Welcome to Merriam Park Elementary Bands!

Enrollment considerations w/ band and summer conditioning Aug 17-22

Hello SM North band students-

Students who enroll for taking classes on campus will rehearse during the school day, as well as any before school and Monday evening rehearsals. Students who opt for online only will be allowed to rehearse with the band before school and Monday evening rehearsals.  I’ve also heard that if you’re opting for online school and you enroll for band, the online class will more than likely not be taught by Ms. Fillingham or myself. There has been talk that all online (district wide) band students could conceivably be taught by the same teacher(s) for the entire district. So the reality would be that online only band members will have another teacher for your online band class, but you could still do morning rehearsals and Monday night rehearsals with the North marching band. 

I must emphasize everything I just said could change!  At the end of the day, North band kids who are opting for online, we will somehow make a place for you in the North marching band. Obviously, you will not have as much rehearsal time, but we will figure something out so you can continue to play with the North band.

Summer conditioning:

We are still slated for varsity band to have five mornings of conditioning/marching/music fundamentals, August 17-21, from 8-11 AM. The first day (17th) will be for new varsity marchers and student staff.  All varsity band members should be there August 18-21.

We will also have percussion only rehearsals 8-11AM on Saturday, Aug. 22nd and Monday, August 24th.    Stay tuned for more information specific to percussion.  

We do not have any JV marching band summer conditioning dates, but JV band members are more than welcome and encouraged to join us August 17th-22nd 

Thank you everyone for your patience.  Ms. Fillingham and I can’t wait to work with all of you again.  More information to follow regarding procedures for summer conditioning dates mentioned above.

Varsity band members, please email me ASAP if you cannot attend the conditioning/rehearsals listee above.

potential rehearsal/conditioning Aug. 17-22

Parents and students-

We are trying to work out details to have a fundamentals/conditioning week for all varsity band members, Aug. 17-22, from 8-11AM in the North stadium.  We will also try to schedule 1-2 additional meetings with varsity percussion.  Of course, this is contingent on conditions with Covid in our area, as well as protocols pertaining to meeting with students on campus.  Final permission will be given by SMSD.  In the meantime, please try to keep these timeframes available.


Please continue to be safe!

Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

update on band camp/rehearsals

Band parents and students-

The decision has been made from the district to postpone all band camps/rehearsals for at least a week or two. If we get an opportunity to rehearse or condition before school starts, in a safe manner, I will let you know as soon as possible. Any rehearsals or conditioning sessions that are offered will be voluntary.  Potential summer rehearsals will not be required to letter or participate in varsity band, etc.  Families should feel free to schedule anything without feeling like they’re missing out on a major component of the band program. These are indeed, unique times that we are living in.

Thank you everyone for your patience, as I truly did not want to cancel anything unless we had to.

Please email me any questions, and I’ll answer to the best of my ability.

Stay safe, and will keep in touch!

Mr. Reed

Final band announcements 2019-20

Band banquet and senior recognition will be held Thursday, June 4th, beginning at 6:30pm. The “banquet“ will be held first for all band students, via live YouTube link. We will announce letter recipients, outstanding band student awards, and other shout-outs, and we will watch a video from last year‘s marching band show.  Approximately 30 minutes later, we will have a Zoom meeting, just for seniors and their family members. This is where we will share senior memories for each student. It will be nice that we can at least see each other at the same time, and honor our seniors.  Please spread the word about both of these events.
The band banquet link will be sent in the next few days. Please watch for an email with this information.
Senior Memory Zoom:
Meeting ID: 852 5667 0348
Password: Senior2020
Seniors, if you could do us a huge favor of returning anything you might still have as soon as the school year starts. Original music, uniforms, mutes or any other small items. Everything you return is that much less money we have to spend on replacing anything.
Seniors…you can stop reading this email at this point, as everything below pertains to next year.
Beginning next Friday, May 29th, we will use the new ReMind codes for the 2020-21 school year: Remind only allows 150 people in each class, hence the reason we have to split the varsity marching band class into two. Parents, feel free to sign up for this service as well. This is the quickest way we can get short bursts of information to everyone. Especially with the possibility of things changing due to the world we live in, urgent information will be sent via Remind text.
Varsity marching band, student last name A-M.
Varsity marching band, student last name N-Z
Varsity drumline
Student staff/section leaders
Four lists have been posted in the Google classroom. All varsity marching band participants, Crimson Tribe audition results, drumline audition results, and the section leaders list. Please contact me if you feel there is an error. Especially look at the marching band list. If you should be on there and you’re not, or you’re not going to participate, please let me know either way. We will begin writing the drill for the show very soon, and we need an exact number.
Attention all 9th-11th graders: We have been asked to play for this year‘s graduation ceremony on July 15th. please look for a sign up in Google classroom, that you will commit to play in the graduation band. We will meet at 6:00PM to rehearse, and graduation begins at 8:00PM.  We will play Pomp and Circumstance, the national anthem and the fight song. We will practice one hour before graduation begins, go outside and then go for it! Again, please sign up in the Google classroom. More details to follow.
Anyone interested in renting an instrument for the summer, please sign up in Google classroom and specify which instrument. I’m working on a way to get these instruments to you, and I hope to have instruments ready for you as soon as two or three weeks. Many of our instruments are currently in the shop being cleaned and repaired.
Varsity wind players, the 2020 marching band music has been uploaded in Google classroom! Please start practicing, with the idea that you can play most of the show before band camp begins! Also listen to the show so you can get a good idea of how everything goes.  FYI- some of the solos might change to different instruments, we will revisit this once camp starts.
A slight change to varsity band camp, due to Covid.  There is a good chance we will not be allowed to have large numbers of band students in the same room due to social distancing, so ,we need to plan on most of camp being held outdoors.  As a result, instead of having camp 8AM-4PM every day, we will rehearse 8AM-noon, have a long break, and then practice 6-9PM.  The evening session will primarily be music and outside, but the later time will allow us to play when it’s not as hot. Please make sure both sessions EVERY DAY can work in your schedule.
All varsity marching band students, make sure you have filled out the calendar conflict form on G classroom.  THIS IS REQUIRED FOR YOUR SPOT IN THE SHOW TO BE SOLIDIFIED.
Thanks for everyone’s patience while dealing with end of year announcements as well as planning for next year.  I would rather tell everyone in person why this has taken so long, but decisions have been difficult to make when we haven’t been told what we’re allowed to do.  This isn’t really anyone’s fault, as our world is fairly volatile.  But…we are REALLY looking forward to working with all of you again.
Stay safe, and we’re looking forward to June 4th.  Visit the G classroom soon to review various lists and download the marching band music.
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

Getting 4th quarter rolling!

Dear north band family-

First off, Ms. Fillingham and I really miss you guys. We all know we’re dealing with an unfortunate reality, but we’re going to make the fourth quarter meaningful, productive and memorable.

There are so many questions, but we are going to have to place much of it on hold until a game plan is in place. Please be patient.


 Final opportunity to get your instrument out of the band room if you have not already done so:  Please email me no later than 5 PM tomorrow (March 24), if you need your instrument out of the band room. This does not mean summer rentals, personal belongings, even music folders. This is strictly in the event your personal instrument is still in the band room. This will be the only opportunity for the foreseeable future for you to get your instrument.

At 11:00AM this Thursday (March 26), we will go into the band room and bring your instruments outside in the west parking lot. One at a time, you can get out of your cars, pick up your instrument and depart. At no time, should more than one student be outside of their car while getting their instruments. No one will be allowed in the school at any time. I do not know the next time anyone will have access to the band room. Again, email me by tomorrow (March 24) so that I can pull your instrument.


I sent a Remind text out about 20 minutes ago. If you did not get it, but want to get reminder texts, please text @fgce42 to the number 81010. It doesn’t matter which class you were in fall or spring semester.

Everyone needs to sign up for the following Google classroom. It’s entitled North bands 4th quarter 2020. The code is bk3m2w6. We will send assignments, videos and other events to this classroom. In fact, there’s a video waiting for you there now!


Finally, set your alarm clock every day and get projects done! Not just music, anything and everything.


I promise we will talk more about varsity and jazz auditions, music, etc. as soon as we can.


We’re also looking forward to seeing you on the WebEx platform very soon, more information to follow.


Ms. Fillingham and I have always been very proud of you. Let’s make the fourth quarter of the school year better than any of us could possibly imagine.


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

band announcements March 3-13


Spring Swing- Friday, March 6th, 6:30-8:30PM, North cafeteria.  $15/adult, $7 per student.  Admission includes 2 hours of dance music, free swing dance lessons and dessert, including our world famous chocolate fountain!  This is a not so much a concert, but a dance party, with music a la Glenn Miller!  Casual formal attire is great, but not mandatory.
Parents, we still need volunteers to help with this event.  Please sign up with this link:
SOLO/ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL: Parents, we’ve been asked to provide volunteers to help with the April 4th solo/ensemble festival, to be held at Olathe South.  Please click the link below to sign up.  Thanks in advance for your help!  If you sign up, please email you’ve done so, so I can track SM North’s participation.
Tuesday, March 10th– Crimson Tribe performing at Shawnee Mission Northwest’s Jazz Cabaret. Report time of 6:30PM in jazz uniform.  Concert beings at 7:00PM in SMNW cafeteria and will last one hour, no admission price.
Seniors, please begin submitting 3-6 photos for the senior banquet.  One childhood, one middle school and 1-2 high school photos.  All photos need to be submitted by Friday, April 24th.    Email photos to [email protected]
COLORADO- April 2021
Finally, 9th-11th graders, please turn in your letter of intent to participate with the Colorado trip next April.  We’re asking for everyone’s letter by next Thursday, March 12th.  No money is due until May 15th.

Pancake Dinner/concert, Monday, Feb. 3rd

Hello everyone!

We’re looking forward to the first major concert of 2020! This Monday, February 3rd is our annual pancake dinner (previously know as the chili supper).  Dinner begins and continues 5:30PM-6:30PM in the cafeteria. No admission charge, but dinner is $5/person, regardless of age. Dinner includes all you can pancakes and sausage (one plate). Both of North’s jazz bands will play during dinner. At 6:45PM, the official concert begins in the auditorium. The order of performance is 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, and symphonic band. Each group performs two selections, so everything should wrap up around 7:30pm.

Casual formal attire for all band students, no specific color coordination. Jazz students should wear their jazz shirts.  Aside from eating, jazz students should be ready to play no later than 5:15PM and all band students should report no later than 6:30PM.  This is a graded/required event for all band students.

We’re looking forward to everyone eating with us in the cafeteria. We’re including additional food lines this year, so the serving should proceed quicker than last year!

Parents, please click the link below to help volunteer, serving and general cleaning up. It’s a really easy gig, so please consider helping out at this event!


Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday night!


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

band announcements 1/14/20

The school calendar’s Feb. 4th chili supper has been moved to Feb. 3rd and it’s now the pancake dinner.


A reminder of tonight’s (1/14/20) booster meeting from 5:45-6:45PM tonight in the choir room.  Basketball pep-band will be warming up in the band room at 5:30PM.


The band will be selling mattresses in early May, in preparation for the spring 2021 band trip to Winter Park Colorado.  All students enrolled in band for the 2020/21 school year are eligible to attend. I don’t have any details about the trip yet, but if you or someone you know is in the market for a mattress, please consider holding off until May so you can receive the profit of this fundraiser.


Symphonic band students will be receiving their new uniform as this week.  However, we need students to hem their dress/pants before the January 27th North area band festival.  Please make arrangements to make that happen.


Welcome back everyone!

spring calendar and basketball pep-band schedule


2020 Spring calendar was sent via Skyward today.  The band website will be updated soon.

Drum Major audition signups by band office.

Pasted below is the 2019-20 basketball pep-band schedule:


Performances:                                                                                   Rehearsals:

12/6        DH- 5:30                  BV HS                                                11/14

12/16      DH-5:30                   BV SW                                               11/28

1/7           DH-5:30                   Olathe East                                         12/5

1/14        DH- 5:30                  Olathe West

1/28       DH-5:30                     Barstow

2/4           DH- 5:30                  Gardner (Northman)

2/14        DH-5:30                   Metro Academy (Hall of Fame)

2/21        DH-5:30                   SM Northwest (band feeder night)

2/25        DH- 5:30                  Olathe South

2/28        DH- 5:30                  SM East (senior night)


All pep-band members receive a free 2019-20 pep-band T shirt.  All pep-band members receive 20 lettering points for the season.  Four points will be deducted for every missed pep-band performance.  Two points will be deducted for every missed rehearsal, or a late arrival time for a performance.  Please let Mr. Reed know WELL IN ADVANCE (at least 2 weeks) of any performance you may have to miss.  Please write the schedule down on your calendar to avoid any other conflicts (i.e. work, etc.).  There are only 10 nights due to the fact they are all double headers.

band announcements Nov. 4-14

Band booster meeting tonight (Monday, Nov. 4th) 5:45PM-6:45PM in the band room.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
Thursday, Nov. 7th– “Jazzert” jazz concert, 7:00PM-8:00PM, auditorium.  We will have coffee and lots of desserts in the auditorium lobby 20 minutes prior.  Both SM North jazz bands will perform.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this free concert.  1 band lettering point awarded to everyone who attends, plus free coffee and dessert!
Saturday, Nov. 9th– KMEA auditions @ Olathe East high school.  Students who have signed up and registered need to be at Olathe East by 7:30AM for a student meeting, at which point you will receive direction as to getting your audition sticker and what room you will play in.  There are no exact times to audition, but once you play, you may leave, as audition results will be posted online at http://eckmea.org/
Nov. 11-Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough orders are due.  We will collect order forms and payments from 6:00PM-7:30PM in the band room.
Nov. 11-15- Symphonic band auditions after school.  Anyone interested in the spring semester symphonic band needs to sign up for a 6 minute audition slot, 2:50-4:40 after school, Monday through Thursday.  I need to hear everyone, even if you were in symphonic band last year.
Look for basketball pep-band signup by the band office soon.