Monday, Sept. 11- 6:45AM varsity rehearsal (if raining, we will begin inside). Also, 6:30-8:30PM varsity rehearsal. Parents, anyone wanting to help with the new rose bush prop, sound system or podiums, the band room will be open beginning 5:15PM and on to work on these projects. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help.
Wednesday, 6:45AM varsity rehearsal. Also on Wednesday, the Bonner Springs Marching Festival:
10:20AM- drumline excused from block 3 class to begin helping load truck.
11:00- all varsity members should eat 1st lunch.
11:30- all varsity members report to band room, change into show shirt and khaki (or as close to brown color, do your best) shorts, and help load truck.
12:30PM- begin loading bus.
1:00- arrive at Bonner Springs HS, begin loading truck.
2:00- begin music/visual warm-up process.
2:45- begin clinic.
3:15- clinic ends, 15-minute break, then percussion begin loading truck.
3:40- all winds begin music rehearsal in Bonner Springs band room as we wait for our busses to arrive.
4:45ish-load busses and depart for North.
5:15ish-arrive at North, unload truck and dismiss.
PARENTS: please use this sign-up genius to help with the Bonner Springs festival:
Looking forward to a busy and rewarding week in band!
Mr. Reed