Welcome to East Antioch Elementary Bands

Concert December 5th

I wanted to remind you all that we have our first band concert this coming Monday, December 5th, at 6:30 PM. Students need to be at the school, with their instruments and books ready to go by 6:10. Students should wear nice school clothes. Dresses, skirts, slacks, sweaters, button downs, etc. are all preferable to jeans and t-shirts, but please do not feel that you need to go out and buy something new for the concert. Holiday attire is also welcome!
These kids are so excited . . . and so am I! Looking forward to see you all on December 5th.

Concert December 7th!

I wanted to remind you all that we have our first band concert this coming Wednesday, December 7th, at 6:30 PM. Students need to be at the school, with their instruments and books ready to go by 6:10. Students should wear nice school clothes. Dresses, skirts, slacks, sweaters, button downs, etc. are all preferable to jeans and t-shirts, but please do not feel that you need to go out and buy something new for the concert. Holiday attire is also welcome!
These kids are so excited . . . and so am I! Looking forward to see you all on December 7th.

Don’t Forget . . .

Our first concert is tomorrow evening (November 29th) Students should be in their seats, with their instruments and books, at 6:15 PM. Please dress in nice school clothes. Slacks or khakis, dresses, skirts, collared shirts, etc. are all appropriate, but do NOT feel pressure to go out and buy something new for this concert. Concerts are required and do affect the band grade, so please make every effort to be there.
I am looking forward to seeing you all there!

Honor Band Starts Today!

I just wanted to post a reminder that 6th grade honor band starts today. I’m looking forward to seeing all your kids this afternoon for our first rehearsal. We will begin at 3:45, and conclude at 4:45. Students must be picked up from rehearsal no later than 5:00 PM.
Please drop your students off, and pick them up, at the band room door, which is door #6, off the west parking lot of the school. I will be there as students are arriving, so if they’re a little early, it’s fine.
Can’t wait to get these kids rolling!


Band Announcements Nov. 7-12. pep-band/KMEA/sym band/Colorado

Friday, November 11th, post season football pep-band for the state quarter finals!  Report time here at North by 6:15PM, wear North attire.  We play SM East, here at North.  Let’s cheer our football team to victory!  This is optional, but lettering points awarded.

Sign up for basketball pep-band by this Thursday (by band office).  The first rehearsal (of 3) is this Thursday during seminar.  Music will be given out, and we will read through our awesome music collection for basketball pep-band.  In addition to receiving lettering points, you will also receive your fee 2016-17 pep-band shirt!

KMEA auditions this Saturday (Nov. 12th) at Olathe East HS.  All 14 auditioning student have a 7:30AM meeting by the Olathe East gym.  No need to dress up.  More information and details to be shared at rehearsal tomorrow morning.

Symphonic band auditions next week, Nov. 14th-18th.  Sign up by band office for a specific time slot.  PLEASE make sure you are practicing for this audition!  We have more students auditioning than normal.  I need to hear everyone who plans on participating in symphonic band, even if you were in the ensemble last year.

The 3rd Colorado trip installment is due next Tuesday, November 15th.  It is not too late to sign up…but I NEED TO KNOW BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, as we have to begin paying lodging costs.

Honor Band–Rides Needed!

Greetings 6th grade band family!
Hopefully, by now you have had the opportunity to discuss the possibility of your student playing in the sixth grade honor band. Unfortunately, for many students, the major obstacle in playing in this awesome group is just a matter of being able to get from the elementary school over to the high school for rehearsal. Honestly, if I could fit everyone into my Honda Fit and haul them over to North, I would in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this is not a practical solution.
I am asking parents and other willing adults who are planning to transport their kids on Mondays, to consider driving not only your student to rehearsal, but perhaps take on a few extra passengers as well.
Also, please note that rehearsals are on Mondays. They start at 3:45, and end at 4:45, but there will be an adult in the band room at north by around 3:00 on those days if you need to drop your kid off early. The band room will close at 5:00 after rehearsal is over. If your schedule necessitates dropping your student off a few minutes late, or picking them up a few minutes early, that is certainly workable.
If you are willing and able to provide transportation to rehearsal for multiple kids, could you email me with the following information:
1.) Your name, your student, and which school your child attends.
2.) How many ADDITIONAL kids you can transport (not including your child).
3.) If you are willing to possibly transport these kids to their homes after rehearsal (not a deal breaker).
4.) If there are other circumstances which would impact transportation arrangements.
Thank you all for considering this. Hopefully, we can get as many kids involved as possible!