Monday, Sept. 25- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.  Due to a JV football game, we are bumping Monday night’s rehearsal to 7:00-9:00PM (instead of the regular 6:30-8:30pm).  I hope this will not cause a scheduling conflict with anyone.  Any parents that want to continue working on props, etc. during this rehearsal, please come on out!
Wednesday- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
Friday- 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
Monday, Oct. 2nd– 6:45AM early rehearsal for varsity students.
ALSO on this day is the SM Marching Festival:
This will be held at SM South stadium.  Parents, performance times begin at 7:00PM and the order of bands is West, North, East, Northwest, South.  This is a free event to the public.  All seating is on the west side of the stadium (closest to Lamar, further away from the school).  I’m still figuring out where North’s assigned parent seating is, stay tuned!
Here’s the itinerary:
3:00PM- load percussion/equipment trucks after school.  All percussion and anyone else that wants to earn lettering points, please help after school.  Once loaded, everyone breaks for dinner.
4:45- band room opens, begin uniform checkout
5:30- busses depart for SM South
6:00- unload truck, begin warmup process
7:00- performances begin.
8:15ish- performances conclude.  Load trucks and busses and depart for SM North
9:15ish- arrive at North, unload trucks, turn in uniforms
Other events in October:
Although the full itinerary is not completed for the Oct. 7th Olathe Marching Invitational, we have a 1:00PM performance time, and due to North’s Homecoming, we will only play the first round.  Students will decide and sign up to take a bus back to North after our performance, or stay for the duration of the day/evening.  Finals awards will conclude at 10:00PM, so we would depart back to North at that time.  More details about the Homecoming game and Olathe marching festival to follow next weekend.
Parents, if you haven’t done so already, please use this link to sign up for a volunteer shift for our SM North Marching Invitational, to be held on Saturday, Oct. 14th!  This is of all days of the year, an “all hands on deck” day for parents!  Everyone helping for just a couple hours will make a huge difference.  Thanks in advance for your help!  Here’s the link:
The show is really shaping up, thank you everyone for your hard work and efforts!
Mr. Reed