Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands
Homecoming game moved to TOMORROW, Thursday, Sept. 26th
Due to incoming inclement weather, I have just been notified that Friday nights football game has been moved to tomorrow night! I need you to email me today if you cannot make the game. If we have too many absences with the varsity band, we will not be able to do our show. In that case, it would be a pep band, in the stands situation. Varsity, please do what you can to make tomorrow night work. You don’t need to email me that you can go, you just need to email me ASAP if you cannot attend.
I don’t have all of the details, but I think everything would work just like Friday night would have worked, varsity band plays the show before the game, then a shortened halftime show with homecoming festivities
The homecoming parade is still scheduled for Friday afternoon. I will email more as I learn more.
Band announcements, Sept. 23-28- Homecoming & OP parade
band announcements Sept. 16-20 Bonner Springs Itinerary
Sept. 16- 6:30-8:30PM. Monday night rehearsal for varsity band. Please bring your own water, we will take more breaks than normal due to forecasted heat.
Sept. 18- Itinerary for Bonner Springs Marching Festival:
No uniform distribution, show shirts only (with dark shorts)
9:05AM- all larger wind players (sousaphone, bone, etc.) should have instruments in cases, on band room floor at the end of block 1 rehearsal.
11:45-All block 2 drumline students should eat 1st lunch and report to band ASAP to begin loading truck. Drill team should eat 1st lunch and change into uniforms
1:10PM- All block 1 varsity wind students should report to block V as usual, and report to the band room at the beginning of block 7, in their show shirts and dark shorts, ready to load the bus.
1:30- depart North to Bonner Springs HS
1:55- arrive at Bonner Springs HS, unload truck
2:30- begin warmup process
3:05- report to back gate
3:20- clinic
3:50- finish clinic, begin to load truck
4:20- depart Bonner Springs
4:50- arrive back at North, unload truck and dismiss
Parents- the festival is at Bonner Springs High School, in their stadium. The address is 100 McDanield St, Bonner Springs, KS 66012. No admission fee. Everyone is welcome to cheer the Marching Indians in their first festival performance of the year.
Nothing on Friday night or the weekend!
Band announcements Sept. 9-13
Band announcements, Sept. 9th-13th
-Seniors, anyone interested in participating in the Shooting Stars scholarship program, please see me ASAP to discuss.
-There is a booster meeting this Tuesday, September 10, from 5:45 to 6:45PM in the band room. Everyone is welcome to attend. Parents, this is a great way to get plugged into our booster organization.
-All band students, the homecoming bonfire is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 7:45 to 8:45PM. This is an optional event, in which the band plays pep band tunes during the bonfire.
Itinerary for Friday night’s home football game (Sept. 13):
5:00PM- band room opens for uniform distribution. You don’t have to be in the band room right at 5:00PM, but please don’t wait until 5:50, as you will not be ready in time for attendance.
6:00- Drumline warms up in rosegarden.
6:15- all bandmembers, JV and varsity, in full uniform on the football field behind the stadium. Please be on time, as this is when attendance is taken for the game.
6:45- Full band performs pregame on the stadium field.
7:00- football game begins and the full band is in the stands for the duration of the game playing pep band tunes.
7:45ish- varsity band will perform the halftime show.
At the conclusion of half time, The SM North Marching Invitational parent meeting will be held during 3rd quarter of the football game! Parents, we highly encourage you to attend this meeting in the band room during 3rd quarter. The meeting will conclude before fourth quarter begins so you can continue to watch the band perform in the stands. The SM North Marching Invitational, to be held October 12, is THE biggest event we host all year. We generally need over 100 parents to fill a small role during the day. We will host over 1,400 visiting marching band students from Kansas and Missouri, and we need everyone’s help! This is definitely an “ALL HANDS ON DECK” day for parents. Trust me, you will have a lot of fun on Oct. 12, it’s a very festive day. 😊
9:30ish- football game will end, and everyone returns their uniform before leaving.
Students, please make sure you wear long black socks to the football game. I would also encourage you to wear shorts and a light T-shirt to wear underneath the band uniform. Please do not wear jeans, or pants that we could see underneath your uniform. Lighter clothing such as shorts and T-shirts will also make sure you don’t get too hot.
-Finally, parents, thank you so much for taking care of your band fee this year. About 80% of you have paid the yearly fee. If you haven’t done so, please submit a check to “Shaw-Mi-No”, or go to www.smnorthbands.org, click group member payments. There is an online form that will then direct you to PayPal. Again, thank you! Drill team fees are $50, JV fees are $75 and varsity fees are $125. This fee pays for uniform cleaning, shoes, music/lyre, show shirt, and a host of other expenses incurred over the school year.
Looking forward to our first home game, to show all of the hard work the band kids have been doing!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
Band announcements Sept. 3-6
Varsity band- we will be outside Tuesday morning (Sept. 3rd) at 7:40AM.
Friday, Sept. 6th– Away football game @ SM South. North band room opens at 5:45PM, buses depart at 6:10PM. We should be back to North somewhere around 10:00PM. In order to participate with the pep-band, you must ride the band buses to and from SM South. Wear show shirt or school colors. Although this is an optional performance for all varsity and JV band members, students will be awarded lettering points. This is the only away football game opportunity of the year, so join us for a fun-filled night, playing rock tunes in the stands, as we cheer our football team on.
Students- if you’ve received a zero in Skyward for your permission packet, please turn it in Tuesday or ASAP. The sooner it’s turned in, the closer to 50 points you will receive. I’m attaching the packet so you can print, sign and return to me. We definitely need the form turned in before you participate with a band activity, such as this week’s away game, or next week’s (Sept. 13th) home game.
Congrats to Sydney Blake for representing band as our Homecoming nominee!
Parent volunteer needs, Remind and permission packet
band announcements Aug. 19-23 Mission Parade canceled
-Bring Water to Monday night rehearsals! It will be somewhat hot on the field Monday night.
– Saturday, Aug. 24th Mission parade has been moved to October. Therefore, we will not have any activity this coming Saturday, and we will not march that parade in October since we’re already busy that month.
– make sure you have your coordinates and flip folder Monday morning, as we will begin learning new drill.
– there’s already a small collection of clothes left in the band room. I’ve placed them in a box on the white table. I’ll empty that box every week or so. If you’re missing clothing, please check that box.
– remember that your participation grade will be affected by tardiness. You can’t participate if you’re not there! Thanks in advance for making sure you’re on the stadium field by 6:45AM. I encourage everyone to get there a little early, to make your day less stressful! 😊
Beginning year band announcements
Hello SM North band students and families-
Students may bring instruments to the first day of school and use their band locker, but we will begin playing on Wednesday, August 14th. JAZZ STUDENTS, we will begin playing on Tuesday, August 13th.
Early rehearsals for varsity marchers will be every Monday/Wednesday/Friday, beginning at 6:45AM the stadium. In case of inclement weather, we will meet in the band room. The first early rehearsal will be Friday, August 16th.
Monday night rehearsals will begin on the stadium field and run from 6:30-8:30PM. The first Monday night rehearsal will be August 19th.
Aug. 24th– upperclassman volunteers needed for the 5th grade instrument demo. Report time of 6:40PM in the band room and we will be finished by 8:00PM. This is optional.
Aug. 24th– Mission parade. Lineup begins at 9:00AM (location TBD). Parade begins at 10:00AM and will be finished by 10:45AM. This is an optional parade, all participating students will receive lettering points.
Students who have not paid their band expenses ($125/varsity, $75/JV, $50 drill team) may submit a check to Mr. Reed, made payable to Shaw-Mi-No, which is the band booster organization. Students can also submit payment via PayPal at www.smnorthbands.org and click Group Member Payments. Upon payment, students will receive their 2019 show shirt. These funds also pay for uniform cleaning, marching shoes, music and lyre, as well as several other shared expenses.
Looking forward to another great year in band at SM North!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
Band Picnic Details- Fri. Aug. 2nd
Aug. 2nd- band picnic details- 6:00-7:30PM. Everyone is invited to attend, all JV and varsity students and families. The expectation is for all varsity students to attend since they are performing a marching/music demonstration, and all JV members are highly encouraged to attend. Beginning at 6:00PM, everyone will eat in the cafeteria. Cost is $6.00 (paid at the door) which covers food costs catered by 2 Guys and a Grill. Veggie options available. To clarify, all participating students pay as well, again, we’re just covering food costs. Approximately 6:45PM, everyone will walk to the stadium for the varsity band demonstration and “drill down” game, with everything ending around 7:30PM. At the conclusion, all parents are highly encouraged to attend the year’s first band booster meeting in the cafeteria, which should last under 30 minutes.
Varsity students should wear their 2019 show shirt and khaki (or brown) shorts.
All students can pay their band expenses ($125/varsity, $75/JV, $50/drill team) and receive their shirt. You can pay at the picnic via check or anytime at www.smnorthbands.org and click “group member payments”.
Looking forward to a great week of varsity camp, ending with a great band picnic Friday night.
FYI- there is another band using the stadium at 6:00PM, that’s not us! We will eat at 6:00 and perform 6:45ish.
2019-20 Initial Band Announcements!
Hello Shawnee Mission North band family!
I hope everyone’s had a restful and eventful summer. As we begin to get the machinery of high school band going, I want to welcome everyone back, as well as welcome all the incoming freshman. Several topics, so let’s get rolling.
Reminder of upcoming events:
July 19th– 9AM-4PM Student staff (section leader/seniors) training and work day. Section leaders, don’t forget to bring your instruments. Jazz combo, let’s plan on rehearsing at 2:00PM, getting ready for our Aug. 1st combo gig.
July 20- 8AM-4PM- varsity percussion rehearsal in band room.
July 20- 4PM- ICE CREAM SOCIAL, cafeteria. This would be for everyone. Free ice cream is served as families pay the yearly band expenses (more info below), hand out 2019 show shirts, volunteer lists for parents, calendar distribution, etc.
BAND EXPENSES: Varsity students $125/year, JV students $75/year, Drill team $50/year. These funds should be made payable to Shaw-Mi-No (not SMSD) and preferably paid at the ice cream social. Students will receive their band show shirt if this expense is paid. You can pay by check at the ice cream social, or anytime at www.smnorthbands.org then click group member payments and select the appropriate fee (there’s a slight amount that PayPal charges). As a parent, I realize how expense the month of August can get. All proceeds pays for show shirts, uniform cleaning, flip folders, shoes, lyres, music and other expenses incurred throughout the year that is not covered by the district. Payment plan forms are available at the ice cream social. Bottom line, we will work with you, especially if you’re new to the program and you didn’t know about this expense!
July 22-24- Varsity percussion camp- 5-9PM
July 23/24- JV & new marchers camp- 8:00AM-11:30AM-
July 25-Aug. 2 (no weekends) 8AM-4PM- Varsity marching camp
Aug. 2- BAND CAMP PICNIC (varsity and JV) everyone eats @ 6:00PM in cafeteria, band demonstration in stadium @ 7:00PM . Picnic food is $6, to be paid that night. Participating students pay as well, we’re just trying to recover our cost of food.
-All rehearsals will begin in stadium (except percussion camp) unless inclement weather. In which case, will begin in band room.
REMIND codes: text applicable codes to 81010 to sign up for Remind tool, which will be used for last second announcements.
Varsity band: @3edbb9
JV band: @2019jvma
– PARENTS: please use the link below to volunteer helping at band camp. We would like parents helping with water…we want to keep our kids safe!
– all students, please make sure you to register for school outside of rehearsal hours- there are plenty of opportunities.
– last year’s Crimson Tribe, if you have a garment bag at home, please bring it back.
– light clothing
– hat/sunglasses
– sunscreen
– 1 gallon container of ice water
– tennis shoes w/ socks. NO flip flops
– eat breakfast/ protein
– at least 8 hours of sleep
– continue acclimating outside before camp arrives- this is crucial!
Looking forward to seeing everyone shortly. Welcome back, it’s going to be another great year in band at SM North!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham