Dec. 6th– 1st basketball pep-band game!  Report time of 4:45PM in the band room (but the room will be open by 4:30).  Everyone will receive their pep-band shirt at that time.  Band room will be locked by 5:00PM and not open until after the game.  We should wrap everything up around 7:00PM.


Dec. 7th– yearbook pictures for block 3 and 4 jazz bands.  Block 3 should report to the band room by 8:00AM to get their instruments and block 4 by 8:10AM.  Pictures are being taken in the aux. gym at 8:15 and 8:25.  Jazz kids, please set reminders, as there will not be an y announcements made.  Wear whatever attire you wish, this will be informal.



Begins at 7:00PM in the auditorium.  Report time for all band students is 6:40PM in the band room.  Roll will be taken and we will begin warming up.  Program order is: percussion ensemble, orchestra group 1, orchestra group 2, block 7 band, block 1 band.  The concert should be about 60 minutes.  This is a graded and required performance.  Please wear “Sunday best”.  Please no jeans, T-shirts, shorts, etc.  Slacks, collared shirts, sweaters, dresses, skirts are appropriate.  Color of clothing is up to you.


Dec. 15th– fundraising items are delivered.  See pasted message from fundraising chair, Maureen Kronawitter:


Thank you to everyone who participated in the band fundraiser. We have a confirmed delivery date of Wednesday, December 15, from 3:30pm-5:30pm, in the North Auditorium lobby. Please make arrangements to pick up your orders during this time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at

Also, please be advised that online sales are still open through the end of the year (Ship to Home option only), so if you missed the deadline, or want to raise some more funds, you can visit the website,; School code – SHAW35


Dec. 17- Double header basketball pep-band game.  Report time of 5:30PM in the band room.  Band room will be locked by 5:50PM until the game ends.  Should wrap up with both games between 8:30-9:00PM.