Welcome to East Antioch Elementary Bands

We had a visitor!

Thanks to Mr. Anderson for dropping in to visit our 6th grade band rehearsal, and for taking pictures of our great kids in action!

Accessories: What do I really need?

I know many of you have been asking about which accessories are really necessary to for your student to be successful in band. To simplify this, I have created a scaled down version of the flyer you received earlier this year, detailing the items that you need. I cannot emphasize enough that these items are REQUIRED, and should not be considered “extras”. Your student’s instrument will not function properly, and may even require expensive repairs if they are not properly maintained. In the case of clarinets and saxophones, the instrument will not even play! As with the instrument itself, buying a reputable brand is important, and I have noted those brands where appropriate.

I will be going over instrument care and maintenance next week, so please be sure that your student has all of their supplies by then. Click the link below to view the items that your student needs, and happy practicing!


Essential Accessories List

Sept. 19-24 Home game and OP parade

Normal week regarding early rehearsals for varsity (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) and Monday night.  

JV STUDENTS: Your one and only early rehearsal will be this Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00AM, at the stadium.  This is a graded rehearsal.  This is the only combined rehearsal with blocks I,II and VII.  If you miss, we won’t be able to allow you to march the pregame show Thursday night, as you won’t know where to go.  Attendance is taken at 7:00PM on the stadium field, not the band room.  JV students are encouraged to arrive a little early.  It’s important to make travel arrangements if you usually ride the bus, or your parents cannot take you early that day.  Please let me know Monday or Tuesday if we need to get you a ride.  
Thursday, Sept. 22nd- Home football game AND PARENT MEETING DURING 3RD QUARTER!  
5:00PM- band room opens for uniform checkout
6:15- all varsity and JV students on JV field (behind stadium), in full uniform, ready to play.  
6:40- pre-game show on stadium field (JV and varsity)
7:00- game begins
7:45ish- halftime show
AFTER HALFTIME SHOW, ALL PARENTS PLEASE MEET IN THE BAND ROOM FOR 3RD QUARTER MEETING.  You will not miss performance time with your students, the meeting will be over by the start of the 4th quarter.
Saturday, Sept. 24th- Overland Park Parade- varsity and JV
around 8:00- call time at North.  I haven’t received the lineup, so I will send more information as I get it.  Parade begins at 10:00AM and we should be finished around noon.

Here is what square one looks (and sounds) like!

Homecoming Week and KMEA/Symphonic band info.

General announcements:

KMEA and symphonic band music can be picked up in the band office anytime.  Symphonic band auditions are open to all 9th-12th grade band students.  Auditions are in mid November for next springs (2017) Symphonic band.  KMEA district honor band is open to all 10th-12th graders and auditions are November 12th at Olathe East, to be followed by a December 3rd concert, if selected.
Students- next week’s schedule for Homecoming:
Sept. 12 (Monday)- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity, as well as 6:30PM evening rehearsal.
Sept. 13 (Tuesday)- BONFIRE.  Optional for all JV and varsity members, but lettering points awarded.  Report time of no later than 5:10PM in the band room.  We are literally warming up for a couple minutes and then walking to the bonfire site (the student parking lot I think).  Bonfire starts at 5:30PM and lasts about 45 minutes or so.  Band will play pregame and pep-band songs and drumline cadences.  Don’t feel like you need to wear your show shirt, I would save it for Friday!  Regular class time rehearsals.
Sept. 14 (Wednesday)- 6:45AM rehearsal for all varsity members.
Sept. 15 (Thursday)- 6:45AM rehearsal for all varsity members.
Sept. 16 (Friday)- HOMECOMING day!  Regular class time rehearsals.  Students, wear show shirt all day.  Homecoming PARADE during school.  All JV and varsity members should report to the band room at 1:10PM after checking into seminar.  The parade begins at 2:00 and should last around 30 minutes.  Unless they’ve changed the route, we will march east on Johnson Drive.  A bus will take the students back to North, should be back before 3:00PM.  If you ride the bus, please make alternative plans to get home, or bring your dinner and stay until report time that night.
Football Game Itinerary:
4:45PM- band room opens, begin uniform checkout.  Since this is the first time we’ve ever worn these, please come early, in case we need extra time.
5:45PM- JV and varsity report to band room for attendance in full uniform.
6:15PM- JV and varsity report to JV football field (behind stadium) to warm up and prepare for game.
6:40- only varsity will play before the game.  Due to homecoming festivities during halftime, varsity will play their “halftime” show BEFORE the game.  PARENTS, YOU NEED TO BE IN THE STANDS NO LATER THAN 6:35PM OR YOU COULD MISS THE SHOW!
7:00- Game begins.  JV and varsity in the stands during the game, playing in the stands.  Varsity will only play for 3 minutes during halftime…at most.
9:30ish- after game, report back to band room and check in uniform.
Please remember home football games are graded events.  All students stay for the duration of the game, in full uniform.  Students, YOU MUST BRING LONG BLACK SOCKS OR YOU CANNOT CHECKOUT YOUR UNIFORM OR PERFORM.   I would encourage all students to purchase multiple pairs of black socks on and keep extras!  This is different from previous years, the band will no longer check out socks anymore.
PARENTS: Two important announcements that pertain only to parents.  🙂
-We are having a ironing/sewing party this Monday, September 12th from 6:30-8:30PM in the band room, as the band practices outside.  We need help making final preparations for uniforms, as well as some sewing needs for our props.  ALL parents who can sew or iron, please show up to the band room Monday night around 6:30PM.  Thanks!
-We need MAJOR AMOUNTS OF HANDS for next Friday’s (16th) football game.  If you’re going, PLEASE consider dropping by the band room anytime between 4:30-5:45PM- we will find a job for you.  It would be even better if you could respond to this email stating when you can drop by.  We need help with: handing out NEW uniforms to 135 kids, 6 water coolers in the stands, 19 backdrop props, 20 yards of front line curtains, 3 podiums, hanging our banner, our entire sound system, all pit percussion…we really need a lot of help.
Looking forward to a restful weekend, then a packed, yet fun week.  Rest up!
Mr. Reed

Away football game and booster meeting info.

Friday, September 2nd- Away football game.  As stated on the summer/fall calendar, this is optional for all JV and varsity band students.  Please sign up by band room office, in case you haven’t already.  Report no later than 5:45PM to the North band room, IN YOUR SHOW SHIRT.  We depart at 6:00PM for SM South, and should be back to North around 10:00PM, depending on how long the game lasts.  PARENTS and STUDENTS: Unless there are unique circumstances that arise, all band students must travel back to North on the bus if they go with the band…it’s the only way everyone is safe and accounted for!

Parents: Listed below are the band booster meeting dates for the 2016-17 school year.  Although optional, all parents are encouraged to attend.  This is a great way to get additional information and get plugged into the program.  We have a wonderful group of parents that not only help our band kids, they have a great time doing it!  Please consider attending the meeting so you feel “in the know”!

All meetings are from 5:45-6:45PM in the North band room.  Meetings never run longer than one hour, so you have the rest of your evening open.

Tuesday, Sept. 6th

Tuesday, Oct. 4th

Tuesday, March 7th

We will probably have a meeting in April and May.

STUDENTS: Any students interested in auditioning for the John Phillips Sousa Honor Band should read the flyer by the band room office, or visiting [email protected]  Auditions are in October.  

STUDENTS: If you received zero points for not completing the Charms assignment, please login to Charms, using the school code of “smnbands”, then using your SMSD ID for the password, and editing the “update info” icon.  Be advised, Charms does not contact me when someone does this, so please email me that you’ve completed the assignment so I can give you partial credit for this assignment that was due last week.

Finally, next week is a “regular” week in band with the normal early rehearsals, except we do not have anything planned for Monday since it’s Labor day.  I hope everyone enjoys the longer weekend!