Information from SMN Bands!
Good evening, students and families of SMN Bands!
First and foremost, congratulations to our performers of the Spring Swing, and a HUMONGOUS “Thank You” to all that came out to support the jazz program! Your program has an inordinate amount of individuals to be proud of! The future looks bright for our students at SMN! So very proud of you!
Looking forward to an exciting week before we enjoy Spring Break! Please find information below that is pertinent to you.
Winter Park Rehearsals Begin Tomorrow
Another reminder that we will begin working tomorrow night on the music for Winter Park! Thank you to those of you that responded to the Google Form asking which day of the week is best! A huge thank you to Mr. Tovar for copying all the music so we can pass it out effectively and get to work in a timely fashion. Thank you sir!
1. Where Eagles Soar – Steve Reineke
2. Rhythm and Riffs – Brian Balmages
3. Prestissimo – Karl King, arr. James Swearingen
· Monday, March 10
o 6:30- 8:00 PM
· Monday, March 17
o Spring Break – No Rehearsal
· Monday, March 24
o 6:30- 8:00 PM
· Monday, March 31
o 6:30- 8:00 PM
· Monday, April 7
o 6:30- 8:00 PM – Final Rehearsal
Please communicate any conflicts as soon as possible! I am in your corner so please reach out if I can help in any way!
Regional Solo and Ensemble @ Olathe South on 4/5
This is a phenomenal opportunity for students to showcase their individual ability in performance! If you are interested in playing a solo or an ensemble, please reach out to me. Registration deadline for this event is 3/10 end of day!!! – Tomorrow
Symphonic Band Festival – 3/25 @ 7 pm
For our top concert ensemble, we only have 4 rehearsals before our performance at SME! The concert begins at 7:00 PM, but I will be reaching out to Mr. Toepfer to gather more detailed information for a successful performance!
After this performance we will host Dr. Lane Weaver at SMN on March 27 from 8:45 am until 10:15 am. I will be sharing this information with all North Staff upon our return from Spring Break, but I wanted you to be aware ahead of time. Thank you so much for your efforts here!
Drumline Auditions – 4/23
In preparation for this event, we will be hosting Drumline Practice 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 with Mr. Casey Miller. Music will be shared soon for your preparation!
Important Summer Band Dates
To be respectful of everybody’s summer planning, here are the dates and times for our marching band camps!
5/16 – Instrument Rental Nigh/Indoor Rehearsal
6/20 – 6/ 28 – Music for All Summer Symposium (Drum Majors)
7/15 – Leadership Day and Brass Impact – Leadership Team
7/17 – Ice Cream Social – All Marching Band Students
7/21 – 7/22 – Fundamentals Camp – All MB Students (8:00 am – 11:30 am)
7/21 – 7/25 – Percussion Camp – MB Drumline and Front Ensemble Students
7/23 – 7/31 – Full Band Camp (No Weekends) – All MB Students
7/31 – Marching Band Preview Night – All MB Students and Parents
Open Gym Night – Monday Evenings – 4 – 7 pm
We have had talks of an optional weekly “Open Gym” where we would get together and rehearse music or marching during the summer, and you band has decided that Monday Evenings from 4 pm to 7 pm are ideal! I am elated to offer extra time for students to come practice music, prepare, and even socialize on these evenings. More information about these evenings will be coming out soon, but thank you for your continued efforts to make your band better!!
Thanks so much for your time and attention!
Galen W. Whisman
Director of Bands
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202
Pancake Dinner Correction!
Dear students and families of SMN Bands,
There is a modification to the previous email.
Admission to the meal portion of "Pancake Dinner" will be as follows:
$6/ individuals aged 5 and under
Free for members of the 6th Grade Honor BandThank you for your time and attention!
Galen W. Whisman
Music Teacher
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202
band announcements May 17-21
March 26th- additional band announcements
Band students, please vote for the band nominees for the 2024 Spring Court. Use this link and please do so by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 27th 3:00PM. Students, please use your SMSD account when voting. Here’s the link:
Everyone, two date changes to the Spring calendar:
Booster meeting Monday, April 1st at 5:45PM (instead of April 2nd)
Spring Concert will be Wednesday, May 8th at 7:00PM in the auditorium (instead of May 7th).
That’s it for now. Thank you!
Mr. Reed
Information from SMN Bands!
Good evening, students and families of SMN Bands!
Wishing you the happiest KMEA Weekend! There sure is a lot going on in your band, so let’s get after it!
Pancake Dinner
After discussing possible dates with the admin team, we have decided to cancel this year’s Pancake Dinner. Though this is a disappointment, we will be able to focus our efforts to showcase our students’ efforts at other upcoming performances.
Winter Park Rehearsals
Participants are Required to Attend – Exceptions to be made on a case-by-case basis
As we look forward to our time in Colorado, we need to also make sure that we have a musically rewarding trip as well! To make sure we do, please fill out the form below to share which night (6 pm – 7:30 pm) would be most convenient to you for these required rehearsals!
Winter Park Rehearsal Night
SMNW Cabaret 3-6
Jazz II has been invited to participate in the Jazz Cabaret hosted at SMNW! This exciting event will be hosted in the NW cafeteria with the bands toward the outside, audience members will turn their chairs to face the performing ensemble.
Students will be asked to transport themselves. We do need to bring our own bass, bass amp, guitar, guitar amp, drum set, and any auxiliary percussion necessary.
Call Time @ SMNW – 6:15 PM
Performances begin: 7:oo PM
Performance Order:
Trailridge Jazz Band
SM North
SM West
SM Northwest
Spring Swing 3-7
This coming Friday both jazz bands and Hocker Grove jazz band will host our annual Spring Swing! We’ll play 2 hours of dance music. This isn’t so much a concert as it is a party. We will also have appetizers and other food items. The event is in the North cafeteria from 6:30-8:30PM. Adults are $15/ea. and students are $8/ea. and everyone should pay at the door. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the jazz program. Again, you will have a great time, we hope to see you there!
Spring Swing Donations
Please consider donating some items to make this a spectacular night! Thanks in advance for your consideration!
Spring Swing Volunteers
This event would be a whole lot more fun with you there! Please consider joining us in one of these supporting roles!
Regional Solo and Ensemble @ Olathe South on 4/5
This is a phenomenal opportunity for students to showcase their individual ability in performance! If you are interested in playing a solo or an ensemble, please reach out to me. Registration deadline for this event is 3/10
Drumline Auditions – 4/23
In preparation for this event, we will be hosting Drumline Practice 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 with Mr. Casey Miller. Music will be shared soon for your preparation!
Hocker Marching Band Auditions
Wind Instrumentalists will have the opportunity to audition for the SMN Marching Stampede on 4/24 & 4/25 after school at Hocker Grove!
Students should be able to:
Play the SMN Fight Song from memory while marching.
March with straight leg style to a steady tempo (I will come visit at least twice in March to help here)
Important Summer Band Dates
To be respectful of everybody’s summer planning, here are the dates and times for our marching band camps!
5/16 – Instrument Rental Nigh/Indoor Rehearsal
6/20 – 6/ 28 – Music for All Summer Symposium (Drum Majors)
7/15 – Leadership Day and Brass Impact – Leadership Team
7/17 – Ice Cream Social – All Marching Band Students
7/21 – 7/22 – Fundamentals Camp – All MB Students (8:00 am – 11:30 am)
7/21 – 7/25 – Percussion Camp – MB Drumline and Front Ensemble Students
7/23 – 7/31 – Full Band Camp (No Weekends) – All MB Students
7/31 – Marching Band Preview Night – All MB Students and Parents
We have had talks of an optional weekly “Open Gym” where we would get together and rehearse music or marching during the summer. Which night of the week would you prefer? Submit your answer here!
As always, please reach out if there is anything I can help with!
Galen W. Whisman
Music Teacher
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202
Information from SMN Bands!
Good afternoon, students and families of SMN Bands!
Wishing you a safe and happy Four-Day Weekend! Please find details for the upcoming events below!
I have heard from a plethora of individuals in response to the amount of Lettering Points and the lateness to which it was shared, and I hear you loud and clear. Therefore, to benefit the most students, the number of points required to letter for the 2024-2025 year is 150! Thank you, to those of you who have shared your concern and support for our band! Let’s keep making better systems!
Winter Park Ski Music Festival Final Payment Deadline – 2/15
Please reach out to me with any questions you may have. Looking forward to this exciting event!
Pancake Dinner – Volunteer Sign-Up
Mrs. Buckbee and Mrs. Trost have been doing a phenomenal job preparing for this event and we greatly appreciate their efforts. Please follow the link below to show your support by getting involved and volunteering! The efforts shared by each and all make such a difference!
Pancake Dinner – 2/20 – Details
5:30 pm – Pancake Dinner
6:00 pm – Jazz 1 – Call Time 5:30 pm
6:20 pm – Jazz 2 – Call Time 5:45 pm
6:45 pm –Transition to the SMN Auditorium
7:00 pm –Begin performances in the following order:
6th Grade Honor Band – Stage Call Time 6:45 pm
7th Hour Concert Band – Call Time 6:30 pm
2nd Hour Concert Band – Call Time 6:30 pm
Symphonic Band – Call Time 6:30 pm
We invite 6th Grade Honor Band Members to eat free of charge. For all others, $8 will allow you access to as many pancakes as you can eat! (Children 3 and younger eat free as well).
We can’t wait to feature the efforts of our hard-working students! Looking forward to this event!
Upcoming Pep Band Dates
2/21 – Hocker Night – Triple Lettering Points! (That’s 15 EASY points)
2/25 – 5:00 PM Call – Senior Night – Double Lettering Points! (10 Points)
SMNW Cabaret 3-6
Jazz II has been invited to participate in the Jazz Cabaret hosted at SMNW. More information will be shared with these students very soon!
Spring Swing 3-7
Let’s celebrate the Dance Band Tradition and break out our dancing shoes as we celebrate the efforts of all the SMN Area Jazz Bands! We will be hosting the Hocker Jazz Band, Jazz I, and Jazz II for this exciting event that just around the corner!
More information to follow!
Be sure and look below for specific information regarding Summer Events!
If there are any other questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Wishing you a wonderful start to your week!
Recycled Information
Midwest Winds – 2/23 Community Event
“Midwest Winds” is a community ensemble made up of mostly music educators. Many of our area’s districts are represented; Shawnee Mission, Olathe, Blue Valley, and Kansas City to name a few. Many educators that you may know, such as Penny Snead, participate and we want to invite you to our next concert, which will be at Olathe West at 3 pm! We’d love to see you there!
Mnozil Brass at the Lied Center – 3/3
Drumline Auditions – 4/23
In preparation for this event, we will be hosting Drumline Practice 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 with Mr. Casey Miller. Music will be shared soon for your preparation!
Hocker Marching Band Auditions
Wind Instrumentalists will have the opportunity to audition for the SMN Marching Stampede on 4/24 & 4/25 after school at Hocker Grove!
Students should be able to:
Play the SMN Fight Song (Memorized not required)
March with straight leg style to a steady tempo (I will come visit at least twice in March to help here)
Important Summer Band Dates
To be respectful of everybody’s summer planning, here are the dates and times for our marching band camps!
5/16 – Instrument Rental Nigh/Indoor Rehearsal
6/20 – 6/ 28 – Music for All Summer Symposium (Drum Majors)
7/15 – Leadership Day and Brass Impact – Leadership Team
7/17 – Ice Cream Social – All Marching Band Students
7/21 – 7/22 – Fundamentals Camp – All MB Students (Change from last email)
7/21 – 7/25 – Percussion Camp – MB Drumline and Front Ensemble Students
7/23 – 7/31 – Full Band Camp (No Weekends) – All MB Students
7/31 – Marching Band Preview Night – All MB Students and Parents
We have had talks of an optional weekly “Open Gym” where we would get together and rehearse music or marching during the summer. Which night of the week would you prefer? Submit your answer here!
Galen W. Whisman
Music Teacher
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202
band announcements April 22-May 6
Pancake Dinner Postponed
Good afternoon!
Due to school closure tomorrow (2/20) we will be postponing the Pancake Dinner. We are very sorry for this modification in schedule, but we wanted to let you know as soon as possible.
We hope to host an alternate performance towards the beginning of March to celebrate our students’ efforts. As these details come to light, we will communicate to the best of our ability.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Thank you so very much for your time and attention!
Galen W. Whisman
Music Teacher
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202
Intro and Show Release
Hi there!
I am so honored to be a part of your band! I cannot wait to meet each and every one of the students, parents, and supporters of the Shawnee Mission North Band Program! We are so fortunate to have on staff this year:
- Michaela Middleton and Ellery Bailey – Dance Coaches
- Casey Miller – Percussion
- Lyle Simpson – Hocker Grove
- Ed Tovar – Associate SMN
As you are able, please join Remind. As I understand this has been used in the past and for continuity I have created a class (hopefully) in the same format as previous years. The link for the Remind “Class” is below!
We have been busy working on the upcoming show, and I believe we have found just the one! The show is entitled “The Rise of the Phoenix” and features “Legacy” by Michael Markowski, “Ashes” by Celine Dion, and “The Firebird Finale” by Igor Stravinsky. The sheet music and an mp3 are linked below! I’m excited to hear what you all think!
Our work continues in creating exciting theatrical elements to the musical performance! I cannot tell you how excited I am to meet the students, parents, and community in the very near future. With that being said, should you have the ability to do so please follow the link below and begin practicing! (Please reach out if you have any technical difficulty, I am happy to help)
2024 SMN Marching Show “The Rise of the Phoenix”
Please feel free to reach out to me at should you have any questions, concerns, or comments! Thank you so much for your time and effort in making our band better!
Band announcements April 4-13
April 4- Shawnee Mission Concert Band Festival at SM Northwest. 6:30 report time in the Northwest cafeteria. Wear all black dress clothes. Concert begins at 7:00PM and is free to the public. We perform second, but kids are expected to stay for the duration, it should be over around 8:30PM.
April 8- Symphonic and Concert band Contest Concert, to be held in the North auditorium. 6:30PM report time in the band room. The concert begins at 7:00PM. Concert band should wear all-black dress clothes, symphonic band should wear their symphonic band uniform. This should be a short evening, as those are the only two groups performing. We are also kicking off a huge fundraiser, but everything should wrap up before 7:45 PM.
April 13, Solo/Ensemble festival at Olathe South high school. Specific times and rooms can be found on the attached document. The large percussion ensemble is still not on there, I’m working on that.
Finally, could everyone please review the schoolfundr document? This is a way for our band to make our $20,000 goal. All students should begin loading family/friends emails using the provided QR code. Parents, most of your kids have already created an account so you need to ask your child what their password is, if you are planning to help them get 20 emails. Kids, please make sure your parents can help you get 20 emails of family, friends, etc. I know many of you have questions regarding the nuts and bolt of this fundraiser, and we will go over all of that at the concert next Monday night. The vital thing right now is for everyone to create an account, and get 20 emails into their account, so we can start our fundraiser on April 9th.
This can be such an easy fundraiser to help the band make as much as we make hosting the SM North Marching Invitational! This is that big of a deal! The North track team very recently made over $10,000 doing this fund raiser!
Go North band!
Mr. Reed