Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands

band announcements Oct. 9-14

A special thanks to all the parents who helped last Monday, as well as Friday’s Homecoming game and yesterday’s Olathe festival.  You are the best!
Monday, Oct. 9- 6:45AM- early rehearsal for varsity band.  Also on same night, 6:30PM varsity rehearsal.
Wed.- Although this is the National Day of Testing, North is still running an assembly schedule day of school, so we will still rehearse at 6:45AM through block 1 (and 2 for percussion).  Of course, band students are excused from rehearsal if you are taking the test.  I’ll get a list from Dr. Brogdon of band students who are testing.
Friday- although there is no school, as per your summer/fall band calendar, we have a graded rehearsal from 9AM-noon (3X normal points).  We will also cover last minute SM North Marching Invitational stuff.
Sat- SM North Marching Invitational. Student information will be covered in class, parents should sign up for jobs on the signup genius (see below).  Everyone should report to the legacy patio 20 minutes prior to any job they have so we know who is here to help.  The legacy patio is the brick patio outside of the pool area.
Remember that NO ONE should park on campus on Saturday, including myself and other volunteers.  I’m parking on 61st street behind the stadium.  Parents, here’s the link to volunteer:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044CACAB2FA2FA7-38269464-2023#/
Finally, remember that we should greet EVERYONE with those 5 wonderful words, ”Welcome to Shawnee Mission North!”
Looking forward to another fun and important week in band!
Mr. Reed

band announcements Oct. 2-7

Monday, Oct. 2nd– 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
ALSO on this day is the SM Marching Festival:
This will be held at SM South stadium.  Parents, performance times begin at 7:00PM and the order of bands is West, North, East, Northwest, South.  This is a free event to the public.  All seating is on the west side of the stadium (closest to Lamar, further away from the school).  SM North fans should sit just south of the 50 yard line.  It will look like it does when you’re sitting in our North stadium.  Students, this is a graded event and you need to stay for all 5 bands, and travel back on the bus to North.
Here’s the itinerary:
3:00PM- load percussion/equipment trucks after school.  All percussion and anyone else that wants to earn lettering points, please help after school.  Once loaded, everyone breaks for dinner.
4:45- band room opens, begin uniform checkout
5:30- busses depart for SM South
6:00- unload truck, begin warmup process
7:00- performances begin.
8:15ish- performances conclude.  Load trucks and busses and depart for SM North
9:15ish- arrive at North, unload trucks, turn in uniforms
Wed- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students
6:30PM- also on Wednesday, there is a “block party” organized by pep-club.  Drumline has been asked to play.  Probably a call time of around 6:00PM, we will discuss this in class.
Fri- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students
12:30PM- band dismiss from class to prepare for Homecoming parade.  Wear your show shirt and black or brown shorts.
1:30- PARADE begins.  Band dismiss after parade.
5:00- band room opens, distribute uniforms
6:00- varsity/JV attendance on upper football field, in full uniform, ready to play.
6:35- FULL “HALFTIME” SHOW PERFORMANCE BEFORE GAME.  Parents, please be in your seats by 6:30PM so you don’t miss the marching band show.
7:00- game begins
7:45ish- we may or may NOT play our first song for halftime, still no final word.  Regardless, Homecoming crowning occurs at halftime.
9:30ish- game concludes, turn in uniforms
8:00AM- band room opens to load trucks and uniform trailers with garment bags, as we will wear our uniforms on bus.  All percussion and those wanting to earn lettering points should arrive at 8AM.
9:15- all varsity members at North, change into uniform
9:50- depart SM North
10:15- arrive at Olathe NW, unload trucks
12:00PM- begin warmup.
12:50- on deck
1:15- change out of uniform, eat lunch and load trucks/uniform trailer.
2:15ish- busses depart back to North
2:45ish- busses arrive, unload equipment, return uniform bags
Happy Homecoming night!
Parents, there is a $10 admission ticket to enter the stadium.  Although we get 10 free parent helper admission tickets, there’s WAY more than 10 of you helping…so please just plan on purchasing a $10 admission ticket, even if you’re helping.  There’s a $5 student/child admission ticket charge as well.
PARENTS, the following sign-up genius links have gone out, but here they are in one place.  There might be one for the Homecoming game out later this week.
Oct. 14th SMN Marching Invitational volunteer link:
The next four weeks will test out ability to get rest when we can, and to understand how much EVERYONE is depending on EVERYONE to do their best and be on time, ready to work.  Kids, you’ve all worked really hard, I can’t wait to see your efforts in a performance.  😊
Mr. Reed

band announcements Sept. 25- Oct. 2

Monday, Sept. 25- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.  Due to a JV football game, we are bumping Monday night’s rehearsal to 7:00-9:00PM (instead of the regular 6:30-8:30pm).  I hope this will not cause a scheduling conflict with anyone.  Any parents that want to continue working on props, etc. during this rehearsal, please come on out!
Wednesday- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
Friday- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
Monday, Oct. 2nd– 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
ALSO on this day is the SM Marching Festival:
This will be held at SM South stadium.  Parents, performance times begin at 7:00PM and the order of bands is West, North, East, Northwest, South.  This is a free event to the public.  All seating is on the west side of the stadium (closest to Lamar, further away from the school).  I’m still figuring out where North’s assigned parent seating is, stay tuned!
Here’s the itinerary:
3:00PM- load percussion/equipment trucks after school.  All percussion and anyone else that wants to earn lettering points, please help after school.  Once loaded, everyone breaks for dinner.
4:45- band room opens, begin uniform checkout
5:30- busses depart for SM South
6:00- unload truck, begin warmup process
7:00- performances begin.
8:15ish- performances conclude.  Load trucks and busses and depart for SM North
9:15ish- arrive at North, unload trucks, turn in uniforms
Other events in October:
Although the full itinerary is not completed for the Oct. 7th Olathe Marching Invitational, we have a 1:00PM performance time, and due to North’s Homecoming, we will only play the first round.  Students will decide and sign up to take a bus back to North after our performance, or stay for the duration of the day/evening.  Finals awards will conclude at 10:00PM, so we would depart back to North at that time.  More details about the Homecoming game and Olathe marching festival to follow next weekend.
Parents, if you haven’t done so already, please use this link to sign up for a volunteer shift for our SM North Marching Invitational, to be held on Saturday, Oct. 14th!  This is of all days of the year, an “all hands on deck” day for parents!  Everyone helping for just a couple hours will make a huge difference.  Thanks in advance for your help!  Here’s the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044CACAB2FA2FA7-38269464-2023#/
The show is really shaping up, thank you everyone for your hard work and efforts!
Mr. Reed

band announcements Sept. 18-22

Band announcements Sept. 18th-22nd


Monday, Sept. 18- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal.  Also, 6:30-8:30PM varsity rehearsal.


Wednesday, 6:45AM varsity rehearsal.



Friday- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal.  Also on Friday, home football game:

4:30PM- band room opens up.

4:45- big brother/sisters arrive.  This list will be posted by Wednesday or so, usually juniors and seniors.

5:00- Hocker Grove students arrive at band room eat with big brother/sister HS students.

5:15- begin checking out full uniforms to varsity students, and JV students who choose to participate with this football game.

6:05- attendance taken on upper field, everyone in full uniform and instruments, ready to go.

6:40- pre-game performance.

7:00- game begins

7:45ish- halftime performance.  AFTER HALFTIME, parents, we will have our SMN Marching Invitational meeting, to be held in the North CHOIR room (HG students being picked up in band room) during the 3rd quarter.  We will keep the meeting brief so you can head out to the game for the 4th quarter.

9:30ish- game concludes, turn in uniforms and dismiss.


Looking forward to a productive week in band!

Mr. Reed

band announcements Sept. 11-15

Monday, Sept. 11- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal (if raining, we will begin inside).  Also, 6:30-8:30PM varsity rehearsal.  Parents, anyone wanting to help with the new rose bush prop, sound system or podiums, the band room will be open beginning 5:15PM and on to work on these projects.  Thanks in advance for anyone that can help.

Wednesday, 6:45AM varsity rehearsal.  Also on Wednesday, the Bonner Springs Marching Festival:

10:20AM- drumline excused from block 3 class to begin helping load truck.

11:00- all varsity members should eat 1st lunch.

11:30- all varsity members report to band room, change into show shirt and khaki (or as close to brown color, do your best) shorts, and help load truck.

12:30PM- begin loading bus.

1:00- arrive at Bonner Springs HS, begin loading truck.

2:00- begin music/visual warm-up process.


2:45- begin clinic.
3:15- clinic ends, 15-minute break, then percussion begin loading truck.

3:40- all winds begin music rehearsal in Bonner Springs band room as we wait for our busses to arrive.

4:45ish-load busses and depart for North.

5:15ish-arrive at North, unload truck and dismiss.

PARENTS: please use this sign-up genius to help with the Bonner Springs festival: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084EA4A92DA5FEC52-bonner#/

Looking forward to a busy and rewarding week in band!

Mr. Reed

band announcements Aug.28-Sept. 1

Monday, Aug. 28-

6:45AM varsity band rehearsal in stadium.  I know this seems crazy after last week, but you might consider bring warmer clothing tomorrow morning, as the low temperature is 60 degrees!

6:30-8:30PM- varsity rehearsal in stadium.  Students, if anyone is available to arrive as early as 5:30PM, to help set up the full sound system.



6:45AM varsity band rehearsal in stadium.



6:45AM varsity band rehearsal in stadium.  Also:



5:00PM band room doors open for uniform checkout.  FYI- yoyu don’t all need to arrive at 5:00, that’s just when the process begins.  We try to give a little bit more time for the first game.

6:15- all varsity (and JV students if you’re attending) students in attendance block on the upper football field behind the stadium, attendance taken at this time.  Everyone should be in full uniform and instruments ready to go.

6:45- band will perform at pregame, playing the fight song/school song, as well as the national anthem.

7:00- game begins.

9:30ish- game concludes.  All student back to band room to turn in uniforms.


Students, feel free and bring water.  You will have 3rd quarter off to visit concessions, etc.  The band room will be locked for the duration of the game.  Please don’t ask to leave early, etc. as no one will have access to the building until the game concludes.


Parents, regarding Friday’s home football game, we always need lots of volunteers to help with uniforms and water.  Please use this signup genius to indicate how you’re willing to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084EA4A92DA5FEC52-football?fbclid=IwAR271bnvQcmOCKtzAi2zHQZSdUxFYA8UWc9g9OD3HEBHkfj01jbF8_9a4qI#/


Looking forward to our first home game week, and hopefully more normal weather!

Mr. Reed

Ms. Beasley


band announcements Aug. 21-26

Monday, Aug. 21st

-6:45AM varsity rehearsal.  We will all start in the band room, then winds go outside at 7:10AM (football is on the field until 7:15AM).  All percussion will stay inside Monday morning.  Another reminder that attendance is taken exactly at 6:45AM, instrument and music ready to play.

-6:30-8:30PM Monday night varsity rehearsal. The current plan is to start inside, then move to the stadium once the sun gets behind the home stands.  BRING WATER Monday night!


Tuesday.- normal classes



If the hot weather holds, we will begin at 6:45AM and run with a similar morning schedule as Monday.


Thursday.- normal classes



6:45AM varsity rehearsal, and we will probably start in the stadium, stay tuned via ReMind app for Friday’s morning schedule.


Two additional items for this Friday, both are optional, but you will receive lettering points:

-Students willing to help with the 5th grade “instrument petting zoo” from 4-8PM, please show up by 3:45PM to help.  Lettering points awarded.  Signups are by the band office, and you don’t have to stay the entire time.


The Fall Sports Kickoff is also this Friday, and we’ve been asked to play some pep-band tunes!  Please arrive by 6:50PM in the band room, and we play in the stadium at 7:10PM, and we’re finished by 7:30PM!



8AM-noon- instrument petting zoo, part 2!  Again, sign up by the band office for any portion of time you can help.


Two additional items:

-We will begin handing out show shirts this Thursday after school.  Please drop by the band room to get your shirt, provided you have paid your $125 varsity band fee.  Block 7 JV band will receive their shirts this Friday during class, provided your $75 JV band fee is paid.  A reminder that anyone can pay their band fee at www.smnorthbands.org and click “group member payments”.


-Fall semester permission forms will be handed out tomorrow during class, and are due this Friday, Aug. 25th.  This will be an easy 50-point assignment!


Looking forward to the first full week of school and band!

Mr. Reed

Ms. Beasley

band announcements Aug. 6th- getting started

This week:
Monday, Aug. 7- varsity band camp 7AM-3PM
Tuesday, August 8- varsity camp 7AM-1PM (we will release two hours earlier since they’re coming back the same night).
Also on this night, we will host our “Pop into our Preview Performance!”
6:00PM- we will serve free popcorn for everyone in the cafeteria.  Just to hang out and everyone can visit.
6:30- varsity students report to the stadium to warm up.
6:45- everyone reports to the stadium to watch what we’ve been doing at band camp for the past several days.
7:30- preview performance ends
7:45- ALL band parents, please report to the choir room for our first band booster meeting.  We would be thrilled to have ALL band parents attend so we can talk about various needs the band program has throughout the year.  Parents, this is a GREAT way to get plugged into the band program!
Upcoming expenses:
$125- varsity band members (blocks 1@2)
$75- JV band (block 7)
$50- dance team
You can pay online at www.smnorthbands.org and click “group member payments” or submit a check made out to “Shaw-Mi-No” and mail to:
Wenonah Carmody- booster treasurer
11403 W 67th ST
Shawnee, KS 66203
Seniors- we are so excited that all of you will have individual banners with your picture on it for home football games.  Furthermore, it’s yours to keep after the season ends.  The cost is only $25!  You can submit a check to the address listed above or pay online using group member payments.  You can use the misc. payment option at the bottom.
Band shirts:
If you haven’t done do already, please use the link below to order your band shirt by Tuesday, Aug. 8th so we can begin production.  Students, this cost is already included in your band fee.  Parents, if you are ordering additional shirts, they are $18 each. Payment can be made as explained above.  We’ve already received orders from over 120 people, so we’re almost there!  Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIqLCW6HJUySp8sFcgNeoK_qzzUFbXz9OW2nemU9ORfkrldA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Varsity early morning rehearsal/Monday night schedule:
First early morning rehearsal will be Friday, Aug. 18th at 6:45AM in the stadium.  Moving forward, we will have early morning rehearsals every Monday/Wednesday/Friday beginning at 6:45AM in the stadium.  The first Monday night rehearsal will be Aug. 21st from 6:30-8:30PM.  We basically have Monday night rehearsals through Oct. 23rd, as seen on the band summer/fall calendar (see attached).
First day of school:
We will NOT play during class the first day of school for blocks 1,2 and 7, but both jazz bands (blocks 3 and 4) will play the first day of school.
Students: Please double check your schedule to make sure you are in the correct band class.  We have leeway to fix this over the course of this week, but once school begins, my hands are tied!
New staff: I’m looking forward for everyone to meet the new associate band director, Ms. Maddy Beasley!  Please introduce yourself soon, she’s looking forward to meeting all of you.
ReMind codes:
Varsity band students, last name A-L: @ bison231
Varsity band students, last name M-Z: @bison232
JV band students: @bisonjv23
Drumline: @bdrum23
Student staff (section and seniors): @bstaff23
Parents and students, please text one or more of the following codes to the phone number 81010 (be sure to include the “@” character.  We use this for last minute announcements, such as changes due to weather, etc.  PLEASE NOTE: this is a one-way communication system.  Please do not reply to ReMind texts as I don’t check them.  Please email, text or call me if you need to get in touch with me.
This is already shaping up to be a fantastic year!  The kids are working hard, having fun and making tremendous progress.  As always, if you have any question, please contact Mr. Reed at [email protected]
Thanks everyone-
Mr. Reed
Ms. Beasley

new varsity times for July 31-Aug. 8

Hello everyone-

Looking forward to seeing new varsity marchers and JV marchers tomorrow morning from 8-11:30M on the stadium field.


NEW: Due to extreme hot weather, we’re making a change for next week. July 31st-August 8th, all rehearsals will BEGIN AT 7 AM and end at 3 PM. The extra hour of cooler weather will be much appreciated by all, as well as keeping everyone safer.


Students, if you think you could run into transportation issues with the earlier time, please reach out and ask someone for a ride… I am completely confident we can get everyone there as long as we know any possible transportation issues.


It is still very important that everyone realizes we are starting right on time, which is now 7 AM on the stadium field.


As always, please remember to wear light colored clothing, tennis shoes with socks (no sandals or flip flops), sunglasses, sunscreen… And I strongly encourage everyone to bring a large water container with plenty of ice, preferably a 1-gallon jug.  Band booster parents will be there to offer additional water, but please bring your own supply.  Several bands in the area have also moved their schedule back to 7AM time to beat the heat.


Cross country athletes, please communicate with coach Pope, as we’ve talked about sharing cross country and band times next week.


Parents, we are still looking for additional volunteers to work tomorrow, Friday as well as next week. Please visit the Shawnee Mission North Facebook page, as you can find a link to sign up.


Please email Mr. Reed with questions, and we’ll see everyone soon!

Mr. Reed


July 21st SMN band updates

Hello everyone!

Looking forward to getting things rolling for band in the 2023-24 school year.  Pasted below are the summer events and rehearsal schedules.

A special welcome to new associate band director, Ms. Maddy Beasley!  Ms. Beasley has been teaching in Missouri for the last 3 years.  She is a saxophone player from Pitt State and is working on her master’s at KU.  I know you will enjoy working with her…please make her feel welcome at the Ice Cream Social this Monday, July 24th!

Students, please remember to wear/bring the following for all outdoor rehearsals:

Light colored shorts/shirt, tennis shoes with socks (NO FLIP FLOPS)

1 gallon iced down water container

Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat


Returning marchers, please bring your old flip folder/lyre.  Otherwise, we will provide flip folder/lyre, music, black pouch with coordinates, pencil and markers.

                                    2023 REMIND CLASSES

Everyone, please sign up for the following Remind codes, as this is how we communicate last minute information (usually due to weather): text to the phone number: 81010 Also, make sure you use the “@” sign in the text box.  We’re only allowed 150 members per class, which is why we break up the varsity band in two groups.  Parents, please feel free to join this as well.  REMINDER: This is a one way communication device.  Even if it says you can respond, please email or text Mr. Reed with responses/questions.  Finally, please make sure your responses are all in lower case.

Varsity band members last names A-L: @bison231

Varsity band members last name M-Z: @bison232

2023 Band Student Staff (section leaders and seniors): @bstaff23

2023 Drumline: @bdrum23

2023 JV Band: bisonjv23

                        Upcoming Dates:

July 24- Student leadership training/work. 9AM-4PM

July 24- Ice Cream Social Little Theatre Lobby. 5-6PM- greet new associate band director, Ms. Beasley!

July 25-28- Drumline camp (varsity/bat/pit) 4-8PM

July 27/28- JV & new varsity marchers- stadium 8-11:30AM

July31-Aug.8 Band Camp (varsity/no weekends) stadium 8AM-4PM


Aug 8- Band Camp/Picnic (Everyone) stadium/caf. 6:00-7:30PM