Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands
Welcome back! Summer has flown by, but that’s okay because that means it’s BAND TIME!
We will begin our normal rehearsal schedule next week, starting on Tuesday, August 22nd. Rehearsal schedules are as follows:
Merriam Park: M/W 2:00-2:30
Nieman: M/W 10:00-10:30
East Antioch: T/Th 12:00-12:30
Ruston: T/Th 1:45-2:15
Santa Fe Trail: T/F 10:00-10:30
Please remember to bring ALL necessary materials to class: Instrument, book, pencil, reeds, valve oil, cork grease, etc.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions ([email protected]). I’m looking forward to seeing you all again!
band parents info- volunteer opportunities and needs
Beginning of the year important announcements
Hello all-
Thanks everyone for a great band camp! Parents and students all pitched in to create a fantastic beginning to our year.
REMIND Codes: sign up one or more of the following by texting to the # 81010
Varsity marching band @eg7ha
JV marching band @jvmarchi
Drumline battery @fec96a
Student staff (seniors & section leaders) @ck3hhf
We use the Remind codes for important and/or time sensitive information. Please make sure to use the “@” symbol.
JV uniform fitting night:
Monday, August 21st from 6:30-8:30PM in the band room. It’s very important you attend, as our first home game is 10 days later! Please carpool if necessary to attend. You do not have to stay the entire time- once you’re fitted for your uniform, you can leave.
Monday night rehearsals (varsity only) will begin August 21st, and are from 6:30-8:30PM. We will have 6 additional Monday night rehearsals on Aug. 28th, September 11th, 18th, 25th, October 9th and 16th. These are graded rehearsals.
EARLY MORNING REHEARSALS (varsity only): Early morning rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, Aug. 16st. We will have early morning rehearsals every Monday, Wednesday and FRIDAY morning, until Oct. 27th. Rehearsals begin at 6:45AM on the stadium field, unless otherwise stated or inclement weather. Attendance is taken promptly at 6:45AM, in your attendance block. These are graded rehearsals.
Students: We will play in class for the first time on Tuesday, August 15th. Jazz kids will begin playing their instruments on Monday, August 14th.
Parents: Please check out the “handbook” section of the band website. There is a plethora of information regarding uniforms, grading, lettering, where to sit at football games, etc.
EVERYONE: HOW TO ACCESS AND UPDATE CHARMS. Students, this is your first assignment of the year. Go to www.charmsoffice.com Hover over the green “enter/login” and click “parents/students/members”. Our school code is “smnbands”. Enter your 7 digit SMSD ID# and click “enter”. You are now logged into your Charms account. Click on the “update info” icon and input as much information as possible! The more ways we have to communicate, the better.
PARENTS: HOW TO VOLUNTEER: Please check for an email within the enxt few days with a signup genius. You can email me with questions at any time. ALSO, I
strongly encourage you to visit www.smnorthbands.org for information throughout the school year.
Band Announcements- kicking off band camp and the school year!
Welcome back everyone! Lots of information below, so please keep this email.
Varsity roster confirmation and other things
Hello everyone!
Final band announcements 2016-17!
Final announcements for 2016-17 school year:
band announcements April 29-May 25- please save
April 29- State solo/ensemble festival, Washburn Rural HS, as scheduled. This affects 8 students, and they have their schedules. Make sure you have your 2 original copies, one of which that has numbered measures. Do not assume anyone has those two originals.
May 1st & 3rd- drumline clinic/help session, 3:30-4:30 in band room. Percussionists interested in auditioning for varsity percussion should please attend.
May 3- 5th/6th grade concert @ Hocker, 7:00PM. Ms. Fillingham would like more HS players, please sign up by band office.
May 5- Pizza Jazz, cafeteria, 5:30-9:30PM. 3rd block jazz plays 6:40-7:10PM, Crimson Tribe plays at 9:10PM. This is a graded event for jazz students. All jazz students should stay for duration, and wear jazz uniform. EVERYONE encouraged to attend. Free admission. $6.00 all you can eat pizza (from Papa Johns) or $2.00 per slice. Come and go, as you watch North Relays, which occurs at the same time.
May 6- Drumline varsity auditions. All students interested in battery/front ensemble need to attend. 9AM-noon, in band room.
May 9- Spring Concert, 7:00PM in auditorium. All band students should report no later than 6:30PM in band room. No specific color coordination for clothing. Should last about 80 minutes. This is a graded event for all band students.
May 11- Band Banquet! Dinner served in cafeteria around 5:50PM. Arrive no later than 6:15PM for food. Program begins around 6:30PM and usually wraps up around 8:45ish. This is a VERY SPECIAL evening for everyone, including awards, letter recipients, senior memories, band video, etc. Although not a required event, we usually have 250+ in attendance. Cost is $9.00 for dinner (catered by Don Chilitos buffet). Please dress business casual. Front seats are reserved for 12th graders and their families. Although you’re not required to eat in order to attend, please plan on eating with us…again, a very memorable night! Everyone pays at the door, no advance tickets.
May 17- Graduation Band. Roll taken at 6:15PM in band room for all 9th-11th graders. This is a graded event. Dress nice! Guys, shirt/tie, ladies, appropriate dress/shirt. This will be on TV! Graduation begins at 7:00PM. Parents of 9th-11th graders, there is not an expectation for you to attend, as this is a service 9th-11th grade students perform for graduating seniors. Usually lasts until 9:00PM.
May 22- Indoor marching band rehearsal. Section leaders report no later than 5:30PM. All other varsity AND JV students should report no later than 6:30PM. Calendars and music will be handed out to everyone. All 8th-11th graders will play next year’s pep-band music! The first time the 2017 Marching Indians get together! We feed current 8th graders and section leaders at 6:00PM. SUMMER RENTALS completed on this night. Checks for $27 made out to SMSD (not Shaw-Mi-No) and contract need to be signed before taking instruments home for the summer. Although school is out for the summer, this is a fun night…please make sure you can attend!
May 24th/25th- Required varsity marching rehearsal, 4:00-8:00PM on stadium field. No instruments needed, just marching, with marching expert, Mark Schleish. Again, required for next year’s varsity participation…the first step in another award winning marching season! Please contact Mr. Reed if there is a scheduling conflict. The marching drill will be created after these rehearsals.
Remember kids, we never wind down a school year, we ramp up to the end!
Mr. Reed
Solo/Ensemble schedule now posted. Jazz info.
Regional Solo & Ensemble performance locations and times are now posted in the band room and were emailed out today. Good luck everyone…we have more kids involved this year than ever before!
April 3rd/4th- S&E accompanist rehearsals times have been adjusted by 15 minutes or so. Students, please see new schedule, posted by band office.
Attention all athletes- As we encounter the typical situation of rescheduled games/meets, please make sure you communicate any potential athletics/band conflicts with me. Please assume I do not know if something has changed. The sooner we know how to work a scheduling conflict, the better chance of success of working it out!
April 7- Both Jazz Bands perform at SM West…details as follows: Block III Jazz band, report to SM WEST’s band room by 4:30PM, with a performance time of 5:00PM. Block IV Crimson Tribe, report time of 5:00PM (to watch block III) with a performance time of 6:30PM. Both bands can leave (if they wish) after Block IV is finished around 7:00PM.
Please keep last week’s email pertaining to details of:
April 3- Symphonic band festival at SM EAST (symphonic band only)
April 8- Solo & Ensemble Festival at Olathe SOUTH
April 10- NOTHING, no concert scheduled
Band Announcements March 27-April 15- IMPORTANT
Attention students AND parents: we need several volunteers to help with the April 8th regional solo & ensemble festival, to be held at Olathe South HS. Please visit the link below to volunteer. Students will receive lettering points. Parents will receive parent lettering points…OK, there is no such thing as parent lettering points, but we need need several PARENTS, if you are available. Please see the following link:
Upcoming events:
March 27- REQUIRED COLORADO TRIP MEETING. North auditorium, beginning at 6:00PM, lasting about an hour. All participating students AND ONE PARENT/GUARDIAN, needs to attend. Please bring a pen, as well as HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION. I am required to meet with all participants and parent/guardian to complete permission forms, waivers, heath information, etc. This is the only meeting regarding the Colorado trip. Roll will be taken. If you are not in attendance, I will need to reschedule a makeup meeting with you- please make sure you can attend this meeting, thank you!
March 28/29- solo&ensemble accompanist rehearsals. If you are not on the list (posted in the band room), this does not apply to you. We have hired these professional accompanists, and we cannot reschedule them. We are looking forward to wonderful performances at this year’s S&E festival.
March 30- uniform cleaning party! Any students who cab help with marching band uniform preparation from 3:00-4:30PM after school, to receive lettering points, we would really appreciate your help.
March 31- percussion recital at Blue Valley West HS (percussion ensembles from blocks I and II only). Block II percussionists should report to BV West no later than 5:30PM for your 6:00PM perfomrnace. Block I percussionists should report no later than 6:00PM (to watch block II) for your performance which begins at 7:00PM. Please keep rush hour traffic in mind when traveling to BV West. All percussionists should wear black top-bottom attire.
April 3- SMSD Symphonic band festival at SM EAST. All symphonic band members should report no later than 6:30PM, in symphonic band uniform, in the SM EAST choir room) for the 7:00PM concert. All sym. band members need to stay for the duration, as this is a graded concert. Parents, this is a wonderful concert to celebrate music in SMSD! The concert should last until 8:30PM. Again, this is at SM EAST.
April 3/4- solo&ensemble accompanist rehearsals. Same kids as March 28/29, with slightly shorter times. This should be a “run through” rehearsal.
April 7- All jazz students, performance at SM West’s “Jazz On The Bridge”. Exact concert times TBA, but will range for 5-8PM. Jazz students should wear designated jazz uniform. No admission price, everyone is welcome! Again, this is at SM WEST.
April 8- Regional Solo & Ensemble Festival at Olathe South. Exact performance times are TBA, buy once I receive them, I will forward immediately. Future email will have detailed information.
April 10- NO CONCERT SCHEDULED. Although we’re usually had a “contest concert” (as listed on current band calendar), due to jazz concerts, S&E festival, and the Colorado trip all occurring with 10 days, we will try to work our contest songs in at another concert.
April 12- Large Group State Band Festival, symphonic band concert band members only. Specific performance times locations are TBA. As soon as I have that information, I will forward to you. Freshman band will have their contest festival on April 20th during the day, more information to follow in future emails.
April 12-15- Winter Park, CO Band Trip
Other than than, not much going on over the next 4 weeks…
Looking forward to an exciting 4th quarter with SM North band!
Mr. Reed
Friday, March 3rd-
Block IV Crimson Tribe only, performing at KU jazz festival. Will depart North after block III. Will eat fast food in Lawrence (bring money please), and perform in Murphy Hall at 1:00PM. Will listen to a few jazz bands, and be back to North by 3:30PM.
Also this Friday, the 14th annual SPRING SWING! This is a big-band (a la Glenn Miller) type PARTY! All jazz students from both classes should report no later than 4:00PM to help set up. Formal attire for jazz kids. The party is from 6:30-8:30PM in the cafeteria. Everyone is invited to attend, and all attending students will receive lettering points! Also included are free dance lessons from professionals, appetizers, including our world famous chocolate fountain. Admission for students is $7.00 and $15.00 for adults. I know that’s a little expensive, but this is the one ticketed performance of the year. It’s lots of fun! To clarify, participating students do not pay, and this is an optional performance for everyone else. Please see attached flyer.
Monday, March 6th- Honor band helpers. Honor Band concert at SM NW. Concert begins at 7:00, and a report of around 6:30PM. White shirt and black slacks please. Ms. Fillingham might send additional information later. This is the final honor band performance of the year. If you’ve been helping, please plan on attending, to support our North area honor band one last time.
Wednesday, March 8th- SM NW Jazz Cabaret, Block IV Crimson Tribe only. Report time at SM NW by 6:30PM. Concert begins at 7:00PM. No admission, but everyone is welcome to attend. Crimson Tribe should wear their red shirt and block pants.