Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands

band announcements Aug. 6th- getting started

This week:
Monday, Aug. 7- varsity band camp 7AM-3PM
Tuesday, August 8- varsity camp 7AM-1PM (we will release two hours earlier since they’re coming back the same night).
Also on this night, we will host our “Pop into our Preview Performance!”
6:00PM- we will serve free popcorn for everyone in the cafeteria.  Just to hang out and everyone can visit.
6:30- varsity students report to the stadium to warm up.
6:45- everyone reports to the stadium to watch what we’ve been doing at band camp for the past several days.
7:30- preview performance ends
7:45- ALL band parents, please report to the choir room for our first band booster meeting.  We would be thrilled to have ALL band parents attend so we can talk about various needs the band program has throughout the year.  Parents, this is a GREAT way to get plugged into the band program!
Upcoming expenses:
$125- varsity band members (blocks 1@2)
$75- JV band (block 7)
$50- dance team
You can pay online at www.smnorthbands.org and click “group member payments” or submit a check made out to “Shaw-Mi-No” and mail to:
Wenonah Carmody- booster treasurer
11403 W 67th ST
Shawnee, KS 66203
Seniors- we are so excited that all of you will have individual banners with your picture on it for home football games.  Furthermore, it’s yours to keep after the season ends.  The cost is only $25!  You can submit a check to the address listed above or pay online using group member payments.  You can use the misc. payment option at the bottom.
Band shirts:
If you haven’t done do already, please use the link below to order your band shirt by Tuesday, Aug. 8th so we can begin production.  Students, this cost is already included in your band fee.  Parents, if you are ordering additional shirts, they are $18 each. Payment can be made as explained above.  We’ve already received orders from over 120 people, so we’re almost there!  Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIqLCW6HJUySp8sFcgNeoK_qzzUFbXz9OW2nemU9ORfkrldA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Varsity early morning rehearsal/Monday night schedule:
First early morning rehearsal will be Friday, Aug. 18th at 6:45AM in the stadium.  Moving forward, we will have early morning rehearsals every Monday/Wednesday/Friday beginning at 6:45AM in the stadium.  The first Monday night rehearsal will be Aug. 21st from 6:30-8:30PM.  We basically have Monday night rehearsals through Oct. 23rd, as seen on the band summer/fall calendar (see attached).
First day of school:
We will NOT play during class the first day of school for blocks 1,2 and 7, but both jazz bands (blocks 3 and 4) will play the first day of school.
Students: Please double check your schedule to make sure you are in the correct band class.  We have leeway to fix this over the course of this week, but once school begins, my hands are tied!
New staff: I’m looking forward for everyone to meet the new associate band director, Ms. Maddy Beasley!  Please introduce yourself soon, she’s looking forward to meeting all of you.
ReMind codes:
Varsity band students, last name A-L: @ bison231
Varsity band students, last name M-Z: @bison232
JV band students: @bisonjv23
Drumline: @bdrum23
Student staff (section and seniors): @bstaff23
Parents and students, please text one or more of the following codes to the phone number 81010 (be sure to include the “@” character.  We use this for last minute announcements, such as changes due to weather, etc.  PLEASE NOTE: this is a one-way communication system.  Please do not reply to ReMind texts as I don’t check them.  Please email, text or call me if you need to get in touch with me.
This is already shaping up to be a fantastic year!  The kids are working hard, having fun and making tremendous progress.  As always, if you have any question, please contact Mr. Reed at noreed@smsd.org
Thanks everyone-
Mr. Reed
Ms. Beasley

new varsity times for July 31-Aug. 8

Hello everyone-

Looking forward to seeing new varsity marchers and JV marchers tomorrow morning from 8-11:30M on the stadium field.


NEW: Due to extreme hot weather, we’re making a change for next week. July 31st-August 8th, all rehearsals will BEGIN AT 7 AM and end at 3 PM. The extra hour of cooler weather will be much appreciated by all, as well as keeping everyone safer.


Students, if you think you could run into transportation issues with the earlier time, please reach out and ask someone for a ride… I am completely confident we can get everyone there as long as we know any possible transportation issues.


It is still very important that everyone realizes we are starting right on time, which is now 7 AM on the stadium field.


As always, please remember to wear light colored clothing, tennis shoes with socks (no sandals or flip flops), sunglasses, sunscreen… And I strongly encourage everyone to bring a large water container with plenty of ice, preferably a 1-gallon jug.  Band booster parents will be there to offer additional water, but please bring your own supply.  Several bands in the area have also moved their schedule back to 7AM time to beat the heat.


Cross country athletes, please communicate with coach Pope, as we’ve talked about sharing cross country and band times next week.


Parents, we are still looking for additional volunteers to work tomorrow, Friday as well as next week. Please visit the Shawnee Mission North Facebook page, as you can find a link to sign up.


Please email Mr. Reed with questions, and we’ll see everyone soon!

Mr. Reed


July 21st SMN band updates

Hello everyone!

Looking forward to getting things rolling for band in the 2023-24 school year.  Pasted below are the summer events and rehearsal schedules.

A special welcome to new associate band director, Ms. Maddy Beasley!  Ms. Beasley has been teaching in Missouri for the last 3 years.  She is a saxophone player from Pitt State and is working on her master’s at KU.  I know you will enjoy working with her…please make her feel welcome at the Ice Cream Social this Monday, July 24th!

Students, please remember to wear/bring the following for all outdoor rehearsals:

Light colored shorts/shirt, tennis shoes with socks (NO FLIP FLOPS)

1 gallon iced down water container

Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat


Returning marchers, please bring your old flip folder/lyre.  Otherwise, we will provide flip folder/lyre, music, black pouch with coordinates, pencil and markers.

                                    2023 REMIND CLASSES

Everyone, please sign up for the following Remind codes, as this is how we communicate last minute information (usually due to weather): text to the phone number: 81010 Also, make sure you use the “@” sign in the text box.  We’re only allowed 150 members per class, which is why we break up the varsity band in two groups.  Parents, please feel free to join this as well.  REMINDER: This is a one way communication device.  Even if it says you can respond, please email or text Mr. Reed with responses/questions.  Finally, please make sure your responses are all in lower case.

Varsity band members last names A-L: @bison231

Varsity band members last name M-Z: @bison232

2023 Band Student Staff (section leaders and seniors): @bstaff23

2023 Drumline: @bdrum23

2023 JV Band: bisonjv23

                        Upcoming Dates:

July 24- Student leadership training/work. 9AM-4PM

July 24- Ice Cream Social Little Theatre Lobby. 5-6PM- greet new associate band director, Ms. Beasley!

July 25-28- Drumline camp (varsity/bat/pit) 4-8PM

July 27/28- JV & new varsity marchers- stadium 8-11:30AM

July31-Aug.8 Band Camp (varsity/no weekends) stadium 8AM-4PM


Aug 8- Band Camp/Picnic (Everyone) stadium/caf. 6:00-7:30PM

band announcements May 17-23

Wednesday, May 17th– Graduation Band. All band students (except block 7 percussion and those involved with NJROTC) report to band room by 5:45PM. Look nice, Sunday best, but no color coordination.  You can bring homework and devices if need be.  We will warmup/tune/rehearse in the band room, then head to stadium. Bring your own water bottle, we will be out in the stadium from 6:30-about 8:30PM.  Parents, please do NOT attend this event (I know, sort of a unique request) as the stadium is reserved for families of graduating students.
Friday, May 19th– nothing scheduled.
Monday, May 22nd
6:00-6:45PM- Indoor marching rehearsal/pizza party.  Incoming freshman and their families eat pizza with student staff.
6:45-7:30PM- ALL high school band members (varsity and JV) report to band room for short meetings (by instrument section).  We will then play a couple pep-band tunes, and then read through the 2023 marching band show!  We will also check out instruments to current 8th graders.  We plan to check out instruments to current high school students during finals.
Tuesday, May 23rd
4:30-7:30PM- Varsity marching rehearsal.  All 2023 varsity marchers need to attend.  This will be a great way to end the school year, lots of fun!  Please bring instrument, but we do not plan on playing, just marching.
Students interested in auditioning for the 2023-24 jazz ensemble and you’re not currently enrolled in a jazz class, please see Mr. Reed to set up an audition sometime this week after school.
That’s it for now, we can really see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements May 5-11

Friday, May 5th– Pizza Jazz- 6-10PM, North cafeteria.  Parents, please use this link to donate items and/or help with Pizza Jazz. Thanks in advance for your help:
Tuesday, May 9th– Hocker/North band spring concert- 7PM, North auditorium.  Call time for band students is 6:30PM in the band room.  Symphonic, concert and freshman band are playing, as well as Hocker Grove 7th/8th grade bands.
Thursday, May 11th– band banquet- begin eating at 5:45PM and program begins around 6:30PM, North cafeteria.  Please RSVP by this Wednesday (May 3rd) if you’re attending the banquet: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwY1hCqBClZrsD_zzj939uCz3XLy0PuHCO2E1d8S–hVzz4g/viewform?usp=sf_link


band announcements April 12th-19th

Friday, April 14th– Jazz on The Bridge performances @ SM West.  Block 4 jazz band plays 6:00-6:20PM on the SM West “bridge”.  Call time of 5:30 for this group and should stay for block 3’s performance.  Block 3 Jazz band plays at 7:30PM in the SM West cafeteria.  Call time of 6:00PM for this group to hear block 4 play on the bridge.  Jazz students should wear jazz shirts and black pants.  Admission is free, but they have BBQ on sale.
Saturday, April 15th– Regional solo/ensemble festival.  See schedule outside of band office.
Monday, April 17th– Contest Concert for Symphonic and Concert band.  Concert begins at 7:00PM in the auditorium.  Blocks 1 and 2 should wear their concert uniforms with a call time of 6:30PM in the band room.  The concert should last about 1 hour.  Both groups will perform their state contest literature.
Wednesday, April 19th– State contest for Symphonic and Concert band.  Both bands perform at Blue Valley Southwest HS and it’s free to the public.  Concert band performs at 11:40AM and Symphonic band performs at 2:30PM.  Students should bring their uniforms to school and change into regular clothes when they arrive back at school.  Transportation to and from BVSW will be provided to students via charter bus!
Other items:
-Symphonic band, your playing test is due Monday, April 17th via Canvas.
Parents, we are looking for a fund raising chair for next year. If you’re available to help with that project or other projects, please email Ms. Keller at mltillman1@yahoo.com
Parents, we are looking for two additional parents to help on Saturday, April 15th for a few hours at the solo/ensemble festival at Olathe South.  If you can, please use this signup and then email me that you’ve signed up.  We really need at least two more parents.  Thanks in advance.  Thank you to Ms. Gunn and Ms. Menendez who have already signed up to help!  Here’s the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050d4ba4a62ea64-kshsaa2#/
It’s a very busy and important 7 days for the band program.  Students, please continue to be on time and ready for action for every rehearsal!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

Band announcements April 3rd

EVERYONE, we have a booster meeting this Wednesday (April 5th) in the band room from 5:45-6:45PM.  This was originally scheduled for Tuesday but needed to be changed due to scheduling conflicts.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Parents, this is a great way to get more connected with our band program!


SENIORS: As a reminder, please use this link to submit pictures for the band banquet video.  Pictures are due by Friday, April 21st.  Please use this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_VeQPkYCJciaexE04gsJ7YZio2vKsjDwIsFhutOb_2im7Og/viewform?usp=sf_link



PARENTS, please sign up below if you can help at the High school level solo/ensemble festival.  You can sign up for one shift on Saturday, April 15th.   If you sign up, please email me that you have done so, as I don’t receive notifications when anyone volunteers.  They are asking for at least 3 to 4 parents from our school to volunteer.  If you help, you will definitely be able to watch your child perform.  Shifts generally run 3 ½ hours or so.  Please use this link to volunteer:






STUDENTS, please sign up below if you can help at the SMSD Middle school level solo/ensemble festival.  You can sign up for one shift on Saturday, April 22nd.  Lettering points awarded.  If you sign up, please email me that you have done so, as I don’t receive notifications when anyone volunteers:



That’s it for now.  More information to follow regarding upcoming performances for contest season.


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

band announcements March 23- April 4

Hello everyone-
Use this link to submit senior pictures, as well as all other candid shots for the band banquet video, as all submissions are due no later than Friday, April 21st: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_VeQPkYCJciaexE04gsJ7YZio2vKsjDwIsFhutOb_2im7Og/viewform?usp=sf_link
Please read this pasted message from an SMN band alum who is hosting an upcoming jazz show: Please join us Sunday, April 16, from 6pm-8pm, for Jazz Vespers, at The First Baptist Church of Kansas City Missouri, for a free concert, sure to entertain the entire family.  We will be performing selections from Count Basie, Jay McShann, Harlan Leonard, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Frank Sinatra, Earl Hines, and more.
Upcoming band events:
March 28th– SMSD SYMPHONIC band festival @ SM East.  Block 1 symphonic band will be performing.  Call time for students is 6:25PM in the SM East choir room, in full uniform, ready to play.  Parents, the free concert begins at 7:00PM in the SM East auditorium.  The concert should last less than 90 minutes.  This is a graded event, and all students are expected to stay for the duration.  Symphonic band, don’t forget about the clinic with Mr. Steve Davis the following morning during class.
March 30th– SMSD CONCERT band festival @ SM Northwest.  Block 2 concert band will be performing.  Call time for students is 6:25PM in the SM Northwest choir room, in full uniform, ready to play.  Parents, the free concert begins at 7:00PM in the SM Northwest auditorium.  The concert should last less than 90 minutes.  This is a graded event, and all students are expected to stay for the duration.
April 4th– Band booster meeting in the North band room, beginning at. 5:45PM.  The meeting will last less than 60 minutes.  Parents, this is a great way to get plugged into the band program!
That’s it for now!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham

band announcements March 1st-8th

Symphonic band sectional rehearsal schedule, all groups beginning at 7:00AM.  This is a graded event, please be on time.
Wed. March 1st: flutes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, bassoon.
Fri. March 3rd: all saxophones, tubas
Mon. March 6th: horns, percussion
Reminder that this Friday (March 3rd) is the annual Spring Swing Dance Party, from 6:30-8:30PM in the cafeteria.  $15/adult and $7/students.  Jazz participants are free.  In addition to 2 hours of dance music provided by our SM North area jazz groups, admission includes coffee, appetizers, dessert, including our world-famous chocolate fountain!  Any attire will be appropriate.  We had over 300 people attend last year, don’t miss this fun evening of swing dancing, music, food and coffee!  FYI- cash/check only, and tickets can be purchased at the door.
Parents, we’re still looking for help for the Spring Swing, including food donations.  Spring Swing signup genius for parents: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c44a8aa22a13-spring1#/
Block 4 Jazz Ensemble, don’t forget about the SMNW Jazz Cabaret on Wednesday, March 8th.  Call time of 6:30PM at SMNW, concert begins at 7:00PM and should last about an hour.  Everyone is welcome to attend!
Students, Ms. Fillingham would appreciate help with Honor Band rehearsals, every Tuesday from 3:45-4:45PM in the band room.  Lettering points awarded.  Please email Ms. Fillingham with questions.

band announcements Feb. 21-March 3

The last pep-band performance is tonight (2/21).  Report time of 6:00PM in the band room.


Parents, we’re hosting our biggest jazz event of the year on Friday, March 3rd…the Spring Swing!  We’re in need of several volunteers.  If you have any availability for Friday, March 3rd, anytime from 4-9PM (not the entire time, just a portion) OR…you can donate food.  Even if your child is not in the jazz program, we would really appreciate your help and/or food donations!

Here’s the link:




Symphonic and Concert bands…there are only 11 rehearsals between now and the SM music festivals in late March.  Please do everything you can to be on time and ready to go during class.  Each rehearsal is SO important!


Students, please finish signing up for the April 15th Solo/Ensemble festival by tomorrow, February 22nd.  The sign up is on the band room office window.


That’s it for now, have a wonderful week!

Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham