Hello students, happy summer to you all!

Everyone is invited to the FREE Ice cream social on July 23rd. Your child will receive their 2022 band shirt (different designs every year) if they have a fully paid band account.


Although the July 26th/27th new marchers camp is optional for JV band members, please consider going to these fun two mornings!  It’s always great to reconnect with everyone.  New varsity marchers and section leaders are expected to participate these two mornings.


All varsity drumline members are expected to participate during drumline camp, and ALL varsity marchers are expected to participate during the July 28-Aug. 4th camp (no weekends).  I cannot stress how important these rehearsals are, as we learn a significant portion of our competitive show during summer camp.  Communication is the key- if there is a scheduling conflict with any of those dates, please let me know ASAP.  We can have students share a spot if we know they’re going to be gone for a portion of camp.  We can make other arrangements as well, but communication is the key.



We frequently use ReMind texts for last minute changes or reminders.  If you have not done so already, please sign up for the appropriate ReMind class, so you will be in the loop!  Students AND parents can sign up.  Make sure to use the “@” sign.

Also, this is a one way communication device.  If you need to contact me regarding a ReMind text, please email me at noreed@smsd.org or text me on my phone if I’ve given you that number. To attain the Remind codes, please reference an email I sent on June 2nd.  If you didn’t receive an email, then email me at noreed@smsd.org

Hoping you’re all having a great start to your summer!


Mr. Reed

Ms. Fillingham