Winter Park Trip Info

We have been accepted to the Winter Park Concert Festival! I am certain that you and your peers are sure to have a memorable weekend and a musically rewarding concert performance! First a general outline of the trip, the price, and then the sign up!
General Outline of the Trip:
Depart April 10, 2025
Return April 13, 2025
Trip includes: (But not limited to..)
– Round trip charter bus fare
– Hotel accommodations for 3 nights
– 9 meals (students will need to cover two meals as we travel)
– Participation in music festival
– Ski lift tickets and ski rental (Or Snowboard)
(If you don’t want to ski there are options for you)
The more people that sign up to go the cheaper it is for all, so based upon the guidance of your peers and parents, we went with the assumption that 80 students and 12 chaperones would join us.
With that assumption the price right now is $1075.
Students, if you would like to join us, please fill out the form sent to your email!
Parents/Guardians, if you would like to join us, please fill out the form sent to your email!
Invite your friends! The more the merrier (As long as they’re in good standing with the band, and their other classes)
If you would like to go, but need financial assistance, please reach out to me and we will have a conversation! There are so many amazing supporters in your corner here in our community. We want you with us, please just come have a conversation with me and we will move forward as appropriate!