Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands
band announcements Jan. 31-Feb. 7 AND 2023 band camp dates
Tuesday, Jan 31- pep-band b-ball game. Report time of 6:00PM.
Monday, Feb. 6- pancake dinner/concert!
6:00PM- everyone eats pancakes in the cafeteria as the two SM North jazz bands play. Although students/families are not required to eat the pancakes dinner, we would really appreciate everyone eating as a group! Dinner is $7.00 for all-you-can-eat, and Chris Cakes is our caterer. In addition to pancakes, they’re also including sausage and orange juice. We’re planning on at least 250 people eating with us. In addition to a great meal, it’s lots of fun!
6:45PM- everyone transfers to the auditorium for the formal portion of the concert. The order of performance is: 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, symphonic band. Each group will perform two tunes, and the concert should wrap up around 7:45 or so.
To clarify, this is a graded/required performance for ALL SM North band students. All students need to stay for the entire event.
Tuesday, Feb. 7- pep-band b-ball game. Report time of 6:00PM. There is also a booster meeting this same evening, which is 5:45-6:45PM in the choir room.
ALL band students, if you haven’t dropped by to pick up a pair of aviator sunglasses, please do so after school any day you wish. ALL band students receive a free pair of sunglasses, regardless of whether you traveled to Florida!
Listed below are the 2023 Summer Band camp dates. Students and parents, PLEASE do your best to make travel/vacation plans around theses dates, especially if you’re planning to be in varsity band. As a parent of 3 children who all participated in varsity band here at North, I know this can be difficult…but so many varsity students are planning on a 100% participation rate, as we learn a significant portion of the competitive marching band show during this camp. It’s the same basic schedule as last year, except a few days later on the calendar, as the school year is starting a few days later relative to this year. Having said all that, please let me know if there’s going to be a scheduling issue.
Summer Band Camp Dates 2023:
July 24- section leader training- 9AM-4PM
July 25-28- Drumline camp (varsity bat/pit)- 4-8PM
July 27/28- JV and new varsity marchers 8-11:30AM
July 31-Aug 8- Band Camp (varsity/ no weekends)- 8AM-4PM
Aug. 8- Band Camp picnic (varsity & JV) 6-7:30PM
pep-band info. and sym. band uniforms
band announcements Dec. 4th-13th
A big congratulations to the following students who participated in the NE KMEA mini convention this Saturday: James Barton, Henry Duff, Jack Eaton, Sofia McGhee and Anahi Silva. They are now slated to audition on January 7th for the state band!
A reminder that our Winter Concert will be held Tues. Dec. 13th. Note, this concert will start at 6:30PM, NOT 7:00PM as the calendar states. The order of performances is: percussion ensemble, orchestras, bands. ALL band students should report to the band room by 6:10PM.
FLORIDA PARTICIPANTS: At the conclusion of this concert, we will have a required meeting. All participants and at least one parent should attend. We are required to take attendance. We will cover legalities, precise itineraries and we will introduce all chaperones. The meeting will last about 45 minutes.
Lettering opportunity for any band students: Hocker Grove has their Winter concert Monday, Dec. 5th at 7PM in the field house. If anyone can either help set up at 5:45PM or help get equipment back to the band room at 8:00AM, we would be thrilled to meet you in the field house. Lettering points awarded for this service. Thank you!
Both jazz classes, we have our yearbook photo at 7:45AM this Tuesday, Dec. 6th, in the field house. Please remember to bring your jazz shirt for this photo.
Now a note from our fund raising chairperson, Ms. Kronawitter-
Hello North Band Families,
Reminder for those that participated in the Fundraiser – Pickup is Tuesday, December 6, from 3:30pm-6:00pm, in the North Auditorium lobby. Please make arrangements to pick up your orders during this time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at joeandmoe@rocketmail.com, or 913-522-6163.
Also, please be advised that online sales are still open through the end of the year (Ship to Home option only), so if you missed the deadline, or want to raise some more funds, you can visit the website, www.clubschoicefundraising.com; School code – SHAW35. Please be advised that any funds raised at this point CAN NOT be used for the upcoming Florida trip, but can be used for future band fees and/or trips.
Maureen Kronawitter
That’s it for now. I hope everyone is enjoying December!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
tentative (as of 11/14/22) schedule for Orlando, FL trip
Dec. 25-
10PM- depart North
Dec. 26-
8PM- arrive in Orlando
Dec. 27-
Morning clinic Univ. Orlando with Dr. Lubaroff
Afternoon/evening in Cocoa Beach
Dec. 28-
Morning rehearsal for Cheez-It Bowl
afternoon/evening at Universal Studios
Dec. 29-
Morning rehearsal for Cheez-It bowl
Afternoon/evening performance for Cheez-It Bowl
Dec. 30-
All day at Universal Studios/ Island of Adventure
Dec. 31-
All day at Disneyworld
6PM recording workshop @ Disneyworld
Jan. 1-
Morning departure back to KC. Jan. 2- early arrival back to SM North
band announcements Nov. 1-17
- Retail: $839.00
- Profit: $344.60
- Units: 41
wrapping up marching band 2022
band announcements Oct. 17-22
band announcements Oct. 3-8
band announcements Sept. 26-Oct. 3