band announcements Oct. 23-28, Warrensburg itinerary
Wednesday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band.
Friday- 6:45AM rehearsal for varsity band.
Saturday, UCM Festival of Champions, Warrensburg, MO itinerary:
Students, wear show shirt, but dress in layers as the temps will range from 45-55 degrees, plus 40% chance of rain. Remember, no jeans underneath uniforms, and have LONG, BLACK socks.
FYI- the itinerary below is plan A, however, I want to have some conversations with some key individuals about loading the truck Friday after school when we know it won’t be raining, stay tuned!
8:00AM- band room opens, load trucks, uniform trailer. All percussion students and those wanting to earn lettering points.
9:30- full band at school, getting ready for visual rehearsal on field.
9:45- visual/marching rehearsal on field without instruments but wearing uniform hats.
10:30- load hats and depart SM North for Warrensburg
12:00PM- arrive at UCM parking lot (location TBD), unload truck, eat lunch in parking lot (provided by boosters), get into uniform.
2:00- musical and visual WARMUP
2:45- leave parking lot
3:00- stage for performance
3:15PM- performance
3:30- everyone stays in the stadium to watch the last 3 bands.
4:30- UCM Marching Mules performance & prelim awards ceremony
If we do NOT make finals, we head towards the busses, load truck and uniform trailer & eat dinner (provided by boosters), then head back to school. Expected ETA to North would be around 7:15PM.
If we DO make finals, we will head back to busses, eat dinner (provided by boosters) warm up and perform, but not necessarily in that order, as it depends on when we play. Finals performances run 6:00PM-8:15PM. Finals awards ceremony is at 8:45PM. We will then load truck and uniform trailer and head back to North. Depending on our performance time, we will arrive back to North somewhere between 11:00PM-12:30AM.
band announcements Oct. 9-14
band announcements Sept. 18-22
Band announcements Sept. 18th-22nd
Monday, Sept. 18- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal. Also, 6:30-8:30PM varsity rehearsal.
Wednesday, 6:45AM varsity rehearsal.
Friday- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal. Also on Friday, home football game:
4:30PM- band room opens up.
4:45- big brother/sisters arrive. This list will be posted by Wednesday or so, usually juniors and seniors.
5:00- Hocker Grove students arrive at band room eat with big brother/sister HS students.
5:15- begin checking out full uniforms to varsity students, and JV students who choose to participate with this football game.
6:05- attendance taken on upper field, everyone in full uniform and instruments, ready to go.
6:40- pre-game performance.
7:00- game begins
7:45ish- halftime performance. AFTER HALFTIME, parents, we will have our SMN Marching Invitational meeting, to be held in the North CHOIR room (HG students being picked up in band room) during the 3rd quarter. We will keep the meeting brief so you can head out to the game for the 4th quarter.
9:30ish- game concludes, turn in uniforms and dismiss.
Looking forward to a productive week in band!
Mr. Reed
band announcements Aug. 21-26
Monday, Aug. 21st–
-6:45AM varsity rehearsal. We will all start in the band room, then winds go outside at 7:10AM (football is on the field until 7:15AM). All percussion will stay inside Monday morning. Another reminder that attendance is taken exactly at 6:45AM, instrument and music ready to play.
-6:30-8:30PM Monday night varsity rehearsal. The current plan is to start inside, then move to the stadium once the sun gets behind the home stands. BRING WATER Monday night!
Tuesday.- normal classes
If the hot weather holds, we will begin at 6:45AM and run with a similar morning schedule as Monday.
Thursday.- normal classes
6:45AM varsity rehearsal, and we will probably start in the stadium, stay tuned via ReMind app for Friday’s morning schedule.
Two additional items for this Friday, both are optional, but you will receive lettering points:
-Students willing to help with the 5th grade “instrument petting zoo” from 4-8PM, please show up by 3:45PM to help. Lettering points awarded. Signups are by the band office, and you don’t have to stay the entire time.
The Fall Sports Kickoff is also this Friday, and we’ve been asked to play some pep-band tunes! Please arrive by 6:50PM in the band room, and we play in the stadium at 7:10PM, and we’re finished by 7:30PM!
8AM-noon- instrument petting zoo, part 2! Again, sign up by the band office for any portion of time you can help.
Two additional items:
-We will begin handing out show shirts this Thursday after school. Please drop by the band room to get your shirt, provided you have paid your $125 varsity band fee. Block 7 JV band will receive their shirts this Friday during class, provided your $75 JV band fee is paid. A reminder that anyone can pay their band fee at and click “group member payments”.
-Fall semester permission forms will be handed out tomorrow during class, and are due this Friday, Aug. 25th. This will be an easy 50-point assignment!
Looking forward to the first full week of school and band!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Beasley
band announcements Oct. 16-20
band announcements Oct. 2-7
7:45ish- we may or may NOT play our first song for halftime, still no final word. Regardless, Homecoming crowning occurs at halftime.
band announcements Sept. 11-15
Monday, Sept. 11- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal (if raining, we will begin inside). Also, 6:30-8:30PM varsity rehearsal. Parents, anyone wanting to help with the new rose bush prop, sound system or podiums, the band room will be open beginning 5:15PM and on to work on these projects. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help.
Wednesday, 6:45AM varsity rehearsal. Also on Wednesday, the Bonner Springs Marching Festival:
10:20AM- drumline excused from block 3 class to begin helping load truck.
11:00- all varsity members should eat 1st lunch.
11:30- all varsity members report to band room, change into show shirt and khaki (or as close to brown color, do your best) shorts, and help load truck.
12:30PM- begin loading bus.
1:00- arrive at Bonner Springs HS, begin loading truck.
2:00- begin music/visual warm-up process.
2:45- begin clinic.
3:15- clinic ends, 15-minute break, then percussion begin loading truck.
3:40- all winds begin music rehearsal in Bonner Springs band room as we wait for our busses to arrive.
4:45ish-load busses and depart for North.
5:15ish-arrive at North, unload truck and dismiss.
PARENTS: please use this sign-up genius to help with the Bonner Springs festival:
Looking forward to a busy and rewarding week in band!
Mr. Reed
modified rehearsal schedule, Oct. 11th-13th
Hello parents and students-
As announced yesterday in rehearsal today and yesterday, we had to modify this week’s rehearsal schedule for a number of reasons. The remaining week:
Wednesday, Oct. 11th–
No early rehearsal. Students not taking the PSAT will meet on the field at 7:40AM with no instruments. FYI- none of us will have access to the band room from 7:30AM-12:30PM.
No school or rehearsals
New rehearsal time from 6:45-9:30AM. Students, we will also cover final logistics for the marching festival, to be held the following day,
Apologies for the change of times.
band announcements Sept. 25- Oct. 2
band announcements Aug.28-Sept. 1
Monday, Aug. 28-
6:45AM varsity band rehearsal in stadium. I know this seems crazy after last week, but you might consider bring warmer clothing tomorrow morning, as the low temperature is 60 degrees!
6:30-8:30PM- varsity rehearsal in stadium. Students, if anyone is available to arrive as early as 5:30PM, to help set up the full sound system.
6:45AM varsity band rehearsal in stadium.
6:45AM varsity band rehearsal in stadium. Also:
5:00PM band room doors open for uniform checkout. FYI- yoyu don’t all need to arrive at 5:00, that’s just when the process begins. We try to give a little bit more time for the first game.
6:15- all varsity (and JV students if you’re attending) students in attendance block on the upper football field behind the stadium, attendance taken at this time. Everyone should be in full uniform and instruments ready to go.
6:45- band will perform at pregame, playing the fight song/school song, as well as the national anthem.
7:00- game begins.
9:30ish- game concludes. All student back to band room to turn in uniforms.
Students, feel free and bring water. You will have 3rd quarter off to visit concessions, etc. The band room will be locked for the duration of the game. Please don’t ask to leave early, etc. as no one will have access to the building until the game concludes.
Parents, regarding Friday’s home football game, we always need lots of volunteers to help with uniforms and water. Please use this signup genius to indicate how you’re willing to help:
Looking forward to our first home game week, and hopefully more normal weather!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Beasley