Drum Major Audition
Any students interested in auditioning to be a SM North Marching Indians drum major should sign up by the band office. Additional information, help, and applications are now available.
Pep-Band Information 2018-19
Tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 8th) is the final day to sign up to get your free 2018-19 SM North pep-band shirt! Of course, you need to sign up by the band office. Pasted below are the pep-band dates and times. 20 lettering points are awarded for perfect attendance to all games.
12/7 Boys-6:15PM BV North
12/20 DH-5:30 Olathe South
1/8 DH-5:30 SM Northwest
1/14 Girls- 6:15 Washburn Rural
1/29 DH-5:30 Olathe West
2/1 DH- 5:30 SM West Hall of Fame
2/12 DH-5:30 SM South
2/19 DH-5:30 BV Northwest
2/22 DH- 5:30 Olathe East Senior Night
Symphonic Band Auditions Next Week
Symphonic band auditions begin next week, Nov. 12th-15th after school. Please sign up for an audition time if you would like to be a part of the spring semester SM North symphonic band. As per SMSD guidelines, all students must audition to stay enrolled for this class.