Good evening, students and families of SMN Bands!

Wishing you the happiest KMEA Weekend! There sure is a lot going on in your band, so let’s get after it!

Pancake Dinner
After discussing possible dates with the admin team, we have decided to cancel this year’s Pancake Dinner. Though this is a disappointment, we will be able to focus our efforts to showcase our students’ efforts at other upcoming performances.

Winter Park Rehearsals
Participants are Required to Attend – Exceptions to be made on a case-by-case basis
As we look forward to our time in Colorado, we need to also make sure that we have a musically rewarding trip as well! To make sure we do, please fill out the form below to share which night (6 pm – 7:30 pm) would be most convenient to you for these required rehearsals!
Winter Park Rehearsal Night

SMNW Cabaret 3-6
Jazz II has been invited to participate in the Jazz Cabaret hosted at SMNW! This exciting event will be hosted in the NW cafeteria with the bands toward the outside, audience members will turn their chairs to face the performing ensemble.
Students will be asked to transport themselves. We do need to bring our own bass, bass amp, guitar, guitar amp, drum set, and any auxiliary percussion necessary.

Call Time @ SMNW – 6:15 PM
Performances begin: 7:oo PM
Performance Order:
Trailridge Jazz Band
SM North
SM West
SM Northwest

Spring Swing 3-7
This coming Friday both jazz bands and Hocker Grove jazz band will host our annual Spring Swing! We’ll play 2 hours of dance music. This isn’t so much a concert as it is a party. We will also have appetizers and other food items. The event is in the North cafeteria from 6:30-8:30PM. Adults are $15/ea. and students are $8/ea. and everyone should pay at the door. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the jazz program. Again, you will have a great time, we hope to see you there!

Spring Swing Donations
Please consider donating some items to make this a spectacular night! Thanks in advance for your consideration!

Spring Swing Volunteers
This event would be a whole lot more fun with you there! Please consider joining us in one of these supporting roles!

Regional Solo and Ensemble @ Olathe South on 4/5
This is a phenomenal opportunity for students to showcase their individual ability in performance! If you are interested in playing a solo or an ensemble, please reach out to me. Registration deadline for this event is 3/10

Drumline Auditions – 4/23
In preparation for this event, we will be hosting Drumline Practice 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 with Mr. Casey Miller. Music will be shared soon for your preparation!

Hocker Marching Band Auditions
Wind Instrumentalists will have the opportunity to audition for the SMN Marching Stampede on 4/24 & 4/25 after school at Hocker Grove!
Students should be able to:
Play the SMN Fight Song from memory while marching.
March with straight leg style to a steady tempo (I will come visit at least twice in March to help here)

Important Summer Band Dates
To be respectful of everybody’s summer planning, here are the dates and times for our marching band camps!

5/16 – Instrument Rental Nigh/Indoor Rehearsal
6/20 – 6/ 28 – Music for All Summer Symposium (Drum Majors)
7/15 – Leadership Day and Brass Impact – Leadership Team
7/17 – Ice Cream Social – All Marching Band Students
7/21 – 7/22 – Fundamentals Camp – All MB Students (8:00 am – 11:30 am)
7/21 – 7/25 – Percussion Camp – MB Drumline and Front Ensemble Students
7/23 – 7/31 – Full Band Camp (No Weekends) – All MB Students
7/31 – Marching Band Preview Night – All MB Students and Parents

We have had talks of an optional weekly “Open Gym” where we would get together and rehearse music or marching during the summer. Which night of the week would you prefer? Submit your answer here!

As always, please reach out if there is anything I can help with!


Galen W. Whisman
Music Teacher
Shawnee Mission North High School
7401 Johnson Drive
Overland Park, KS 66202