Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands

Final band announcements for 2018-19!

May 29/30- Varsity band marching rehearsal, 4-8PM in the stadium.  Bring instruments, but we will not be playing.  Remember to wear marching shoes and a gallon water container.  Boosters will provide a light dinner.


Please view/print the 2019 summer/fall band calendar.  As lettering requirements will be altered somewhat, please email me with any issues attending band camp, especially the 7 days of varsity camp (or varsity drumline camp, if applicable).  There will be a greater weight given to marching band camp than in the past.  As a father of three, I completely understand the importance of family vacations.  Having said that, we typically learn a significant portion of the show during band camp.  If we don’t have 98%+ of the band, it takes valuable rehearsal time to get caught up.


We are also collecting dietary restriction needs for next year.  Please email me if we need to be aware of anything regarding feeding your child at marching band functions.


Drumline members, please check for an email regarding summer drumline sectionals in the next few days. These are not required, but are highly recommended to get the year off to a great start. It’s especially helpful for incoming freshmen to learn the ropes and start memorizing warm ups before band camp starts. Sectionals are in the North band room, from 5:30-7:00 PM, and are on the following days: June 19, June 26, July 10, July 17.


As we are moving away from CharmsOffice and more to Skyward based communication, it’s possible we may not have access to email over the summer.  So we will use a new Remind code for communication over the summer.  Please sign up for the following classes:

Text any of the codes to 81010

2019-20 Varsity Band: @3edbb9


2019-29 JV Band: @2019jvma


2019-20 Drumline: @7ac286


2019-20 Drumline Battery: @d89a8


Finally, it’s been a hallmark year, so many memories!  Awesome marching band, California, KMEA for Jazz and an awesome contest season. Thank you all for making this year so special.  For graduating seniors, please stay in touch.  For everyone else, rest up and we’ll see you in July!


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

Band announcements- May 15-30

Wednesday, May 15- Graduation band.  Graded performance, all 9th-11th graders, except percussion in blocks 2 and 7.  Report time of 6:15PM in band room (causal formal, no specific colors) ready to play.  We begin playing at 6:55PM in the stadium.  Should be over before 9:00PM, will Remind-text everyone when graduation is over.  Students, feel free to bring homework.  ALSO, please consider bringing clothes pins!  We never have enough clothes pins to keep music from flying away.
Monday, May 20- Indoor Marching Rehearsal:  Student staff/seniors, report no later than 5:40PM.  You will eat with incoming 9th graders from 6:00-6:30 by the Statue of Liberty.  ALL JV/VARSITY report by 6:20PM to the band parking lot.  We will march a little, then meet inside by section, then play a few pep-band tunes in the band room.  There will also be a parent meeting in the choir room at 6:40PM, a general orientation for new incoming parents.  At 7:30PM, we will conclude with summer rentals.
Wed/Thurs, May 29/30- Varsity Marching Camp- Mark Schleish (one of the area’s best marching clinicians) will work with next year’s group, both nights, from 4-8PM.  We will feed students during one of the breaks.

Band Announcements- May 3-15

Band announcement: May 3-15

Friday, May 3rd– Pizza Jazz, 6-10PM both jazz bands.  Both jazz bands report by 6PM, all other announcements have been made in class.  This event is free to the public in the North cafeteria, while North Relays is held.  All-you-can-eat Papa John’s pizza for $6, including drinks and some dessert while they last.  Bands from Shawnee Mission, Blue Valley and Olathe will be performing.

Saturday, May 4th– Drumline auditions, 9AM-noon in the North band room.  All interested percussionists wanting to participate with varsity marching band should attend.

Tuesday, May 7th– SPRING BAND CONCERT, North auditorium @ 7:00PM.  7th/8th grade Hocker bands, along with North’s freshman, concert and symphonic band.  No admission cost, concert should last until around 8:30PM.  Seniors, please remember to turn in any remaining music and/or uniform parts after the concert.  This is a graded rehearsal.  All high school students should report to the band room by 6:40PM, proper concert attire (as discussed in class) and ready to play.

Thursday, May 9th– BAND BANQUET!  Food service will begin close to 5:30PM in the North cafeteria, and will continue serving until about 6:20PM.  Program will begin around 6:20PM or so.  This is an optional event, but one of the most special nights of the year!  Recognitions, lettering recipients, awards, senior memories and video will be seen.  Dinner is $9 (to be paid at the door), which I know is a little pricey…but food is being catered by Italian Delight, fantastic food!  Don’t miss this special evening, held in the North cafeteria.  The program lasts until about 8:30PM.

PARENTS, we still need additional help with this event, please click this link to show needs.  If you’re going anyway, it would be a big help to pitch in, thanks in advance.



Wednesday, May 15th– SM North Graduation.  All band students from blocks 1,2 and 7 are in this group (except percussion from concert/freshman band).  Report time of 6:15PM in the North band room, dressed business casual or better.  We will be on TV, so look nice!  You can bring homework, as I know many of you are preparing for finals.  Watch the weather and dress accordingly.  Also, please consider bring several clothes pins, so your music doesn’t fly off of your stands!

Another email with May 20th indoor rehearsal (ALL returning students for next year) as well as the May 29th/30th varsity rehearsal will go out later, but keep these dates open, as per the band calendar, posted online at www.smnorthbands.org

Band announcements- April 1st-13th

– senior students, pictures (for the band banquet video) are due next Friday, April 12th.  Email pics to SMNbandbanquet@gmail.com
-April 6th is the regional solo/ensemble festival @ Olathe South high school.  See previous email with attachment for performance times.  A huge thank you to all parents who volunteered to help with this festival.  We met our quota, and all the high schools in SM, Olathe and Blue know we did!
-Monday, April 8th– Contest Concert @ 7:00PM in North auditorium.  Report time of 6:30PM in band room.  Should be in full uniform and ready to warm up.  This concert is for blocks one and two only.  The concert should last about one hour or less.  This is a required concert for blocks one and two.
Wednesday, April 10th– Large group state contest @ Blue Valley Southwest high school.  This is a repeat of the April 8th concert, but in front of adjudicators.  Everyone is welcome and no admission, but it’s obviously tougher to attend since it’s during the day and further away.  If you’re available, please drop by at the following times:
Block 2 Concert Band performance: 10:00AM
Block 1 Symphonic Band performance: 11:35AM
Friday, April 12th– “Jazz on the Bridge” Jazz festival @ SM West high school (jazz bands only)
Block 4 Crimson Tribe reports at 6:00PM in the SM West band room for warm up, and performs at 6:30PM on the bridge at SM West.  Then stay and watch block 3 and 7:20PM.
Block 3 Jazz Band reports no later than 6:30PM to watch block 4, then warms up and performs at 7:20PM in the West cafeteria. Parents, no admission cost, but they serve bbq and side items, we encourage you to eat dinner there.
Saturday, April 13th– Middle school solo/ensemble festival.  Students, are you looking for some final service points for lettering?  Please contact Ms. Balsinger at kimbalsinger@smsd.org if you are available to work between 7:30-11:30AM.  5 service points awarded for a full shift.  You can still work if you’re not available the entire time, but work everything out with Ms. Balsinger using the email address above.

Band announcements March 20-April 6

Symphonic band students, as discussed in class, sectionals schedule as follows- all sectionals begin at 7:10AM in the band room, so be a few minutes early.

Wednesday, March 20:

Alto sax, Horn, Tuba

Low woodwinds

Friday, March 22:

Tenor sax, low brass

Monday, March 25:


Tuesday, March 26:

Flutes, clarinets


Tuesday, March 26- SMSD Symphonic Band Festival, SM East high school (symphonic band only).  Report time for symphonic band students is 6:30PM in the SM EAST choir room, in full uniform, ready to play.  I would plan for 6:15PMish, which will give you time to park and get settled.  Concert begins at 7:00PM in the SM East auditorium.  No admission cost, and the concert should last about 80 minutes or so.  Parents, please stay for the duration (as students are required to).


Thursday, March 28- Symphonic band festival clinic, during 11:10AM, during block IV.  This is required, so please make sure your 4th block teachers knows you will be absent next Thursday.


Saturday, April 6th– Regional solo/ensemble festival at Olathe South high school (students who have signed up to participate).   Precise times have not been announced by the festival host as of yet.


PARENTS: We have been requested to provide at least 6 six parents to work a 3 hour shift at Olathe South’s solo/ensemble festival.  If you child is performing, please sign up for a shift to work.  If you sign up for a shift that ends up being when your child performs, it will not be an issue to watch your child perform, then continue your 3 hour shift.  So…since many of you will be there anyway, PLEASE consider volunteering.  Olathe South will continue to host this huge event, as long as schools continue to volunteer on average at least 6 parents.  ALSO, PLEASE email me that you volunteered so I know we’re getting out quota of parents!  Here is the link to volunteer:   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050d4ba4a62ea64-regional2



STUDENTS: If you are looking for additional service points for lettering, please use the link above to volunteer at the solo/ensemble festival.



Attention all trombone players:

I would like to invite you to a master class by John Engelkes, bass trombonist of the San Francisco Symphony.

The class will be held this Thursday, March 21, 3:00 p.m., at Central United Methodist Church. The church is located at 5144 Oak Street, KCMO, and the class will be in the sanctuary. PLEASE ENTER ON THE WEST SIDE of the building. The east doors will be locked.

Feb. 11th-22nd band announcements

A reminder about tonight’s (Monday, Feb. 11th) booster meeting, 5:30-6:30PM in the band room.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.


Tuesday, Feb. 12- Double header b-ball game.  Report time of 5:30PM in the band room.


Wednesday, Feb. 13- Crimson Tribe Jazz Ensemble rehearsal on stage, 7-8PM.


Tuesday, Feb. 19- Double header b-ball game.  Report time of 5:30PM in the band room.


Wednesday, Feb. 20- Crimson Tribe Jazz Ensemble rehearsal on stage, 7-8PM.  Parents, if you want to see our music set, you’re more than welcome to drop by from 7:30-8:00PM.  Having said that, we still have about 10 spots left on the bus for Wichita the following morning.  Please contact me if you’re interested.  Details about this trip were sent in an email a few weeks ago.


Friday, Feb. 22- Double header b-ball game.  Report time for 5:30PM in the band room.  This is the final regular season game of the season!

Feb. 5th band concert details…pancakes!

Hello everyone-

Details for next week’s taco dinner concert, which is now a pancake dinner!

5:30PM- dinner will be available in the cafeteria, especially students who are performing later in the evening.

5:45- official time to serve.  $5 all you can eat pancakes, which includes sausage and orange juice, catered by Chris Cakes!

6:00PM- jazz bands will begin playing in the cafeteria as everyone is eating pancakes.

6:40ish- everyone heads over to the auditorium, for the 6th grade honor band, freshman, concert and symphonic band performances.  Concert should end by 7:30PM.


Admission is free, but we are encouraging EVERYONE to eat with us, as this is a fund raiser, yet the price is really low.  Besides, no school chili this year, pancakes!


Parents, we will need a dozen or so helpers with setup and serving.  Please use the link below, which shows our needs for next Tuesday night’s dinner/concert.


Casual/formal attire for all performing band members, no specific color coordination.





Thanks everyone-

Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

Band announcements Jan. 24-Feb. 5

FYI- the spring calendar can now be found online at www.smnorthbands.org under the calendar link

Jan. 24th– North area band festival.  Symphonic band and Crimson Tribe only.  Report time of 6:30PM in the band room, in full uniform and ready to play.  Concert is in the field house at 7:00PM, should last one hour.

SYMPHONIC BAND- please remember we have a required rehearsal at 7:40AM in the field to run our program this same morning, and to run the finale with the elementary school students.  ALSO, we need as many hands as possible at 7:00AM to sling 350+ chairs, get percussion/sound equipment from the band room to the field house.


Jan. 29th– b-ball game, double header.  Report time of 5:30PM


Feb. 1st– b-ball game double header.  Report time of 5:30PM


Feb. 5th– Our annual Chili supper has now been changed to a TACO DINNER!  Tacos catered via Don Chilitos, yummy!  $1/taco, purchase as many as you like.  Admission is free, but PLEASE plan on eating some tacos with us as the jazz bands play.

5:45PM- will begin serving dinner in the cafeteria

6:00- both jazz bands will play in cafeteria while people are eating

6:40ish- Everyone moves to auditorium.  Order of performance is 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, symphonic band.

All students should wear casual formal, no specific color coordination.

State Audition Results

Congratulations to the following students who auditioned for the state level band/orchestra/jazz, with the following results:

Jada Green- 3rd chair flute (orchestra)

Kaeleen Kronawitter- 6th chair flute

Asa Martin- 6th chair trombone

Thomas Parnell- jazz piano alternate

Evan West- 1st chair trumpet

A special shout out to Jada, as she has been selected all three years, the first band student from North to do so in over a decade!