Welcome to Nieman Elementary Bands

band announcements March 3-13


Spring Swing- Friday, March 6th, 6:30-8:30PM, North cafeteria.  $15/adult, $7 per student.  Admission includes 2 hours of dance music, free swing dance lessons and dessert, including our world famous chocolate fountain!  This is a not so much a concert, but a dance party, with music a la Glenn Miller!  Casual formal attire is great, but not mandatory.
Parents, we still need volunteers to help with this event.  Please sign up with this link:
SOLO/ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL: Parents, we’ve been asked to provide volunteers to help with the April 4th solo/ensemble festival, to be held at Olathe South.  Please click the link below to sign up.  Thanks in advance for your help!  If you sign up, please email you’ve done so, so I can track SM North’s participation.
Tuesday, March 10th– Crimson Tribe performing at Shawnee Mission Northwest’s Jazz Cabaret. Report time of 6:30PM in jazz uniform.  Concert beings at 7:00PM in SMNW cafeteria and will last one hour, no admission price.
Seniors, please begin submitting 3-6 photos for the senior banquet.  One childhood, one middle school and 1-2 high school photos.  All photos need to be submitted by Friday, April 24th.    Email photos to SMNbandbanquet@gmail.com
COLORADO- April 2021
Finally, 9th-11th graders, please turn in your letter of intent to participate with the Colorado trip next April.  We’re asking for everyone’s letter by next Thursday, March 12th.  No money is due until May 15th.

Pancake Dinner/concert, Monday, Feb. 3rd

Hello everyone!

We’re looking forward to the first major concert of 2020! This Monday, February 3rd is our annual pancake dinner (previously know as the chili supper).  Dinner begins and continues 5:30PM-6:30PM in the cafeteria. No admission charge, but dinner is $5/person, regardless of age. Dinner includes all you can pancakes and sausage (one plate). Both of North’s jazz bands will play during dinner. At 6:45PM, the official concert begins in the auditorium. The order of performance is 6th grade honor band, freshman band, concert band, and symphonic band. Each group performs two selections, so everything should wrap up around 7:30pm.

Casual formal attire for all band students, no specific color coordination. Jazz students should wear their jazz shirts.  Aside from eating, jazz students should be ready to play no later than 5:15PM and all band students should report no later than 6:30PM.  This is a graded/required event for all band students.

We’re looking forward to everyone eating with us in the cafeteria. We’re including additional food lines this year, so the serving should proceed quicker than last year!

Parents, please click the link below to help volunteer, serving and general cleaning up. It’s a really easy gig, so please consider helping out at this event!


Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday night!


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham

band announcements 1/14/20

The school calendar’s Feb. 4th chili supper has been moved to Feb. 3rd and it’s now the pancake dinner.


A reminder of tonight’s (1/14/20) booster meeting from 5:45-6:45PM tonight in the choir room.  Basketball pep-band will be warming up in the band room at 5:30PM.


The band will be selling mattresses in early May, in preparation for the spring 2021 band trip to Winter Park Colorado.  All students enrolled in band for the 2020/21 school year are eligible to attend. I don’t have any details about the trip yet, but if you or someone you know is in the market for a mattress, please consider holding off until May so you can receive the profit of this fundraiser.


Symphonic band students will be receiving their new uniform as this week.  However, we need students to hem their dress/pants before the January 27th North area band festival.  Please make arrangements to make that happen.


Welcome back everyone!

spring calendar and basketball pep-band schedule


2020 Spring calendar was sent via Skyward today.  The band website will be updated soon.

Drum Major audition signups by band office.

Pasted below is the 2019-20 basketball pep-band schedule:


Performances:                                                                                   Rehearsals:

12/6        DH- 5:30                  BV HS                                                11/14

12/16      DH-5:30                   BV SW                                               11/28

1/7           DH-5:30                   Olathe East                                         12/5

1/14        DH- 5:30                  Olathe West

1/28       DH-5:30                     Barstow

2/4           DH- 5:30                  Gardner (Northman)

2/14        DH-5:30                   Metro Academy (Hall of Fame)

2/21        DH-5:30                   SM Northwest (band feeder night)

2/25        DH- 5:30                  Olathe South

2/28        DH- 5:30                  SM East (senior night)


All pep-band members receive a free 2019-20 pep-band T shirt.  All pep-band members receive 20 lettering points for the season.  Four points will be deducted for every missed pep-band performance.  Two points will be deducted for every missed rehearsal, or a late arrival time for a performance.  Please let Mr. Reed know WELL IN ADVANCE (at least 2 weeks) of any performance you may have to miss.  Please write the schedule down on your calendar to avoid any other conflicts (i.e. work, etc.).  There are only 10 nights due to the fact they are all double headers.

band announcements Nov. 4-14

Band booster meeting tonight (Monday, Nov. 4th) 5:45PM-6:45PM in the band room.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
Thursday, Nov. 7th– “Jazzert” jazz concert, 7:00PM-8:00PM, auditorium.  We will have coffee and lots of desserts in the auditorium lobby 20 minutes prior.  Both SM North jazz bands will perform.  Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this free concert.  1 band lettering point awarded to everyone who attends, plus free coffee and dessert!
Saturday, Nov. 9th– KMEA auditions @ Olathe East high school.  Students who have signed up and registered need to be at Olathe East by 7:30AM for a student meeting, at which point you will receive direction as to getting your audition sticker and what room you will play in.  There are no exact times to audition, but once you play, you may leave, as audition results will be posted online at http://eckmea.org/
Nov. 11-Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough orders are due.  We will collect order forms and payments from 6:00PM-7:30PM in the band room.
Nov. 11-15- Symphonic band auditions after school.  Anyone interested in the spring semester symphonic band needs to sign up for a 6 minute audition slot, 2:50-4:40 after school, Monday through Thursday.  I need to hear everyone, even if you were in symphonic band last year.
Look for basketball pep-band signup by the band office soon.

band announcements- Oct. 21-28 game/festival/final show

First of all, congratulations to the Marching Indians for an incredibly successful day in Warrensburg. A huge thank you to all the parents that attended and helped, we had a fantastic crew! It was a dream come true to place 3rd out of 21 bands in prelims! Then placing fifth in finals, which is the best showing we’ve had in over two decades, well done! As we push forward for one more week of intensity, students, keep the intensity until we’re finished next Saturday night. No regrets if you continue to work hard!

Our last two early rehearsals for varsity will be Monday and Wednesday of this week. The final Monday night rehearsal is this week as well.

Friday, Oct. 25th- no school.  Home football game: Feeder night, Senior night, Light show.

Feeder night details:

4:45PM- any junior or senior that’s been assigned a middle school little brother or sister, please be at North ready to greet middle school students. The list of little/big brother/sister will be posted by the band office by Wednesday. We will feed you dinner once middle school students arrive.

5:00- All varsity and JV students should check out their uniform.

6:00- rehearsal on the JV field with varsity, JV, and middle school band students.

6:45- shortened pregame show, including middle school students.

7:00- game begins

7:45ish- halftime show and senior recognition.  Parents/escorts of seniors, we will have you report to the track the last couple minutes of the 1st half and arrange you in alphabetical order, by students last name.  We will provide a flower that you will give to your child at the conclusion of the halftime show.  Casual/business attire is usually worn by parents.  At the end of halftime, all students report to the band room to return uniforms to prepare for the LIGHT SHOW!  Varsity band members, wear jeans and/or dark clothes for the light show.  You should definitely bring two moderate sized flash lights WITH FRESH BATTERIES.  Additional lighting is optional but encouraged.  Boosters will provide duct tape to attach your flashlights to your legs.

9:30ish- The band will perform the light show 12 minutes after the game concludes.  At the conclusion of the light show, everyone should go home, getting a good night’s rest in preparation of the Olathe Marching festival the following day.

Saturday, Oct. 26- Olathe Marching Festival


10:45AM- band room opens, load truck, check out uniforms

12:15PM- depart North in full uniform

12:45- arrive at Olathe Northwest HS

2:00-begin warmup

2:45- stage to gate


3:30- return to buses, take off uniforms, remain in show shirt, return to stadium to watch bands.

5:15- prelim awards in stadium

5:30-10:30- all bands march in the 2nd round.  The order of booster provided dinner, getting back in uniform, performance time, will be determined on when we perform.  We will find that out at the prelim awards ceremony.

10:45- finals awards

11:00- return to bus.  Departure/arrival back at North will depend on a variety of things.  My ballpark guess is that we’re back to North around midnight.

Parents, I haven’t heard how much tickets are, but I’m assuming $10 per person.  Of course, our kids as well as probably 15 parent helpers get in free.  HELPERS- please have cash on you in case you need to purchase additional tickets.  Both performances are in the Olathe Northwest stadium.


Monday, Oct. 28- Final marching performance/yearbook picture.  North stadium.

5:00PM- begin uniform distribution.

5:30- ALL varsity/JV students should report to the field house.  Individual/small group pictures will be taken in the field house from 5:30-6:15PM.  The official yearbook picture will be taken at 6:15, then warmup begins.

6:45- PARENTS- you are invited to be in the rose garden to be in the middle of our warmup circle.  It’s a lot of fun!  You get to hear what the kids do before every performance.

7:00- JV will perform their show in the stadium, followed by the final performance of the varsity band.  All students then return uniforms.  Then the 2019 marching season will be in the books!

band announcements- Oct. 14-19 Warrensburg Itinerary

No early rehearsal for varsity Monday morning. We still have Monday night rehearsal, 6:30PM-8:30PM.

Friday, October 18 – home football game. Typical schedule- band room opens up at 5:00PM, attendance taken on JV field at 6:15PM. This is a required performance for JV and varsity students. At the conclusion of the game, everyone turns in their uniform.

Saturday, Oct. 19- UCM Warrensburg Marching Festival (varsity only)

Itinerary as follows:

11:30AM- load truck/begin uniform disbursement

12:30PM- depart North in full uniform

1:45- arrive @ UCM campus, unload truck

2:45- warm-up

3:30- stage to stadium


4:00- prelim awards ceremony


If we do not make finals:

4:30- load truck, light dinner provided by boosters, return to North

6:30- arrive at North, unload truck, return uniforms


If we make finals:

5:15-8:00- we will either perform again, then eat, or vice versa, depending on when our performance slot is.

8:00- finals awards ceremony

8:15- load truck, return to North

9:45- arrive at North, unload truck, return uniforms

band announcements- Oct. 10-12. Football game/Invitational info.

Varsity students, feel free to view our show from Monday nights festival. We respectfully ask that you do not post it anywhere online, this is for your viewing enjoyment.
Thursday, October 10th– Home football game (varsity and JV students):
Although this should work like a typical game, there’s a possibility they could move the time up to 3:00PM or 5:00PM. That decision should be made by Wednesday afternoon.
Absent any changes, the itinerary is as follows:
5:00PM- band room opens
6:15- attendance taken on JV field, in full uniform
6:40- pregame show, varsity and JV students
7:00- game begins
9:30ish- game concludes, everyone turns in their uniform
Friday, October 11th – Varsity rehearsal, 9 AM-noon. We will rehearse inside if it’s raining, but if inside, will release early.
-remember that everyone should park off-campus, I’m going to park off campus too. Parking on 61st St. south of the stadium is a legal parking area.
-students should wear their show shirts, and parents should wear a red volunteer shirt. If you do not have one from previous years, we will provide you one.
-upon arrival, everyone should check into our welcome center, which is located on the legacy patio by the swimming pools. Please try to check in 15-20 minutes before your shift begins, as there are a lot of moving parts for this huge event, please do everything you can to be on time and stay for the duration of your shift. I believe we have over 80 adults, and over 100 kids helping! To review your job assignments, please use the link below.  Thanks again for another great Shawnee Mission North Marching Invitational!
Parents, to view or sign up for a volunteer assignments, please use this link:


band announcements Sept. 30-Oct. 7


Crimson tribe will be playing at Hocker Grove first quarter concert this Thursday, October 3rd, beginning at 7:00PM in the auditorium. Crimson Tribe should wear uniform shirts (receiving shirts this week).  Report time of 6:15PM, should be finished by 8:00PM.
 Parents, please click the link below for volunteering opportunities this November. This is the critical month of marching band, especially this year, as our schedule is very back loaded.  Thanks in advance for so many of you stepping up.
Next Monday, Oct. 7th–  Shawnee Mission Marching festival @ SM South, varsity only.  No admission cost.  Performance order is West, East, North, South, Northwest.  Parents are highly encouraged to see all 5 performances.  This is a graded performance, all varsity students must ride the bus to and from North, as well as stay for all performances.
2:40PM- percussion/helpers load equipment truck after school, depart and eat on your own
5:00- band room opens for uniform distribution
5:30- band departs for SM South
5:55- band arrives @ South, unloads truck, warms up to play, then sit in stadium.
7:00- Performances begin.
8:30ish- load up truck, return to North.
9:15- arrive at North, return uniforms.
Parents, our band is sitting in the middle of the stadium seating, but there is no assigned seating for parents like there has been in the past.

More info on Sept. 26th Thursday night game

Update on tomorrow nights game (Sept. 26th):
-Thursday’s schedule will be exactly like Friday was supposed to be. Band room opens at 5:00PM, attendance taken on JV field at 6:00, varsity plays the entire show beginning at 6:40. Halftime will be a shortened varsity show, followed by homecoming ceremony.
–  any cross country runners who are leaving for Minnesota at 6:00AM the following morning, will be encouraged to leave immediately after the halftime show, to prepare for the trip.
–  this Friday mornings early rehearsal has been canceled, class time rehearsals only. With a game Thursday night, a parade Friday afternoon and a parade Saturday morning, I think everyone could use an extra hour of sleep, especially having had a home game the night before.
 We’ve had very few scheduling problems, so it looks like the vast majority of the band will be there tomorrow night, so the halftime show is on! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!