EVERYONE, we have a booster meeting this Wednesday (April 5th) in the band room from 5:45-6:45PM.  This was originally scheduled for Tuesday but needed to be changed due to scheduling conflicts.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Parents, this is a great way to get more connected with our band program!


SENIORS: As a reminder, please use this link to submit pictures for the band banquet video.  Pictures are due by Friday, April 21st.  Please use this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_VeQPkYCJciaexE04gsJ7YZio2vKsjDwIsFhutOb_2im7Og/viewform?usp=sf_link



PARENTS, please sign up below if you can help at the High school level solo/ensemble festival.  You can sign up for one shift on Saturday, April 15th.   If you sign up, please email me that you have done so, as I don’t receive notifications when anyone volunteers.  They are asking for at least 3 to 4 parents from our school to volunteer.  If you help, you will definitely be able to watch your child perform.  Shifts generally run 3 ½ hours or so.  Please use this link to volunteer:






STUDENTS, please sign up below if you can help at the SMSD Middle school level solo/ensemble festival.  You can sign up for one shift on Saturday, April 22nd.  Lettering points awarded.  If you sign up, please email me that you have done so, as I don’t receive notifications when anyone volunteers:



That’s it for now.  More information to follow regarding upcoming performances for contest season.


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham