Welcome to Merriam Park Elementary Bands!
Upcoming band camp information as of 7/25/22
Hello everyone-
Beginning tomorrow (July 26th), all rehearsals (except the two evening varsity drumline rehearsals) will begin in the stadium. In case of inclement weather, we will use the ReMind app to notify everyone we’re moving into the band room. If you don’t get a text, we will always plan to meet in the stadium.
Things to do/bring/wear for outdoor rehearsals:
-A one gallon (hopefully somewhat insulated) water container, filled with ice and water.
-shorts and T-shirt
– sunglasses
– hat/visor
– tennis shoes with socks(NO flip flops or sandals, you can’t really march in those)
– sunscreen, to be applied before rehearsal begins
-Also, PLEASE eat some sort of breakfast before arriving. Protein is best, as little sugar as possible. If necessary, I would suggest no more than one cup of coffee. Also, I would suggest little to no soda drinks.
– get a full night of sleep before rehearsals, and hydrate when you get home.
-Beginning this Thursday (July 28th), varsity marchers should bring a lunch, or money to eat at local fast food near North. Students can either ride with other students, or walk. Students will have 90 minutes for lunch each day.
-Please bring your instrument every day. If you don’t have your marching instrument yet, we will get that to you upon arrival. You will also receive new music upon arrival.
-JV/new marchers students, we plan on splitting time outside with playing in the shade or even indoors, depending on temperature.
– varsity students, we plan to be outside in the morning, and inside in the afternoon. If it gets too hot in the morning, we’ll move to shaded areas.
Please feel free to email or text me with any questions or updates (car trouble, feeling sick, etc). Please do NOT respond to a ReMind text.
-Another reminder to give us your T-shirt size with this G form. Parents, you can order additional shirts with the same link:
– Please take care of your band expense ASAP if you haven’t done so already. (VARSITY $125, JV $75, dance team $50). The easiest way is to play online at www.smnorthbands.org and click “group member payments”.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in the coming days…we’re so excited to see everyone and make some music.
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
June updates to SM North band
Hello students, happy summer to you all!
Everyone is invited to the FREE Ice cream social on July 23rd. Your child will receive their 2022 band shirt (different designs every year) if they have a fully paid band account.
Although the July 26th/27th new marchers camp is optional for JV band members, please consider going to these fun two mornings! It’s always great to reconnect with everyone. New varsity marchers and section leaders are expected to participate these two mornings.
All varsity drumline members are expected to participate during drumline camp, and ALL varsity marchers are expected to participate during the July 28-Aug. 4th camp (no weekends). I cannot stress how important these rehearsals are, as we learn a significant portion of our competitive show during summer camp. Communication is the key- if there is a scheduling conflict with any of those dates, please let me know ASAP. We can have students share a spot if we know they’re going to be gone for a portion of camp. We can make other arrangements as well, but communication is the key.
We frequently use ReMind texts for last minute changes or reminders. If you have not done so already, please sign up for the appropriate ReMind class, so you will be in the loop! Students AND parents can sign up. Make sure to use the “@” sign.
Also, this is a one way communication device. If you need to contact me regarding a ReMind text, please email me at [email protected] or text me on my phone if I’ve given you that number. To attain the Remind codes, please reference an email I sent on June 2nd. If you didn’t receive an email, then email me at [email protected]
Hoping you’re all having a great start to your summer!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
band announcements May 16-24 Almost there!
important & time sensitive info- May 3-24
band announcements April 5-15
April 5th– band booster meeting at 5:45PM in the band room. Parents, this is a great way to get plugged into the band program. Everyone is invited!
April 6th– slight change to accompanist schedule, please see update by band room office.
April 7th– a reminder that the SMSD block 2 Concert band will play @ SM NW high school at 7PM. Block 2 will play their state contest pieces with the other 4 SMSD concert bands. We will play 2nd out of 5. Report time of 6:30PM in the SMNW band room, in full uniform and ready to play.
April 7th– Anyone interested in another jazz opportunity- Bryan Redmond will host an jazz clinic on 3:45-4:30PM at Hocker Grove. You don’t have to currently be in a jazz class to attend. He will cover tips and ideas on how to improvise.
April 9th– Regional solo/ensemble festival @ Olathe South. Specific performance times are posted in the band room. Parents, the festival host is still looking for 2 more SM North volunteers to help run the festival. Please use this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050d4ba4a62ea64-kshsaa1
April 11th– Contest Concert, 7:00PM @ North auditorium. Symphonic and Concert bands will play their two contest pieces after orchestra plays. This concert begins as 7:00PM. Report time of 6:50PM in the band/choir rooms, in full uniform, ready to go.
April 13- STATE LARGE GROUP CONTEST for Symphonic and Concert band. Both groups will play at Blue Valley Southwest HS. Symphonic band plays at 10:40AM and Concert band performs at 11:40AM. Both performances are free and open to the public.
Mattress Fundraiser Information
We will have a mattress sale on Sunday, May 15th, 10AM-5PM in the aux gym. You don’t have to do anything, except tell everyone you know about it! Anyone that purchases a mattress that days and mentions your name…you receive all the profit in your individual band account, which can be used to pay for your Florida trip! More information to follow.
We will have a brief meeting about this fundraiser on Monday, April 11th, after the symphonic/concert bands play their contest music. It will be a very brief meeting…and if we have at least 100 people in this meeting, they will donate $500 to our booster organization!
Students in block 7 freshman band who are traveling to Florida, please consider attending this meeting.
Please click on the QR code on the flier for more info.
April 15th– 1st Florida installment due. Payments can be made at www.smnorthbands.org then clicking “Group Member Payments”. Remember that the $900 installment costs $931.50. The additional $31.50 is what PayPal charges.
We have a busy and important 9 days ahead of us…looking forward to it!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
band announcements March 24- April 13
band announcements March 1-11
Band announcements- Jan.27 – Feb. 17
Feb. 1- Winter sports assembly. 2021 drumline battery, and block 4 Jazz Ensemble, you should leave your block 2 class at 9:00AM, reporting to the band room to prepare drum cadences and setup for jazz band in the field house.
Symphonic band sectional rehearsals are next week. Students should be in the band room no later than 7:00AM, in their seats and playing by 7:03AM. Sectionals will end at 7:35AM. These are graded/required sectionals. There will be two more before spring break. Schedule as follows:
Monday, Jan 31st- flutes/clarinets/alto-tenor sax, bassoon, percussion
Wednesday, Feb. 2nd– trumpets/horn/trombone/tuba
Feb 7- Pancake Dinner. Due to mitigation, we will not be serving pancakes! Please eat dinner before you arrive. No admission fee. ALL participating students should wear all-black attire (or as close as possible). Jazz students should wear their jazz shirts and black pants.
Here’s the run-down of the concert, all of which will occur in the auditorium:
5:40PM- jazz students report to band room to warm up
6:00- Block 3 jazz band performs, then block 4. Although not required, EVERYONE is encouraged to attend this portion of the concert.
6:45- INTERMISSION. Freshman/Concert/Symphonic band members report band room to warm up.
7:00- Freshman band performs, followed by Concert band, then Symphonic band.
7:45- concert concludes and dismiss.
March 9- North Area Band Festival- 6:30PM in field house (Symphonic band and Jazz Ensemble only). This is the reschedule date. Report time of 6:00PM for Symphonic band/Jazz Ensemble in full uniform. Concert begins at 6:30 PM and concludes at 7:30 PM. FYI- there is an SM North choir concert in the auditorium, beginning at 7:30PM.
Upcoming basketball pep-band games:
Feb. 4- report time of 5:30PM
Feb. 8- report time of 5:30PM
Feb. 15- report time of 5:30PM
Feb. 17- report time of 6:15PM
Looking forward to a fun and safe February!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham