Welcome to East Antioch Elementary Bands
Feb. 14-21 Several Important Announcements
Tuesday, Feb. 14- double header basketball game. Report time of 5:30PM.
Wednesday, Feb. 15th- DEADLINE FOR ALL COLORADO PAYMENTS. Please submit a check to the booster treasurer, Mr. Reed, or through PayPal via the band website. Go to www.smnorthbands.org and click on “group member payments”. The boosters need to pay for final condo costs, as wells bussing and festival registrations. Please visit www.charmsoffice.com login to view current balance due.
Monday, Feb. 21- double header basketball game. Report time of 5:30PM.
Several random, but very important announcements:
All interested students should sign up, by the band office, for the KSHSAA Solo & ensemble festival, which will be held on Saturday, April 8th. This is optional to all band students, but JV and varsity lettering points will be awarded. Sign up no later than this Thursday, February 16th.
Finish signing up, by the band office, for the Colorado bussing lists, by this Thursday, February 16th.
BAND CAMP DATES for summer 2017 are now posted on the main page of the band website (right hand side). Parents, please plan travel/vacation plans around these dates. As a parent of three, I know that can be challenging, but it’s important our entire band is together for summer rehearsals. FYI- all band camp dates are reciprocal dates as last summer.
July 21- Student Leadership train/work day 9AM-4PM
July 22- Drumline camp (varsity/pit/battery) 8AM-4PM
July 24-26 Drumline camp (varsity/pit/battery) 5-9PM
July 25/26 JV & new varsity marchers 8-11:30AM
July 27 Ice Cream Social (everyone) 7:00PM
July 27-Aug. 4 Band Camp (varsity/ no weekends) 8AM-4PM
Aug. 4 Band Camp (everyone) 6-7:30PM
SENIORS- please begin submitting baby/child and high school pictures to our senior video producer at [email protected] 3-6 pictures would be ideal, ages 0-18 of your life! You can submit hard copies to Mr. Reed, and you will get them back after the video is made. DEADLINE FOR SENIOR PICTURES is Friday, March 31st. The sooner, the better. Seniors, thanks in advance for your help with this huge project.
Friday, March 3rd- SPRING SWING!!! Although both jazz bands (and Hocker) will perform, EVERYONE is invited to attend this party. Students tickets are $7 at the door, and adults are $15. This includes 2+ hours of dance music, free swing/dance lesson, food and drink, including our famous chocolate fountain! The party runs from 6:30-8:30PM in the North cafeteria.
Feb. 3-14: Chili supper, b-ball, enrollment info
Friday, Feb. 3- double header basketball game, “Hall of Fame” night. Report time of 5:30PM for pep-band in band room. PARENTS, the school booster organization is asking help from band parents at this game. Since they helped purchase our new marching banner (which matches our new uniform color), please consider clicking the link below to help http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090e4eafa62fabf58-hall Apologies for the late notice on this.
Tuesday, Feb. 7- CHILI SUPPER– all band students involved. Admission is free, but read below for food. Participating band students pay as well, but notice the low cost…we just want everyone to eat together!
5:15PM- jazz band report to band room, warm up
5:45- EVERYONE encouraged to eat in the cafeteria while jazz bands play. $5.00/person, children 5 and under $3.00. Dinner includes chili, cheese, hotdog, dessert, condiments. The idea is for everyone to eat, please don’t eat at home or go somewhere else…we’ve ordered 250+ servings of chili.
6:30ish- after eating, everyone walks to auditorium to listen to: 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, symphonic band. Everything should wrap up by 7:30PM.
STUDENTS: start eating around 5:45PM in cafeteria. Be in auditorium no later than 6:40ish, after you finish your meal for the concert in the auditorium. Casual formal attire requested, no specific color coordination. Jeans, shorts, jerseys, etc. Symphonic band members, do not wear your uniform!
PARENTS, please visit the following link, we need more volunteers to help, etc. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c4caeaf2dab9-chili
Wednesday, Feb. 8- Northern Exposure. No bands performing. Will need a few upperclassman students to speak with 8th graders in band room from 6:30-8:00PM.
Tuesday, Feb. 14- double header b-ball game. Should be a “sweet” game.
– band students should sign up for marching band, regardless of JV or varsity designation (1/2 credit). Exception, if you know you’re in varsity percussion, please sign up for “instrumental ensemble” class in the fall. Also sign up for symphonic or concert band in spring (1/2 credit). Final spring placement depending on auditions next November. Also sign up for Jazz 1, it’s a great class! The only prerequisite is to be in a large ensemble in addition to jazz (i.e. marching, concert, etc). Sign up for Jazz 2, if you’re already in that class. Auditions for jazz placement this May.
-NEW- Music theory offered block 2. This a great class, especially if you want to major (or minor) in music when yo go to college…it will REALLY help you! Open to all juniors and seniors. FYI- this is no longer an IB music class, it’s strictly music theory. Will discuss more in class.
-if interested in taking Med Sci class as a junior next year, you can still take band, so sign up! We are working out the details pertaining to how both semesters will work..don’t worry!
Colorado- ALL participants now have their username and password (document given in class). Parents, BEFORE NEXT MONDAY, please visit http://www.online.winterparkskimusicfestival.com/#/login use the username/password given to your child, and fill out all information…it should only take 10 minutes. They need this information ASAP. FYI- I cannot send the document electronically, it was sent to me as a 113 page PDF, which I had to print. Each participant was given a paper with all the necessary information on it.
The bands are doing great this semester…keep up the good work!
Mr. Reed
Band Announcements Jan. 27-Feb. 3
Tuesday, January 31- North Area Band Festival– This is for symphonic band and the Crimson Tribe Jazz Ensemble only.
6:45AM- We need help setting up 400 chairs, beginning at 6:45AM that morning. Although this report time is optional, lettering points will be awarded, and we could REALLY use a lot of hands.
7:40AM- rehearsal begins in the field house. You will be considered tardy if not ready to play in the field house at that time…so get to school a little early.
6:30PM in the band room, in full uniform, and warming up. We will play for 10 minutes and walk down to the field together to “meet and greet” all the 5th-8th grade kids. Concert begins at 7:00PM, should last around one hour. EVERYONE is responsible for getting all equipment back to the band room before leaving North.
Friday, February 3- Double header basketball game. Report time of 5:30. This is the annual “Hall of Fame Night” so there will be a big crowd. Please make sure you can attend, or email me at least 2 says ahead of time. There are only 3 regular season games after this one!
Colorado participants: Your child will receive a very important document this Wednesday, February 1st (concert band on Feb. 2nd). You will receive your official username and password to submit information regarding health insurance, skiing options, and other important items. This information is not in electronic form, so the document will be handed out, not emailed. Please finish this process by this Friday, February 3rd. It only take a few minutes.
Finally, congrats to all the kids who participated in the musical “Catch Me IF You Can”- the production was amazing! Everyone, please consider attending at least one of the performances this weekend!
Mr. Reed
January 15th band announcements
– Congratulations to Jada Green and Chloe Mears for their audition and selection to the Kansas Honor Band, which will perform in Wichita, KS in late February. Kudos to everyone who participated with auditions at the district and state level…you are all better players because of you commitment to practicing!
-pep-band calendar change. No game tomorrow night (Monday, January 16th). Game has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 17th. Report time of 6:15PM, NOT 5:45PM. It’s a not a double header, just a single game vs. Blue Valley NW.
-clarification of band calendar. There are two dates which do not line up with what you see on the North master calendar, but the band calendar is correct. Chili supper is Tuesday, Feb. 7th, NOT Feb. 9th. Symphonic band festival is Monday, April 3rd, NOT April 4th. Please remember the REQUIRED Colorado trip meeting on Monday, March 27th, for all participants on this trip. All students must attend, in addition to one parent (guardian). There are several legalities to cover, which require a student and parent together.
-symphonic band AND freshman band students. There are a few of you that did not complete the listening assignment which was due Friday, January 13th. To receive partial points, please enroll for the class (codes listed below) and follow the directions. If you are completing this assignment late, in addition to completion of the assignment on Google classroom, you must ALSO email me completion of this assignment, as the Google classroom doesn’t notify me when someone submits a late assignment. Please remember, this is important, yet should be fun. If turning in late, please do so ASAP, so you can receive more points.
symphonic band google classroom code: 3le3yg (notice the l is a lower case L, NOT a 1.
freshman band google classroom code: 975bym
PARENTS- if you are interested in serving on the 2017-18 band booster board in some capacity (including helping, but are flexible with your service) please email me. If you are willing to serve with the boosters in some capacity, even if you do not have a preference for your service, we will make sure you are not over extended. Continuing needs with uniforms, fund raising, and at-large board members (attending meetings) are all needed. We would like to solidify next year’s slate of booster members within the next couple weeks.
Also parents, please email Ms. Clifford at [email protected] if you are willing to help serve food at the Feb. 7th chili supper.
Finally, please remember to view the band calendar and other items on the band website www.smnorthbands.org there’s always good information. I hope to have the rest of the semester’s calendar uploaded by the end of the day.
I hope everyone is enjoying the extra time off this weekend. Go Chiefs!
Mr. Reed
Don’t forget . . .
Our sixth grade band members are invited to play with the high school pep band at the basketball game this Friday, January 6th. Report time is 5:45 in the SMN band room. Check your email/skyward messages for more info.
See you there!
Beginning spring semester, 2017
Dear North band family-
Welcome back! I hope everyone is well rested and looking forward to the sound of your alarm clock tomorrow morning!
Upcoming announcements:
Students: we are playing tomorrow in class (Wednesday, January 4th). You will need your instrument, as well as a pencil.
Friday, January 6th- pep-band basketball game. Report time (meaning roll taken and warming up) at 5:30PM. This is a little earlier than normal. This is also feeder night, so we will have several 6th and 8th graders with us. As always, please email at least 2 days prior to any game if you cannot attend.
Saturday, January 7th- KMEA state auditions in Salina, KS. I have already emailed the 5 students this pertains to.
Tuesday, January 10th- two events: pep-band basketball game, report time of 5:45PM. It’s also a BAND BOOSTER meeting, which also begins at 5:45PM. All parents are invited to attend. The pep-band will warm up as the parent meeting begins.
Again, looking forward to seeing everyone, welcome back!
Mr. Reed
No Band This Week
6th Grade Office Serenade
6th Grade Surprise Symphony!
6th Grade Concert Photo!
Click above to view photo!