Good evening, students and families of SMN Bands!
First and foremost, congratulations to our performers of the Spring Swing, and a HUMONGOUS “Thank You” to all that came out to support the jazz program! Your program has an inordinate amount of individuals to be proud of! The future looks bright for our students at SMN! So very proud of you!
Looking forward to an exciting week before we enjoy Spring Break! Please find information below that is pertinent to you.
Winter Park Rehearsals Begin Tomorrow
Another reminder that we will begin working tomorrow night on the music for Winter Park! Thank you to those of you that responded to the Google Form asking which day of the week is best! A huge thank you to Mr. Tovar for copying all the music so we can pass it out effectively and get to work in a timely fashion. Thank you sir!
1. Where Eagles Soar – Steve Reineke
2. Rhythm and Riffs – Brian Balmages
3. Prestissimo – Karl King, arr. James Swearingen
· Monday, March 10
o 6:30- 8:00 PM
· Monday, March 17
o Spring Break – No Rehearsal
· Monday, March 24
o 6:30- 8:00 PM
· Monday, March 31
o 6:30- 8:00 PM
· Monday, April 7
o 6:30- 8:00 PM – Final Rehearsal
Please communicate any conflicts as soon as possible! I am in your corner so please reach out if I can help in any way!
Regional Solo and Ensemble @ Olathe South on 4/5
This is a phenomenal opportunity for students to showcase their individual ability in performance! If you are interested in playing a solo or an ensemble, please reach out to me. Registration deadline for this event is 3/10 end of day!!! – Tomorrow
Symphonic Band Festival – 3/25 @ 7 pm
For our top concert ensemble, we only have 4 rehearsals before our performance at SME! The concert begins at 7:00 PM, but I will be reaching out to Mr. Toepfer to gather more detailed information for a successful performance!
After this performance we will host Dr. Lane Weaver at SMN on March 27 from 8:45 am until 10:15 am. I will be sharing this information with all North Staff upon our return from Spring Break, but I wanted you to be aware ahead of time. Thank you so much for your efforts here!
Drumline Auditions – 4/23
In preparation for this event, we will be hosting Drumline Practice 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 with Mr. Casey Miller. Music will be shared soon for your preparation!
Important Summer Band Dates
To be respectful of everybody’s summer planning, here are the dates and times for our marching band camps!
5/16 – Instrument Rental Nigh/Indoor Rehearsal
6/20 – 6/ 28 – Music for All Summer Symposium (Drum Majors)
7/15 – Leadership Day and Brass Impact – Leadership Team
7/17 – Ice Cream Social – All Marching Band Students
7/21 – 7/22 – Fundamentals Camp – All MB Students (8:00 am – 11:30 am)
7/21 – 7/25 – Percussion Camp – MB Drumline and Front Ensemble Students
7/23 – 7/31 – Full Band Camp (No Weekends) – All MB Students
7/31 – Marching Band Preview Night – All MB Students and Parents
Open Gym Night – Monday Evenings – 4 – 7 pm
We have had talks of an optional weekly “Open Gym” where we would get together and rehearse music or marching during the summer, and you band has decided that Monday Evenings from 4 pm to 7 pm are ideal! I am elated to offer extra time for students to come practice music, prepare, and even socialize on these evenings. More information about these evenings will be coming out soon, but thank you for your continued efforts to make your band better!!
Thanks so much for your time and attention!
Galen W. Whisman
Director of Bands
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202