Welcome to East Antioch Elementary Bands
Honor Band and Practice Records
Greetings all!
We have an exciting new opportunity coming up this month for our sixth grade band members. We will be starting our North Area Honor Band rehearsals on Monday, November 14th. This band is for all interested sixth graders in the north area (that’s 7 schools!) who would like the opportunity to play in a full band ensemble, and work on more challenging music. Please see the link below for a flyer with more information:
North Area Honor Band Information
Secondly, fifth grade band students will now be responsible for keeping a record of their practice minutes each month. The November practice records are now posted on this page (just click on the “Monthly Practice Record” button to the right) and I will also hand out a copy to students in class soon. Students are to write down how many minutes they practice each day, and what they worked on. I will check and initial their practice record every week to monitor their progress and practice habits, and I will collect the practice records–with a parent signature–at the end of the month. Sixth Grade Parents: please note that you no longer have to sign off on their student’s practice minutes every week. You only have to sign once at the end of the month before the practice log is due. However, I will continue to check and initial practice logs every week to monitor progress. Please continue to encourage your students to practice 3-4 days a week. It makes a huge difference in their musical development!
Thanks, as always, for your continued support, and great kids!
Oct. 31- Nov. 4 band announcements- Jazz concert and postseason football this week
Monday, Oct. 31st- Everyone please sign up by band office if you plan on traveling to Lawrence this Friday to play in the pep-band (North vs. Lawrence). Sign up is by band office. We need to know how many buses to order.
Thursday, Nov. 3rd- Jazzert Concert. Both jazz groups will perform from 7-8PM in the cafeteria. Everyone is welcome! Free admission, free dessert and free coffee for everyone! Jazz students, please bring one dessert to share with everyone (cake, pie, cookies, etc.) PARENTS- we need a few parents to help serve AND bring serving/slicing utensils for pies and cakes. Jazz students, your jazz shirts should be ready by then- please wear black pants/skirt, etc. Please contact me if you can help.
Friday- Football post season play continues. Report to band room by 5:10PM. Bus will leave around 5:30PM. Game begins at 7:00. Will travel back and be home around 11:00PM? Wear North attire.
Symphonic band audition times will go up this week. Auditions will be held the 3rd week in November.
Grade Information and Festival Reminder
Greetings all,
First of all, as you are going over your students’ grades, please be sure to check your Skyward message center and/or for information pertaining to student grades this quarter. I have posted a detailed description of how to interpret your students’ grades this quarter, and what will be expected moving forward. Also, some schools may not actually include band grades in your student’s grade report, so be sure to check Skyward for those.
Second, I would HIGHLY encourage you all to attend the Shawnee Mission North Marching Invitational, this Saturday, October 22nd. We have 11 fantastic bands coming from Oklahoma, Kansas, and Missouri to compete at the peak of their form. The event lasts all day, but you can come and go as you please once you have paid admission (band students are FREE!) Please consider attending. You will get to see what is in store for our students in less than 3-4 years, and it’s a major fundraising event for the North band program. Also, the Shawnee Mission North Band will perform at 8:45 PM as an exhibition. The link below will take you to a flyer with more information.
Marching Invitational Information Flyer
Hope to see you all there!
Oct. 18-24 announcements. Final game/SMN Invitational and final performance
Unbelievable! An understatement that is was a breakthrough weekend for all of us! 1st in our division. 4th overall in prelims out of 25 bands!!! 6th overall in finals, which is by far, the best North has done in…forever! Congrats to all students, parents. It was a very special day, thank you all! I’d write more, but there’s more to do…
Oct. 17-24 announcements
Thursday, Oct. 20– Early required rehearsal for all varsity students 7:10AM. Run the show, set up senior night, and crown royalty. 🙂
Friday, Oct. 21– Home Game (Senior Night/Light Show). Required for all JV and varsity students. No school this day.
Before arriving:
1) Bring usual clothing for under-uniform wear. Shorts, T-shirt, black socks and black marching shoes, etc.
2) New items to bring: jeans, dark shirt, 2 regular sized flash light and fresh batteries.
5:15PM- begin uniform checkout
6:15- attendance taken on JV field
6:45- pre-game show with all JV and varsity students
7:00- game begins
7:45ish- halftime show AND SENIOR RECOGNITION. Parents of seniors, we will ask you to make your way to the track near the end of the 2nd quarter. We will line you up alphabetically from left to right (looking at the field) by your child’s last name. We will provide a flower to you. At the conclusion of the halftime performance, we will call your child’s name, as you give your child a flower.
Conclusion of halftime- all JV and varsity students return uniforms, and return to southwest side of stadium to prepare for varsity band’s performance for the light show.
9:30ish- at conclusion of game, varsity will perform the annual light show. As stated earlier, all varsity students should wear jeans, dark shirt, while attaching two flashlights with fresh batteries, plus any additional glowsticks, to your body. Band boosters provide duct tape, but you provide everything else.
9:45ish- ALL JV and varsity students clean ALL stadium bleachers in preparation for Saturday’s SM North Marching Invitational.
Sat. Oct. 22– SM North Marching Invitational.
Parents, please check sign up genius for your volunteering slot. I cannot stress the importance of making sure we have the correct information for Saturday. With, 1,600+ visiting marchers, 50+ school buses, 11 bands, 80+ parent volunteers and 100+ student volunteers, we need to make sure everyone is aware of their role this Saturday. The signup genius link is http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c4caeaf2dab9-smnmarching
Students, please check your final job assignment by Wednesday by the band office. All varsity students are required to have a job (unless prevented by another school activity) and all JV students are encouraged to sign up for a job.
EVERYONE (parents and students) should be aware of 3 things when arriving to North on Saturday:
1) DO NOT park on campus. I am parking on 61st street south of the campus- please do the same, and/or do NOT park on school grounds.
2) Check into the welcome center, located on the legacy patio (near the flag pole at the stadium), about 30 minutes before your assigned job. Parents, you will be given a red volunteer shirt. Students, please wear your show shirt.
3) Everyone starts every conversation with “Welcome to Shawnee Mission North”! Seriously, we have developed a reputation of being the most friendly festival to attend, which is why bands continue to come back!
DOWNLOAD THE FOLLOWING APP TO COMMUNICATE THE DAY OF THE FESTIVAL: Please text to the number 72727 “marching band”. We used this last year. You will see the lineup, official program, finals lineup, etc. This site is already active.
Expect a few more emails this week, but otherwise, we should be set for Friday nights football game (senior night/light show) and Saturday’s festival.
Mon. Oct. 24- Final marching performance, required for all JV and varsity students.
5:30PM- check out uniforms.
6:00- attendance taken on field house floor.
6:15- official yearbook picture taken for all JV and varsity students in field house.
6:45- warmup in rose garden. PARENTS- I would invite ALL of you to be INSIDE THE CIRCLE in the rose garden. You haven’t really experienced marching band unless you are in the circle as the band warms up…it will surprise you and make you’re night! This is new, this is cool!
7:00- performance begins in stadium. JV performs their show, varsity performs their show. At conclusion, all band members are encouraged to take individual and small group pictures on the stadium field.
We will also kick off the annual fall fundraiser at this event. Information disseminated at this event- no money required that night.
Looking forward to a final 7 days if the marching season. Go Marching Indians!!!
Mr. Reed
Exciting News and Conference Reminders
I have some exciting news to share with you, as well as a few logistical announcements regarding grades and conferences this week. It’s hard to believe we are already wrapping up our first quarter of the school year. The elementary bands are settling into a rhythm, and have already made great progress. Great job kids!
The exciting news I wish to share is actually regarding the high school band (which is where you will be in 3 or 4 short years!) They have had a very successful marching season, and over the weekend, they took first in their division at a very competitive marching band festival at the University of Central Missouri. They went on to finals to place 6th out of 25 bands, some of which are twice our size! I am sharing this with you because I want you to know that there are amazing opportunities ahead of you. You will be a part of something BIG as you continue to progress in your musical journey. I could not be more proud of our high school students, and I can’t wait to see each of you achieving the same successes in just a few short years. The link below will take you to the video of our finals performance. I would highly encourage you to watch it . . . and start getting excited about your future in the North Band Program!
The second thing that I wanted to mention is that, since I actually teach at 6 different schools, I will be doing conferences by appointment only. Please contact me via email if you wish to have a parent teacher conference. Also, since I know many of you will be visiting multiple schools on Wednesday evening because you have students in elementary school, junior high, and high school, I will actually be holding my evening conferences on Thursday, October 20th, from 5:00-8:00 PM. Again, these conferences will be by appointment only, so please contact me if you would like to meet during that time. On Friday, I will be at Shawnee Mission North all day for conferences by appointment as well.
I will post more information about how grades are assigned in the next couple of days. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.
Oct. 10-15 announcements- final big push!
Oct. 10-15 announcements:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday early rehearsals for varsity band @ 6:45AM.
Monday, Oct. 10th- The final Monday night rehearsal (varsity only). I am aware it’s NHS night. Feel free to attend all NHS events, as per that schedule. If you feel you can come outside after you are finished, then do it. 🙂
Friday, Oct. 14- No school. REQUIRED VARSITY REHEARSAL FROM 9AM-NOON. This has been on the band calendar since last May. This is a 50 point rehearsal. Please make sure you are there, on time, and ready to work…the final day before our final competitive festival.
“Away” game the same night at North. We are the “away” team vs. SM Northwest. This is a required event for all JV and varsity students. Any North attire will do.
Saturday, Oct. 15- WARRENSBURG MARCHING FESTIVAL (varsity)
Wear show shirt for your secondary uniform. Wear shorts, but have something warmer for later that night.
7:15AM- load truck, all percussion and anyone who can help.
7:45- full band report, check out uniform, load uniform trailer
8:30- depart North in full uniform. Snack during trip (provided by boosters)
10:00- arrive CMU campus, unload truck
11:00-stretch, warm up
11:50- leave parking lot for performance
12:30- return to bus, check in uniform in parking lot, eat lunch (provided by boosters)
2:00- return to stadium, watch other bands
5:30- prelim awards
If we do not make finals:
5:45- load bus and truck, eat sack dinner (provided by boosters) and depart for North
7:45- arrive at North, unload truck and uniform trailer
If we make finals:
5:45- HURRY back to bus, get into uniform, warm up
7:15ish- approximate FINALS PERFORMANCE
7:30ish- return to bus, check in uniform, load truck and eat sack dinner (provided by boosters)
8:45ish- return to stadium, watch last few bands
10:00- finals awards
10:15- load bus, return to North
11:45- arrive at North, unload truck and uniform trailer
Students: in addition to wearing show shirt, bring various snacks and clothing for a variety of temperatures that day/evening.
Bring money for concessions if you desire. Do not bring expensive technology times. Shaw-Mi-No, SMSD or staff can be held liable for stolen or misplaced items.
Parents: An open invitation for MORE parents to attend on Saturday. If you are making the trip down, please help the band with setup. We were short about 3-5 parents. We need at least a crew of 20. I know it’s a long day, but it’s fun, rewarding, and without a doubt, a day you will never forget with your child. Tickets are $12 or more, but we generally get all parent helpers in for free.
Cross country/band students: I know it’s League. Arrangements can be made for the varsity races to meet us after the race. It’s very unfortunate not all JV/C team cross country/varsity band students can do both. Coach Davidson and I have talked. We’ve done the best we can with scheduling, considering the fact we do not 100% control CMU marching festivals, nor KSHAA race times. Please email me with questions/concerns.
The following week of Oct. 17-24.
No Monday night rehearsal, but varsity will meet two different mornings at 7:10AM to run the show.
Oct. 21- Home football game. Required for all JV and varsity students. Also senior night/light show!!!
Oct. 24- Final marching performance in North stadium. Required for all JV and varsity students. Official yearbook picture taken.
New schedule for Oct. 6th football game/feeder night
Due to very likely chance of rain tomorrow night, the administration has moved tomorrow nights start time to 5:30PM. As a result, the following schedule will be followed: WE WILL NOT WEAR UNIFORMS TOMORROW NIGHT. All VARSITY AND JV STUDENTS- SHOW SHIRT ONLY- wear shorts, jeans, whatever TENNIS SHOES.
3:55PM- Hocker students bus departs for North
4:10PM- big brothers/sisters will meet little brothers/sisters outside of band room
4:20- All varsity/JV and middle school band students to JV field to prepare for pregame. Roll taken.
5:15- pregame begins in stadium
5:30- Football game begins. ALL BAND STUDENTS, grades 7-12 will get hot dog/chips in stands, and they play during the game.
6:30ish- varsity plays halftime show.
Band, we will play throughout the game, unless the rain moves in and we are forced inside. But guess what? We have new raincoats we can use….yeah!!!
Attention all cross country/band students: Please feel free to run whichever race Mr. Davidson has you running in, and meet us at the stadium, even if the football game has already started. There should not be any scheduling conflicts with band and cross country tomorrow. If there are any other scheduling issues that arise due to the new football schedule, please let me know.
Oct. 3-8. band announcements 2 festivals, home game, booster meeting & jazz!
Regular early rehearsals for varsity band: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6:45AM.
Monday, Oct. 3- SHAWNEE MSSION MARCHING FESTIVAL (varsity only, but JV can ride bus if they sign up to go)
2:40PM- percussion section begin loading truck after school, break for dinner when loaded
5:00- check out uniforms.
5:40- depart North for SM South stadium
6:00- arrive @ South. Unload, warm up
7:00- festival begins. We are 2nd. Order is West, North, East, South, NW
8:30ish- festival concludes, load truck and return to North
9:15ish- check in uniforms
Parents, no admission. Our assigned seating is at the 40 yard line, side 1. Said another way, if you are looking at the field from the home stands, we should be around the 40 yard line on the left side of the field. Please bring as many relatives, friends, etc to cheer our kids on. I’m really looking forward to this show!
Tuesday, Oct. 4- Booster meeting/Hocker Grove MS concert (Crimson Tribe only)
5:45PM- band booster meeting in North choir room. ALL parents and student encouraged to attend.
6:30- Crimson Tribe Jazz Ensemble, report in band room, warm up.
7:00- Hocker Grove MS concert begins in North auditorium. 7th grade band, 8th grade band, Crimson Tribe perform. Should last an hour or so. Black top and bottom, casual/formal.
Thursday, Oct. 6th- HOME GAME/BAND FEEDER NIGHT (All varsity and JV)
4:45PM- Big brothers/sisters, report to band room to get ready for middle school (MS) students showing up.
5:00-Middle school begins arriving. MS students eat with big bro/sis.
5:30- All varsity and JV check out uniforms
6:00- all varsity and JV and Hocker band meets on JV field to rehearse pregame show.
6:30- walk to stadium for pregame. Kids, 4 corners into the big “N”.
6:45- pregame begins on field with all varsity/JV and MS students participating.
7:00- game begins, play in stands
halftime show
at game conclusion, check in uniform.
FYI- big brother/sisters list will be posted in band room, hopefully tomorrow. These are HS students who act as a big brother/sister to a MS student at the feeder night. Eat with them, stand next to them in the stands. If you’re not on the big bro/sis list and want to be, we may be able to change. PLEASE don’t read anything into it if you don’t have a little bro/sis- it’s a lot of information to make everything work out. Just come talk to me!
Saturday, Oct. 8- LEE’S SUMMIT NORTH MARCHING FESTIVAL (varsity only, but sign ups for JV students traveling helpers strongly encouraged)
Eat lunch on own before arrival
12:30PM- percussion and any interested helpers, load truck
1:30- uniform checkout, dress into uniform before departure
2:15- depart North in full uniform
3:00- arrive at Lee’s Summit North, unload truck
4:15- warm up in parking lot
4:45- arrive at warm up field
5:30- return to buses, check in uniform in parking lot, eat dinner
6:45- return to stadium, watch final 6 bands
8:30- awards ceremony
8:45- load bus, return to North
9:45- arrive at North, unload truck and uniform trailer
Everyone: this is a “one and done” festival. no prelims and finals, just one round of playing, followed by awards.
Parent helpers: I think we get 10-15 parents in for free, but if everyone plans on bringing $10 to get in, no one will be surprised if they don’t get a free ticket. We always have more than 10-15 parents helping.
All parents: Admission is $10 per adult. Children are cheaper but I’m not sure of that exact price, nor the age of price reductions. Also, if your child is involved with another school activity that could interfere (soccer, cross country, volleyball, anything) please email me if alternate rides must be set up. The expectation is for all students to travel to and from Lee’s Summit North together. Of course, exceptions can be made AHEAD of time.
Looking ahead to the following week, but further details next weekend:
Oct. 10th- Monday night rehearsal. I’m aware it’s also NHS night. Those students involved with NHS are not required to attend.
Oct. 14- required varsity rehearsal from 9AM-noon
Oct. 15- Warrensburg marching festival. Early afternoon performance. Still waiting to hear cross country and other athletic scheduling conflicts that day.
Finally, a word from our fund raising chairperson, Ms. Bradni Salvino:
Price Chopper and HyVee coupon books will be available at the game this Thursday. Cost is $5 each with $4 going into your Charms account. You can email Brandi Salvino at [email protected] anytime you are in need of these books. Also, our annual Fruit Fundraiser along with the Yankee Candle Fundraiser are coming soon.
Thanks everyone- the next 3 weeks will be a blur…but it will be a great ride! Keep resting when you can. Get to bed early, stay ahead of your school work, and keep practicing. Go Marching Indians!
Mr. Reed
Elementary Band Reminders and Updates:
Greetings band family!
As we are settling into a groove with our elementary band classes, I wanted to update you all on a few things that will help your student continue to be successful musicians throughout this year. Please read through these items, and discuss them with your kids, so you can make a plan to get the most out of your band experience!
- By this point, all students should have the appropriate supplies to play and maintain their instruments, as well as a book. These supplies are required, and the book, which costs about $10, is essentially our textbook, and every lesson and practice exercise that we use comes from that book. If you have not purchased one yet, your student does not have the resources to learn in class, or practice at home. Please get a book ASAP!
- 5th grade band members: Please bring all of your cleaning and maintenance supplies to your next rehearsal (Wednesday for MP and Nieman, Thursday for SFT, EA, and Rushton). We will go over what each item is for, and how to use it properly.
- ALL band students (5th AND 6th grade) are required to practice at home, at least 60 minutes per week. This should be spread out over 3-4 days if possible. Don’t hesitate to practice more if you want! 6th grade band members now have practice logs that their parents or guardians should be signing every week. 5th grade students will begin using practice logs in October, so please be on the lookout for that. I highly recommend setting up a regular practice schedule. Remember, the hardest part of practicing is getting the horn out of the case 🙂
- I have posted PDF’s of our monthly practice logs for students to download and print if they lose theirs. Go to your school page at smnorthbands.org, and look for the link on the right sidebar.
- Be sure to keep checking the website for pictures, videos, and updates!
All the best,
Rebecca Fillingham
Sept. 26-30. Bonner Springs and “away” game
Regular week of rehearsals. Varsity rehearsals at 6:45AM on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Varsity Monday night at 6:30PM.