Welcome to East Antioch Elementary Bands
band announcements Dec. 2-17
Dec. 6th– 1st basketball pep-band game! Report time of 4:45PM in the band room (but the room will be open by 4:30). Everyone will receive their pep-band shirt at that time. Band room will be locked by 5:00PM and not open until after the game. We should wrap everything up around 7:00PM.
Dec. 7th– yearbook pictures for block 3 and 4 jazz bands. Block 3 should report to the band room by 8:00AM to get their instruments and block 4 by 8:10AM. Pictures are being taken in the aux. gym at 8:15 and 8:25. Jazz kids, please set reminders, as there will not be an y announcements made. Wear whatever attire you wish, this will be informal.
Begins at 7:00PM in the auditorium. Report time for all band students is 6:40PM in the band room. Roll will be taken and we will begin warming up. Program order is: percussion ensemble, orchestra group 1, orchestra group 2, block 7 band, block 1 band. The concert should be about 60 minutes. This is a graded and required performance. Please wear “Sunday best”. Please no jeans, T-shirts, shorts, etc. Slacks, collared shirts, sweaters, dresses, skirts are appropriate. Color of clothing is up to you.
Dec. 15th– fundraising items are delivered. See pasted message from fundraising chair, Maureen Kronawitter:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the band fundraiser. We have a confirmed delivery date of Wednesday, December 15, from 3:30pm-5:30pm, in the North Auditorium lobby. Please make arrangements to pick up your orders during this time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Also, please be advised that online sales are still open through the end of the year (Ship to Home option only), so if you missed the deadline, or want to raise some more funds, you can visit the website, www.clubschoicefundraising.com; School code – SHAW35
Dec. 17- Double header basketball pep-band game. Report time of 5:30PM in the band room. Band room will be locked by 5:50PM until the game ends. Should wrap up with both games between 8:30-9:00PM.
band announcements Oct. 25-Nov. 1
band announcements Oct. 11-18 lots of info-
band announcements Oct 4-9- FB game @ 2 festivals!
band announcements Sept. 20-24: Bonner & Home Game
band announcements Aug. 30-Sept. 3
Band announcements, August 30th-September 3rd-
Please check out this great deal for a fleece hoodie that has the SM north band logo on it. Our vendor has to unload these overstocked items, so he’s selling us these hoodies basically at cost! The sale ends September 10. The band boosters aren’t making any money on this, this just seems like a really inexpensive way to get a nice hoodie. The only way to order is with this link, I hope some of you take advantage of this great deal.
Early rehearsals as scheduled, Monday and Wednesday morning, 6:45AM. Monday night rehearsal as scheduled, 6:30-8:30 PM. There will be no early rehearsal Friday, September 3rd. Although we would normally meet early Friday for a home football game, given the fact this is an “away” game and we’re not performing at halftime, I think it’s reasonable to let everyone sleep in that extra hour.
Instrument demos on Aug. 31 and Sept. 2nd 4-8PM, for those kids who signed up for this. It’s not too late to help, use this signup if interested and available:
Friday, September 3rd is an “away” game vs. SM East AT North. This is our only football pep band opportunity of the season. This is a required event (as stated on the band calendar). JV students are invited and strongly encouraged to attend! No uniforms, just show shirt or other North apparel/colors. Report time of 6:10PM in the band room. We will warm up and then be in place at 6:40 PM, in time for SM East band to play the national anthem and pregame. Everyone needs to stay for the duration of the game unless something else has been set up before hand with parents. Games are usually over around 9:30 PM.
Then we have a three day weekend, which means no Monday night rehearsal on September 6th. So this places a lot of importance on this week’s rehearsals, which I’m sure will be outstanding!
Thank you everyone!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
band announcements Aug. 23-27
kicking off band at SM North fall 2021!
Hello everyone, welcome back!
As we’re getting back in the swing of things, a few announcements. First of all, please use the revised summer/fall band calendar. We’re subtracting a parade, adding a football game and flipping a Monday night rehearsal. I will send hardcopies home in ORANGE color. DO NOT use the green colored calendar sent out in the spring. 😊
Varsity band (block 1) drumline (block 2) and JV band (block 7) will NOT play on Friday, Aug. 13th, but feel free to bring your instrument to school. We will make sure everyone has a band locker. Blocks 1,2 and 7 band classes will play beginning Monday, Aug. 16th.
Both jazz band classes will play the first day of school, Friday, Aug. 13th. Please have your instrument at school for jazz band!
As stated on the band calendar, our first Monday night rehearsal is next Monday, August 16, from 6:30 to 8:30PM, on the stadium field.
Our first early morning rehearsal for varsity band is Wednesday, August 18 beginning at 6:45AM on the stadium field. From that point on, we will have early rehearsals on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings beginning at 6:45AM, unless otherwise stated. Early rehearsals will last through Friday, October 29.
Permission packets will be handed out next week. Your first 50 point assignment is to have them turned in by next Friday, August 20.
If anyone is interested in helping with the elementary school instrument demonstration nights, please use this link below. We’re looking for help on Tuesday, August 31, and Thursday, September 2. These are optional opportunities, but students who can help learn lettering points.
Please continue to get rest and pace yourself as we finally began a somewhat normal school year. Mrs. Fillingham and I are really excited about the upcoming year in band, we’ll see you soon!
Final thoughts for 2020-21 school year
Hello band family-
Varsity members, I’m sending the drill writer the final numbers for the show, please make sure you can attend all band camp dates so we have a spot for you in the show. Email me with any scheduling conflicts. Band camp participation is also directly tied to JV and varsity lettering.
The ice cream social on July 24th is just that, free ice cream for all band members and their family! Everyone will receive their show shirt, and sign up for uniform fittings, band booster info, etc. We also collect band expenses that night, which is $125 for varsity and $75 for JV members. We didn’t collect these funds last year due to the pandemic. These funds cover show shirts, uniform cleaning, marching shoes, as well as helping paying expenses for show design, music arranging, contest fees, and other expenses not covered by the school district. We will have an online payment option, most likely at available at www.smnorthbands.org
As we will not have access to skyward, the main vehicle of communication will be via ReMind, and this website. As stated in a previous email, please make sure you’ve signed up for the appropriate ReMind classes so you get information over the summer and the upcoming school year.
Graduated seniors, best wishes with upcoming endeavors. Please stay in touch…you will be missed!
I’m really looking forward to working with all of you under somewhat normal circumstances this year. Continue to get rest, and try to be active during the summer months so band camp rehearsals are easier. I’m glad we all got through this year, looking forward to the upcoming season. Try to have some fun this summer!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham
test for May 27, 2021
test for May 27, 2021