by buzzfi5 | Dec 20, 2016 | Merriam Park
MP 5th Winter 16-2 First concert! MP 5th Winter 16-1 Way to go guys! Click above to view...
by buzzfi5 | Dec 20, 2016 | East Antioch, Merriam Park, Nieman, Rushton, Santa Fe Trail
Students are NOT required to record practice minutes over winter break! However, any playing they do can be recorded for extra credit. Happy Holidays!
by buzzfi5 | Nov 30, 2016 | Merriam Park
I wanted to remind you all that we have our first band concert this coming Wednesday, December 7th, at 6:30 PM. Students need to be at the school, with their instruments and books ready to go by 6:10. Students should wear nice school clothes. Dresses, skirts, slacks,...
by buzzfi5 | Nov 14, 2016 | East Antioch, Merriam Park, Nieman, Rushton, Santa Fe Trail
I just wanted to post a reminder that 6th grade honor band starts today. I’m looking forward to seeing all your kids this afternoon for our first rehearsal. We will begin at 3:45, and conclude at 4:45. Students must be picked up from rehearsal no later than 5:00 PM....
by buzzfi5 | Nov 7, 2016 | East Antioch, Merriam Park, Nieman, Rushton, Santa Fe Trail
Greetings 6th grade band family! Hopefully, by now you have had the opportunity to discuss the possibility of your student playing in the sixth grade honor band. Unfortunately, for many students, the major obstacle in playing in this awesome group is just a matter of...
by buzzfi5 | Nov 2, 2016 | East Antioch, Merriam Park, Nieman, Rushton, Santa Fe Trail
Greetings all! We have an exciting new opportunity coming up this month for our sixth grade band members. We will be starting our North Area Honor Band rehearsals on Monday, November 14th. This band is for all interested sixth graders in the north area (that’s 7...