Friday, May 6th– Pizza Jazz 6-10PM in the cafeteria.  Free admission.  $1.50/slice or $6.00 all you can eat.  North jazz bands are playing plus several from Shawnee Mission and Olathe.
Saturday, May 7th– Drum line auditions in the band room.  9AM-noon.
Tuesday, May 10th– Spring Concert in the auditorium.  Concert begins at 7PM.  7th/8th Hocker bands, Freshman/Concert/Symphonic bands will play.  All band members, please report to band room by 6:40PM, dressed up, ready to go.  “Sunday best” casual-formal.  Please no jeans, T shirts, etc.
Thursday, May 12th– Band Banquet in cafeteria.  6-8:30PM.   See link below to reserve your dinner.  Again, reservation due TOMORROW, May 3rd!
Sunday, May 15th- Mattress fund raiser.  See attached flyer.  Remember that students get 100% of the profit!
Wednesday, May 18th– Graduation band (more info to follow, all band members (except freshman percussion) perform.
Friday, May 20th– Indoor rehearsal/summer rental night (more info to follow, all fall/2022 band members should attend).
May 23rd/24th– Varsity Marching Camp.  CHANGE OF TIME:  Since there’s no school that week, we’re adjusting these rehearsals from 9AM-noon (as opposed to 4:30-7:30PM).
Banquet reservation link, due TUESDAY, May 3rd!
senior memory form (current seniors only) due WEDNESDAY, May 4th!  (see attachment to this email)
senior picture submissions for video, due FRIDAY, May 6th: