2024 Symphonic band members, please sign up by the band office for a time slot for your uniform fittings.  If possible, we would like to get everyone fitted Mon/Tues (Dec. 11/12) from 2:45-5:00PM, all fittings in the band room.
Parents, we’re looking for volunteers who could help a little bit, planning for upcoming band events. This is a low to moderate time commitment, but help is needed.  If you are able to help, please contact Michele Keller at mltillman1@yahoo.com Thanks in advance for your help…here are the events:
March 1st– Spring Swing
May 5th– Pizza Jazz
May 9th– band banquet
Fall fundraising product pickup will be this Wednesday, Dec. 13th, starting after school, until 4:30PM.  Much of this is cookie dough, so it needs to be picked up Wednesday afternoon.
Upcoming events:
Tuesday, Dec. 12th– b-ball pep-band.  Report time of 5:30PM (not 5:45 as previously announced) in the band room.
Monday, Dec. 18th– b-ball pep-band.  Report time of 4:45PM.  This is a single game, not a double header.
Wrapping up the fall semester, what an incredible journey over the past 6 months!
Mr. Reed