Hello everyone-
Students, please fill out the Google form if you plan on participating during the October 23rd football game. We’re limited to 50 kids, but could probably get a few more in. We are definitely limited to 2 audience tickets per student, but participating senior band members get 4 tickets. We will perform the usual pregame at 6:45pm. Half time will consist of two songs, followed by senior recognition. Seniors, please fill out the senior recognition form, which will indicate who your escort is. Parents/escorts, you will watch the show from the track, as the seniors perform their last show during the football game. At the conclusion of the show, we will give you a flower, provided by the band boosters, we’ll line you up on the track, and when your child’s name is called, you will go out to stand by them.
Oct 23rd football game signup link:
senior recognition information link:
Our final marching performance of the year will be Wednesday, October 28th. We had originally announced Tuesday the 27th, but there will more than likely be a postseason soccer game on Tuesday and we wouldn’t have access to the stadium.
We are not limited by the number of participating students for this event, but all participating students get 2 audience tickets, and seniors get 4 tickets. To clarify, senior recognition is at the football game on the 23rd, but we give a shout out on the 28th to any seniors who couldn’t go to the football game.
Hopefully, between the two performances, everyone will be able to attend a show, even though we are mandated to cap the audience size.
Oct. 28th final marching performance signup link:
Non-marching band information:
We have 17 students who have signed up to audition for KMEA virtual district honor band. We are offering two dates for auditioning students to use the band room facilities to make a high quality recording for your virtual audition. Thursday, Oct. 22 and Monday, Oct. 26, both from 3-6PM. Use the link below to sign up for a 10 minute time slot. Everyone should enter through the outside door of the choir room, and we will lead you the rest of the way. This is an optional activity. Student auditioning for KMEA can make their own recording, but you might get a higher quality recording if you sign up for a time slot. Parents, students already have information regarding deadlines, but their final recording is due Wednesday, Nov 4th. Please use this G spreadsheet to sign up for a time if you wish.
KMEA recording signup link:
Oboe players, check out the KU virtual about a flyer attached to this email, it looks pretty cool!
Everyone please check out the flyer regarding Tyler House KC. This is a new, nonprofit organization, geared towards serving Shawnee mission north area high school students. Kids, please consider participating.
That’s it for now. We will send additional information regarding procedures for hybrid learning in the next week or so. Looking forward to seeing many of you soon!
Mr. Reed
Ms. Fillingham