster afternoon.  Having an incredible prelims run, only to hear we didn’t make finals, then to learn we DID qualified for finals.  Then another great show!  Then once back to North after midnight, and everyone stayed to unload.  What a moment, what a day.  I’m getting a little emotional as I’m typing this!  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you everyone for making this marching season so memorable.
The only announcement is that varsity students will have the official yearbook photo in the field house this Wednesday (Oct. 26th) at 7:10AM.  Band room will open at 6:45AM, have full uniform and instrument.  We’ll take the full band photo, followed by drumline and group photos, followed by individual pictures.  Please don’t be late or miss it, or you won’t be in the marching band yearbook photo.
Also, here’s an announcement from our fundraising chair, Ms. Kronawitter:
Hello North Band Families,
Today we kick off our big fundraiser for the year. Packets will be going home with students today! I encourage everyone to take part in this opportunity to raise funds for your band kid. 40% of each participant’s sales will go directly to their individual account. For those of you participating in the upcoming band trip to Florida, these funds will be available to use for the final payment that is due on November 15. But, even if you’re not participating in this band trip, the funds that your student raises will be placed in their individual account, and can be used for yearly band fees and/or future band trips, which typically happen every 2 years. Your packet will contain all the information you need, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at joeandmoe@rocketmail.com, or 913-522-6163.
Maureen Kronawitter
Those traveling to Florida, your LAST installment is due Tues. Nov. 15th.  You can send a check to me at school (made payable to Shaw-Mi-No) or visit www.smnorthbands.org and click group member payments.
Well, that’s a wrap for the marching season.  What memory, what a season, what an incredible group of people we get to work with.  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements Oct. 17-22

SM North band family-
Although I try to keep these emails to nuts and bolts, and itineraries, I’m going to use a little bit more prose on this one. We were so very proud of our band community yesterday.  The preparation from dozens of people truly paid off, as our large group of student and parent volunteers worked at the festival, it went off about as good as any invitational we’ve ever had. Thank you so much for everyone’s attention to detail, and work ethic. Varsity kids, your performance last night was probably the best of the year, so we are in a good place to make our final push for this coming Saturday. But to top off the invitational, I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to the evening, as so many of you stayed that extra hour to clean up our entire campus… That’s about as fast and efficient as we’ve ever been. It was basically close to a perfect day…Thank you everyone!  So let’s talk about this final week of marching band, as we prepare for Warrensburg.
Monday, Oct. 17- NO early rehearsal, rest up for our final Monday night rehearsal, which is 6:30-8:30PM in the stadium.  This is a 90 minute odd day, we’ll see winds but no percussion.
Tues.- regular “even” day of school so we’ll see varsity percussion, no winds.
Wed. -6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band.  This is an “odd” day.
Thurs.- regular “even” day of school so we’ll see varsity percussion, no winds.
Fri- P/T conferences during day, no school.  Although we originally had a 9-11AM rehearsal scheduled, we have been told we cannot rehearse between 8AM-3PM.  So we will have our final early morning rehearsal from 6:45AM-8:00AM.  For whatever it’s worth, we plan on bringing donuts for everyone.  😊
Saturday- UCM Warrensburg marching festival itinerary:
8:30- band room opens, checkout uniform
9:30- depart North to Warrensburg in uniform (uniform top off)
11:00- arrive at UCM, unload truck
12:00PM- eat lunch at bus.  Lunch provided by boosters.
12:45- walk to stadium
1:00- watch 5 bands
2:15- depart stadium, back to bus
2:30- arrive back to bus, uniform tops on
3:00- warm-up process
4:00- stage to gate
4:15- arrive at gate
5:15- prelim awards
If we do not make finals, back to bus, load and depart.  Sack dinner provided by boosters.
If we do make finals, look on ReMind app for further instructions.
9:15- finals awards ceremony
9:30- back to bus, load and depart.
– also, if participating with the Florida trip, please make sure accounts are funded to $1,800.  Shaw-Mi-No is receiving a final invoice this Thursday.  You also need to register with WorldStrides, per my email last Friday. 51 students and 10 adults have successfully completed this important step.
Again, we’re so proud of your accomplishments and efforts yesterday.  One more week, you’re doing great!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements Oct. 3-8

Symphonic band/KMEA music has been out for some time.  Please pick up after school anytime you like.  The deadline to signup for KMEA honor band auditions is this Wednesday, Oct. 5th after school.  Signup by band office.  Signups for symphonic band auditions will go up in late October, with auditions held November 14th-17th.
FLORIDA ANNOUNCEMENT: roommate signups will go up tomorrow after school.  If you are attending the Florida trip, please start talking about who you want to room with.  If you don’t sign up, I would be happy to assign your roommates for you.  4 students per room. 2 chaperones per room.  Chaperones, if you want to request a roommate, please email me and I’ll make that happen.  The deadline for roommate signups is next Monday, Oct. 10th.
Oct. 3rd-8th band announcements:
Oct. 3rd– 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band.  Also on Oct. 3rd, SMSD Marching Band Festival!  Parents, this is in the SM South stadium, and free to the public.  Varsity students, this is a graded event, and all students must ride the bus to and from SM South. The order of performance is: West/North/East/Northwest/South.  PARENTS, we will sit on the north side of the home stands (closer to 103rd ST).
2:40PM- percussion students and anyone who wants to help (lettering points awarded), begin loading truck by band room.  Once loaded, break for dinner.
4:30- parents loading props/fronts into trailer.
5:00- band room opens, get in full uniform.
5:30- load bus and leave for SM South stadium.
6:00- arrive at South, get props ready and warm up.
7:00- Festival begins.
8:30ish- festival concludes.  Load truck/trailer, back to SM North.
9:00ish- unload truck, return uniforms and dismiss.
Oct. 4th– normal day of school with one exception.  Hocker Grove bands and block IV jazz concert.  Report time for block IV is 6:15PM, concert begins at 7:00PM and should be over by 8:00PM.  Block IV students, I would really appreciate some help at 6:00PM setting up the stage for Hocker Grove.
Oct. 5th– 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band
Oct. 6th– normal day of school
Oct. 7- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band.
Oct. 8th– Varsity band’s Olathe Marching Festival @ Olathe NW HS.  Parents, this is a ticketed event.  Participating varsity students get in free.  All parents need to pay a $10 fee at the gate CASH ONLY.  Senior citizens and visiting students pay $5.  Children 5 and under are free.
Oct. 8rd itinerary:
Students should wear show shirt throughout the day and underneath uniform.  Don’t forget long black socks.
7:45AM- band room opens- load truck/props trailer
8:30- change into uniform, load garment bags into uniform trailer
9:20- depart SM North in full uniform to Olathe Northwest
9:45- arrive @ Olathe NW- unload trucks/trailers
10:50- begin stretching/physical warmup
11:20- move to warmup area
11:25- musical warmup
11:55- move to stadium
12:05PM- on deck
12:30- back to busses, change out of uniforms, eat lunch in parking lot (provided by boosters) and return to stadium to watch bands.
3:45- prelim awards- everyone should be sitting together in stands, watch ReMind app
5:30-9:15PM- 2nd round of performances.  We won’t know our schedule until after prelim awards ceremony.  In that time, we will get back into uniform, warm up and perform.  Students, please bring money for a dinner via their concession stands.  Since we’re one of the smaller bands, I’m guessing we would perform between 5:30-7:00PM.
9:30- Olathe North performance in exhibition
9:45- finals awards
10:00- back to busses- load truck/trailers.  Depart for SM North.  Upon arrival home, unload truck/trailers/uniforms and depart.
Announcements beyond Oct. 8th
Oct. 13th final home game (on Thursday night)
Oct. 14th– varsity marching rehearsal 10:00AM-12:30PM on stadium field.  There is no school this day
Oct. 15th– SM North Marching Invitational!  There will be another email regarding this huge event.
Oct. 21st varsity marching rehearsal 9-11AM. There is no school this day
Oct. 22nd– UCM Warrensburg marching festival. We don’t know performance times yet, hopefully early afternoon and evening.
We’re looking forward to a wonderful 3 weeks!  Thanks again to Shaw-Mi-No parents who helped last Friday night…the kids had a great first time run of the entire show!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements Sept. 26-Oct. 3


Parents, please click on the signup genius link if you can help with this Friday’s (Sept. 30th) home football game.  Thanks in advance for your help:
Sept. 26th Monday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity students.  Don’t forget that all brass/woodwinds should allow extra time to get all of the fronts and panels out to the field BEFORE our 6:45AM rehearsal.  We will also have our 6:30-8:30PM rehearsal for varsity.  This is HUGE rehearsal as we’ll have all props and sound system out.
Tuesday- regular school.
Wednesday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity students.
Thursday- regular school
Friday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity students.  Home football game/feeder night:
4:30PM- band room opens
4:45- section leaders/seniors should report, as Hocker Grove students begin showing up at 5:00PM.
5:00- section leaders/seniors meet Hocker Grove students in parking lot, eat dinner with them.  We will also begin handing out uniforms in the band room.
6:10- ALL varsity students report to upper field, in full uniform and instrument for attendance.  All JV students are invited and encouraged to attend and play in the stands, as this is 1 of the 4 nights to fulfill playing at two games.  JV students, if you haven’t gone to a game yet, we just have this Friday and one more in October.
6:45- pregame begins.  After tunnel, we’ll go to the  stands.  JV and Hocker Grover students help make the tunnel on the field.
7:00- game begins.  We’ll perform at halftime.
PARENTS…AFTER HALFTIME, we will have our SMN Marching Invitational meeting in the band room, starting after the halftime show is over.  We strongly encourager ALL SMN band parents to attend this meeting.  We will conclude before the 4th quarter begins so you can watch your child play in the stands.  The Oct. 15th Invitational (thus the parent meeting at halftime) is an “all hands on deck” situation.  We’re hosting over 1,300 visiting marchers from 10 different schools…we really need everyone to pitch in for at least a little bit that day.
The following Monday, Oct. 3rd– 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band students.
Also, on Oct. 3rd for varsity band, the SMSD Marching Festival!  Parents, this is in the SM South stadium, and free to the public.  Varsity students, this is a graded event, and all students must ride the bus to and from SM South.
2:40PM- percussion students and anyone who wants to help (lettering points awarded), begin loading truck by band room.  Once loaded, break for dinner.
5:00- band room opens, get in full uniform.
5:30- load bus and leave for SM South stadium.
6:00- arrive at South, get props ready and warm up.
7:00- Festival begins.  I don’t know the order of schools, but I’m guessing we’ll play 2nd or 3rd.  All five SMSD marching bands will perform.
8:30ish- festival concludes.  Load truck, back to SM North.
9:00ish- unload truck, return uniforms and dismiss.
It’s getting real, we only have 4 more weeks of marching band, and it’s all in the books!  Ms. Fillingham and I are so excited about this show, continue to make good decisions, get plenty of rest and make sure you’re at all events.
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements- Sept. 19-23

Monday, Sept. 19th- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity marching band.  We will begin in the band room, as the football team is using the stadium.  Varsity band also has 6:30PM-8:30PM, in which we will be in the stadium.  This is going to be a huge and very important rehearsal, as we’re bringing out all the props and full sound system!
Tuesday- regular day of school
Wednesday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity marching band.  Later that day we have the Bonner Springs Marching Festival!  As many of you know, SMSD has a shortage of bus drivers this year.  The 3:15PM-4:45PM rehearsal time is due to the fact our busses cannot get to BSHS any sooner than 4:45PM, to bring us back to SM North.  Any students who are involved with another school activity on this day can have a parent pick their child up as early as 3:00PM, PROVIDED this has been set up in advance.  Communication is the key, please email me with specific scheduling issues.
Students, although the band will bring our orange water containers, PLEASE bring your own water, as Wednesday could still be a little warm.
There is currently a 30% chance of rain Wednesday afternoon.  There’s a small chance of just staying at North, but we plan on traveling to BSHS unless we know we’re going to get soaked for a long period of time.
Parents, this festival is free and open to the public.  The stadium address is 100 McDanield St. Bonner Springs, KS  66012
10:00AM- percussion students released from block 3, and report to band room, begin loading truck
11:00- all students eat 1st lunch
11:30- report to band room, continue loading truck
12:30- depart North in show shirt and any color shorts
1:00- arrive at BSHS, begin to unload truck
1:30- begin warmup routine
2:45- marching/music clinic with K-State music staff.  Begin loading sound equipment
3:15- clinic ends, will head inside for a break and rehearsal
4:45- load bus and travel home.
5:15- arrive @ North, unload truck.
Thursday- regular day of school
Friday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity marching band.
Also on Friday, we have an “away” football game @ SM North vs. SM East (East is the home team).  Report to band room no later than 6:20PM.  We will walk over around 6:35PM to the away side of the stadium .  Game begins at 7:00PM.  As per the calendar, this is a required performance for varsity band members, and block 7 band members are strongly encouraged to attend.  Students who have another school activity, please let Mr. Reed know.
Also, and I know this sounds sort of funny, but please DO NOT WEAR your show shirt to this game!  I love our show entitled “Out of the Blue”…but we will look sort of funny if the North pep-band is wearing all blue when playing SM East!  So any clothing that’s school related or red/black colors.
MISC. announcements:
-Students, as we are preparing for October, please email Mr. Reed with any dietary restrictions that we need to be aware of when providing food for the band.
-As the deadline for changing participation status for Florida expired last Friday, we plan on sending a final trip roster via email within the next 7-10 days.  Ms. Duckworth will be preparing refund checks this week, but please allow 7-10 days to get everything organized.  Thanks for your patience.
That’s it for now!  Really getting excited about the upcoming festival performances over the next 5 weeks!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham